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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by eeyore

  1. Thank you also for my happy birthday wish!

  2. Hi eeyore, thank you so much for the birthday wishes that was so sweet of you!

    hugs from maine


  3. eeyore

    Locks Of Love

    Got a haircut yesterday. About ten inches were donated to Locks of Love. That's about the third time I've done it. The first time I donated somewhere around 17 inches and still had around 8-10 inches left. The other time I donated around...10 inches. It's really fun and it's better than just a plain haircut because you help out others who have lost hair from...
  4. Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!!!

  5. Thanks eeyore for wishin me a happy B-Day

  6. thank you so much!

  7. Thank you! I appreciate your awareness in this area!
  8. Thank you for the birthday wishes! That was very sweet!

  9. I think I got glutened yesterday. Beats me as to how. Breakfast was completely fine -aside from the crumbs in the toaster, which might have done it though it never has before. (I'm the only one gluten free in our house, and since we don't have a whole lot of extra money with ten kids, we only have one toaster.) Lunch was at home and was completely fine unless...
  10. eeyore

    Peanut Butter

    I recently found out that most peanut butter has soy in it. Great. So I'll have to finish those cookies I made with it before I go COMPLETELY off...not that I really mind, though. Well, for a success story, my mother and I found soy-free peanut butter AND corn chips at Kroger's...ah well...
  11. eeyore

    Stay On Track

    Monday we had spaghetti, like we always do. I concluded that Italy invented gluten. I'm really glad for accountability at this point in my story, because if I didn't I this would probably be where the rest of my stories are: half-finished and really useless. Instead, I have someone bugging me to get this done. Precisely what I need to get through my dry...
  12. eeyore

    Soy Free

    Well, after gathering some info from the experts in the forums, I concluded a while ago that I was soy intolerant. Two days ago I completely got off it. The reason I didn't do it sooner is that I had a whole bunch of teas from Christmas that had soy in them...so I finished that and then completely went off soy. That and now I make my own chocolate chips and...
  13. eeyore


    It's been a little while. I've been brainstorming, doing schoolwork, playing LOTR on my flute, and being generally unusual. Recently my younger sister had to be taken to the hospital. Recently meaning ten minutes ago. We think she has a concussion. She's four. Isn't it scary how life is so fragile and it can end in a moment? I've realized it several times...
  14. eeyore

    New Year

    I don't see what's happy this new year, and I don't know who coined the phrase "Happy New Year", but the year ahead is looking pretty bleak, what with the economic downturn and Obama's inauguration. So I say, "What's happy about the new year?" But don't listen to me. I'm a cynic if there ever was one. Dad's said he needs to replace me with a human, I guess...
  15. So far only one got sick (my older brother; but not anymore) enough to skip meals. Bits of colds are flying around but nothing TOO bad. Wow, I can finally read the time any time I want because I have a watch that actually WORKS. (How long has it been since that's happened?) And the backpack and story binder are perfect! Great Christmas! Anyway... Christmas...
  16. eeyore


    Merry CHRISTmas (and none of that 'happy holidays' junk) and a JOYFUL New Year! Celebrate Jesus, celebrate! He is truly the reason for the season! This isn't long, but I just wanted to swing by and wish you the Joy of the Lord all year round!
  17. eeyore

    Christmas Eve

    Until now. That's how long it took. To water the chickens I had to use some water from the greenhouse. Dishes were done by directing madly spurting water into containers and heating them. I have a few burns on my hands from the water and the pots. The water came on about ten minutes ago, and we finally got the ability to flush the toilets and get a drink...
  18. Proof of the varying, useful lessons of being homeschooled: Learn how to increase water pressure (that outcome is hopeful) First turn off the well pump. Partly open water filter containers and find out that turning off the water didn't work it's apparent purpose (i.e. turning off the water). Screw containers back into position and call Dad to find...
  19. The chickens decided to make me happy and turn in the full quota of eggs today. I needed that and the chocolate ice cream I described before to get through geometry. I hate that particular subject. People say that if you like logic and reason you'll like geometry. I love logic and reason. Something tells me that the people who took that survey weren't on...
  20. We had a fire station field trip today with four and a half other families from church. It took 45 minutes, then they all went to our house (which was a minute of driving away) for a bag lunch. We had a 'fire drill' and most of the people ran outside. I hadn't heard and went into the house only to find it "burning". One of my little sisters, who was outside...
  21. Is he a Christian author?
  22. I know a bunch of the people here can't have a lot of things. Providing that you can have corn (and even if you can't), there's a flexible throw-together I've come up with, since my meals often gets forgotten by the rest of my family. Corn chips Canned chicken Vegetable/s I like using bell pepper, caramelized onion when available, and/or cabbage...
  23. I'm here again...and I'm bound to go off on random thoughts if I don't get an idea now. Ah yes, why not. The fine points of writing. Why not? Because I wouldn't have any tips. Then why not some of the things I've been writing? That sounds much better because you have something for it. Sorry...I was having a conversation with myself. ...
  24. I have woken up with a headache -not a really bad one, but one that stays with you as a dull ache throughout the day. Add to that the fact that I stayed up late three nights in a row so I'm tired as well with a fatigue that sometimes defeats my will. We decorated our four-foot, fake tree last night. Dad is allergic to tree pollen -as am I. Allergies run...
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