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UnhappyCoeliac's Achievements
I think I will ask for that. I have tried cortisone and that had no effect though.
thanks for the reply I am in the official denial stage at the moment and desperate for a miracle lol. Ive accepted I have moderate hearing loss in my left ear but if this could stand still and the dizziness disappear I could live with it, minor annoyance. If I am gonna be deaf in one ear by 40 and HAVE to follow a diet of vegetables and dirt I cant take it!
*among...brainfog! No not really I just spelt it wrong.
Food Allergies
Excellent link showing allergies and their relation to Meniere's. Many people diagnosed with Meniere's have been diagnosed with allergies to wheat, gluten, soy, and/or milk. Several people have simply reduced or eliminated these products from their diet and their vertigo and dizziness disappeared. For more information, research Celiac Disease. Experiment.
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Yes this is the hope I cling too. Meniere's is progress I will end up death. At this rate if I could stop it now and it was coeliac related I could perhaps retain near normal levels. Significant difference. Two days gluten free and the ear is as loud and pulsating as ever though had a bunch of Salty chips today, from an uneducated view they seem to have turned up the volume on the tinnitus which means menieres which means deafness, disability and quality of life gone.
IS there any kind of research on this? I know the prevalence of depression and anxiety is much higher in Coeliacs but have never heard much about suicide pertaining to the disease, although I am certain it must go on, alot probably dont even know they have Coeliac.
I ignored it for 3 or so years in my 20's I have no developed menieres disease.
My doctor diagnosed someone 87 who had apparently lived there whole life with Coliac.
In short it's flipping random you could be 'lucky' or 'unlucky' one things for sure though you will get sick more, you will get more tired you may get depressed.
I am shy and try to keep coeliac to myself, have friends who are doctors and lawyers and they still dont get it so good luck explaining anti bodies to the average joe and the maybe maybe nature of the disease. YOU MIGHT get cancer at 40 or you might be diagnosed Coeliac at 87 lol like someone local to me.
Seen a few posts about it all fairly inconclusive. I have been diagnosed with Meniere's disease hearing loss, tinnitus and vertigo attacks. For the last year I have been ignoring the fact I am Coeliac and not been following my diet. I am now two days into getting back on track.
Is it possible or probable that the anti bodies from Coeliac could be causing my hearing loss in my left ear. At one stage I went on a detox of liquids for two weeks and my hearing improved albeit slightly. I am unsure if it was because my diet was low in salt (which is related to Meniere's disease) or it was the fact I was also gluten free.
My hearing tests show a moderate loss in one ear and the graph follows a 'typical meniere's' diagnosis:
Only a slight variance on this.
As you can imagine though I am still clinging to the small chance that my tinnitus, vertigo and hearing loss is gluten related and when I cut that out the symptoms will disappear and maybe even the tinnitus and hearing may return.
Also since I am 22 spending the next 60 years of my life alcohol free, caffeine free and salt free is fairly daunting. So far I have come up with Vegetables & Nuts which I can actually eat without aggravating these two diseases. I cant do this. I am also unwilling think I wouldn't honestly prefer to be dead then spend the rest of my time eating vegetables and steak, it makes me gag the veggies and the steak you'll get sick of 7 days a week!
ATM I am going gluten free and just HOPING. I eliminated all antibodies in 3 months through strict dieting when I was 19, blood tests proved it, so ATM I am going gluten-free for about 3 months and if the hearing hasn't improved then I have to look at going salt free, although I will simply reduce salt I am not going to stop things all together because what is the point of even living if you cant enjoy the 'moments in life' (any moments no caffeine, alcohol, cake, takeaway absolutely f all, dirt and vegetates for a life time worse than jail) because of disease.
Anyway I saw a bunch of posts on here most from years ago and people who haven't responded to personal contact. In short has anyone had the syptoms did the hearing get better was it related are they two separate things SHARE.
Since I got a virus last year I have had bouts of dizziness tinnitus and mild to average hearing loss in one ear since.
I did some tests and one definitely and one borderline result for balance being affected on my left side (also left ear only with problem).
So is there any chance this is Coelaic related, I am pretty sure there is no chance, but thought I would just throw it out there, haven't been following my diet at all, probably why I got sick, probably why I now most likely have permanent damage to my ear at 25.
At the end of the tests the lady says it's either the organ of your left ear itself, or the nerve inside the hearing tests and all the other stuff ruled out anything else. Coeliac does it? affect the inside of one of your ears surely does it?
Na not like that my friend, my mum just simply doesn't understand the condition, not really her job to understand it either, oh well 4 hrs to bed I think Il just wait it out hungry and get gluten-free fish and chips tommorow!
Whole chicken in the fridge told my mum at least 50 times its not gluten free but she keeps buying it.... Ive had a bottle of vanilla coke all day! But have a wedding this weekend to so cant get sick.. If I dig under the skin and between the seasoning and pull out white meat what do people thing the odds are it will have gluten?
(nothing else in the fridge lol... tight with money)
thanks for the reply richard, everything I ate yesterday was gluten free and stuff I had for months without problems, except for the chocolate from now on only dairy milk original is the only chocolate or cadbury thing il touch
Heard some bimbo on the radio saying...Assumptions about a guy you can make if he takes you to a 'gluten free' and 'vegetarian restaurant'
Was kinda mad, felt like ringing up and explaining the difference between eating for a life style choice and eating a certain way because you are forced to by a disease.
Also heard the skinny model bimbo types yawning on eating gluten free. Some people eat gluten free food... for like a FAD or a fashion and it kinda takes away from the seriousness of it all, these bimbo morons looking for a new crash diet to go on.
Anyone else see people not making the distinction?
ps: Dont know where to put this thread
Was cooked in the same place he normally cooks pizzas with a non gluten free base
Handled with tongs that have probably picked up other non gluten free pizza... Likely I got glutened?
I cant tell yet from how I feel.
rant: small business... no wonder there small advertising gluten free pizza then saying they 'dunno' if the ham is gluten free then having no concept what so ever of cross contamination
Had this today and im pretty sure it had gluten: Open Original Shared Link
BECAUSE nothing else entering my mouth could of....
and that's trustworthy in a real anger/down move that Id been doing so well but got gluten. If I end u sick from this and miss a wedding and my favorite band for 3x I swear to god I will sue them!
Right there with ya - vertigo is just the pits. I got glutened a couple days ago, and the vertigo hit, but it's been improving. Then today I just barely tripped on some gravel but the vertigo hit at the same time and I went down like a ton of bricks and really did a number on my ankle. It's shocking how much the vertigo can affect you when it hits, yes?
SThe longer I've been gluten free, the less gluten will set the vertigo off for me, too. I can't have stuff that's <20 ppm of gluten, or <10ppm of gluten - it makes me sick. I have to find stuff that's <5ppm or less, usually less.
So I'm in that same boat, where a lot of food that is labeled gluten free won't work for me. I've now gotten in the habit of calling every company to find out how much gluten the product has (that's how I figured out just how much gluten I can tolerate). It has helped to cut down on gluten reactions, for both me and my daughter. IF they don't test for amounts, I ask about facilities, lines, and even what soap they use to clean their lines with, to see if it seems safe to eat.
It is completely disabling can barely even read. Havent had Vertigo again since the last time my doctor says my ears are inflamed and it could be a low grade ear infection, but that doesn't really correlate with the fact vertigo seems worse when gluten is in my system. One doctor looked at my ears and said they are fine, another says they are inflamed and I need anti biotics how do they get payed so much!
The 4th occurrence was set off by gluten, Im pretty sure I ingested a small bit of it in chicken that wasnt labeled gluten free BUT had no gluten ingredients, turns out it has gluten, been gluten-free properly for 3-4 days now... BUT every time I think im over vertigo it comes back so at this stage not even hopeful. 3 concerts and a wedding coming up this weekend omg please lord no vertigo while im in a public place or i'll strangle my doctor!
I ate toast and gluten-free peanut butter, cooked in my own toaster
bacon and eggs cooked in a clean pan
and packet roast turkey which is gluten free yesterday
AND somehow I feel like I have been gluttened judging by bowl movements. UNBELIEVABLE I think it could only be the butter turkey bacon, all CLEARLY marked as gluten free.
And worst of all I had a 10 minute nap... and bam when I came out of sleep the world was spinning again, just when Ive got a busy week ahead, just when im losing weight, and exercising vertigo strikes me down, and today I am to 'scared' to move out the door in case I start spinning no nothing. Absolutely devastated. I think its the gluten again. Never even experienced to vertigo once to this july I hate how this piece of poop symptom is working its wasy into my life on a weekly basis.
Hasnt come back since I havent eaten gluten, but I still feel like it is lurking waiting for tinniest stuff up to give me violent headspins
Look do most undiagnosed suffer from it, Do some, or a select few?
Fine drink around 3 litres of coke daily and never suffered anything
^^ I know there is a relation to Celiac & MS but comparing them is a little to doomsday and doesnt serve much of a purpose IMO, my doctor and my good friend said genetically they're are still a fair way apart.
No... I'd say anyone saying yes is lieing
Ya being forced to eat a little healthier at some points doesnt out weight the con of all the time effort to research this and all the little pleasured u miss out on.
-Alot of water helps me with constipation.. I mean stand there and drink 3 big glasses
and about 4 litres a day.
Also had some problems on an elimination diet, it confused me I ignored it, It went
Its subsided a little today after 30 or so hours. Last time I recovered though and felt good for 4 days or so and it returned, completly eliminated gluten at this point.
Although a bag of chips is hardly ideal but all thats available to me, thanks for the responses
My ears were checked and nothing and havent had vision loss or weakness with the vertigo either so maybe its celiac and I just got eliminate gluten, I hope its that simple.
Had a nutrients checked in the last month, despite not following the diet I had no deficiency which was strange
Have not been following my gluten free diet for a while now possibly a year and a half and it started early in the year with a virus... the feelings of vertigo... I thought of yeah I just threw up this vertigo feeling is a virus, despite the fact I had never had vertigo for the first 23 years of my life
Fast forward a few months... And for the last 3 week I have been having vertigo every 3-4 days. Today my Vertigo came at 9.30am when I was on my morning walk, needless to say it was a bit scary trying to balance myself and get home. That was 9am it is now 6pm, I have been in bed ans sitting all day, but things still CRAZY when I move my head back, Im still dizzy, still tough to walk, still feel like my head is being left in the same spot as before when I move it... It has never lasted 9hours before though has ANYONE experience anything similar.
I went to my doctor (who is poop told him I had celiac he looked at blood tests and couldn't even tell)
He tested for benign posture vertigo... nothing happens Vertigo isnt precipitated by head movement it simply ATTACKS from anywhere at anytime, If Im walking, if I just woke up, If im sitting at computer whatever it comes. anyone? Im gluten free from this point but worried I wont recover from vertigo to see my fav band in 2 weeks.
Can Coeliac Mimic Meniere's Disease
in Related Issues & Disorders
My doctor says I don't menieres because I am young, said go back to the ENT and the ENT sent me to my GP the doctor blame game, it's a world wide phenomenon wouldn't even prescribe decongestions and offered me stematel with gluten :|.
I make better diagnosis's on the internet by myself then this bum!