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Pegleg84 last won the day on August 1 2017

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    hunting for good GF beer and perfecting that GF/DF/SF alfredo recipe
    (Celiac, dairy/soy intolerant, Fibromyalgia)
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Pegleg84's Achievements

  1. First things first: are you sure you aren't getting cross-contaminated somewhere? Gluten creeping into your diet could cause these problems. Another thing to investigate is whether you might be developing an intolerance to other foods? Inflammatory foods like nightshades can screw with your joints and such. Soy is another suspect. After a year gluten-free...
  2. I suppose having short fingers, or one that's super short, could be a sign of stunted growth which could be a sign of Celiac, but I certainly have never heard of short pinkies as a sign of it. If you have short ones too it makes more sense to me that it's just a genetic trait, but who knows. I do have a pretty tall forehead, but so did my dad and his side...
  3. Hi Meg, I was in a somewhat similar situation before I went gluten free: lost a bunch of weight very quickly (I was not overweight, so looking 10+lb in a month was alarming), felt like crud after eating anything, really bad anxiety, low vitamin levels/iron anemia, etc etc. I had blood tests done a couple times (once after my mom was diagnosed with Celiac...
  4. Pretty sure my vitamin levels are fine (have been supplementing daily, everything looked good at my last test), though it might be time to check again. I often wonder if the medication I'm on isn't leeching some nutrients. I have been concerned about Tylenol. I don't take it every day, and always a low dose. (I am taking with methocarbamol to help with...
  5. sorry to keep this very old thread going, but I was about the start a post on the very same subject. Just the other day I was looking at my palms and noticed very mottled red/white/slightly yellow spots, redder around the edges of my palms and my fingers. Don't know if this is a new thing or if I just didn't notice it before. In any case, it's kind of...
  6. Jumping back in on this topic. I've started taking my magnesium earlier in the evening rather than shortly before bed like i had been, and so far so good! Still regular and less muscle spasms, but no crazy sweaty dreaming (or not as vivid at least). I'm taking about half the recommended daily dose though (250 calcium/125 magnesium) but taking it daily...
  7. Oy, that is not fun. I'd go super uber strict for a month or so. cut out all processed stuff (or as much as humanly possible) and stick to safe "whole foods" That should tell you if you're reacting to a pre-made product that might be in the 20ppm limit but still have trace amounts. (I'd be suspicious of any quaker stuff, personally. Not sure if they...
  8. Really!? Well, that could explain a few things. I started taking magnesium/calcium supplements regularly a few months ago (and it's helping a lot with my twitchy muscles), and have indeed been having very vivid intense dreams. I've been blaming my medication for Fibromyalgia, but maybe the combo of the drugs + magnesium is sending my subconscious into...
  9. I always laugh when people say they're going gluten free to lose weight. HA! tell that to the +10lbs I lost in a month before going gluten-free. Of course, last winter I went a little too far the other way, so when I lost 10lb fairly quickly this spring, I was relieved that my vitamin levels were all still good. It's stayed put for the past while, which...
  10. I also never had a formal diagnosis, but due to symptoms and family history, I do and will always consider myself having Celiac. As Cyclinglady said, you do want to get some more testing done if possible. If you're unwilling to do a gluten challenge, there may still be traces enough after 7 weeks to come up positive (worth a shot), or other conditions with...
  11. I can't image any kind of large scale bakery pulling it off. Probably would be a tough crumbly lump of disappointment. Maybe more gluten-free bakeries will figure out the same magical formula as this place. Too bad its full of butter (I cheated on that aspect. No regrets). Croissant or no, Montreal is a beautiful wonderful city and you should def. go...
  12. Hi All, I just got back from my first visit to Montreal in a couple years, and had to report back. STUFF IS HAPPENING THERE! One word: Croissant. CROISSAAAAANT! Yes, the flaky exterior fluffy interior pull it apart in sheets melt in your mouth OMG I didn't think I'd ever eat anything like this again how is this even possible kind of croissant....
  13. Hi ScarlettsDad, Sorry such a slow reply to this, but I also live in Toronto and definitely have a few safe suggestions. Of course, my tastes and your 5-year-olds are probably quite different, but I've got a few we might all agree on. First of all, as a general rule: don't order the gluten-free pizza/pasta anywhere unless the kitchen can prove they...
  14. Absolutely not! While barley seems to contain less gluten than wheat, and a sip of beer might not pack the same punch as a mouthful of bread, it is definitely not safe. Nope. No way. Even if you're not reacting to it, it's doing its damage. Trust me, I LOVE beer. It was the hardest thing to give up and the last thing with gluten I ever consciously...
  15. I wouldn't worry about other intolerances at this point. Right now your gut is saying "WHAT THE FUG IS GOING ON?!" and is going to be extra fussy for a while until it starts healing up. If in a year you feel mostly better but not quite, that's when it's time to look for other issues. That said, oat protein (powder) might be ok, but whole oats might not because...
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