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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by captaincrab55

  1. JuggaloDad, A gluten-free diet is a cut and dry fix for some, but it's more complicated for many of us including me. I suffered from an infant to age 56, It took almost 10 years for me to zero in on non-gluten foods that caused me GI issues/pain. Zeroing in on the non-gluten items wasn't as easy as it was for hidden gluten for me. Dairy, coffee and onions...
  2. Hi Dawn, Back in the Fall of 2019 with Covid looming I considered getting a pneumonia vaccine. I went as far as getting in line and reading the pamphlet and saw the warning about not getting it if you ever had a reaction to diphtheria. I instantly recalled a tetanus booster shot in 1971 that caused a severe reaction. Tetanus booster shots include diphtheria...
  3. Welcome sillyyak52, I'm not sure of your age or if you live with your parents. Is there a nurse in your family or friend of the family that may be able to explain your diagnoses? You can get a second opinion by taking your lab results to another GI Doctor. Good Luck!
  4. I know this isn't an IBS Forum, but it looks like they may have cracked the code on treating it. They think the new discovery may make it possible to treat other autoimmune diseases. Even if they develop a treatment I think I would continue eating strict gluten-free, but it may allow me to eat out gluten-free without the fear of being glutened. That would...
  5. Bonnaz, IMO it sounds like you have many foolish family members and friends! There may well be a chance that your mom may have celiac disease. Keep reminding yourself that Celiac Disease isn't an Allergy that may go away with further exposure! You may need to consider finding new friends that also have celiac disease. There are groups that get together...
  6. Hi Sammy, Welcome aboard. I hate to tell you this, but Celiac is genetic. Somewhere back in the family line someone had it. It was common for it to go undiagnosed years back. My Mom was never diagnosed with it, but suffered with many of the same symptoms I had when I was finally diagnosed at age 56. Silent Celiac may be in your family. I'm sure others...
  7. iceicebritney, I read where you were referred to John's Hopkins. If you live in that area/suburb and still have the rash, I can give you my Dermatologist's name(https://www.brderm.com/dr-robinson.html I se Dr Robinson, who diagnosed me with dermatitis herpetiformis/celiac disease 2 weeks after my first visit)
  8. I had to show that I was diagnosed with dermatitis herpetiformis in order to get my health insurance to cover gluten-free brand name drugs instead of generic drugs that weren't gluten-free! drugs that weren't gluten-free
  9. glucel. There's a lot of cost, including liability issues when a manufacture labels a product gluten free to be sold in the USA.
  10. Hi Kazbo, I had an Apprentice that was self diagnosed with Celiac. I couldn't convince him to get diagnosed by a Doctor, He did something dumb and got locked up. They refused to feed him gluten free foods, because he wasn't diagnosed by a Doctor!
  11. Here's a link: https://www.google.com/search?q=iodine+test+on+skin+for+dermatitis+herpetiformis&sca_esv=050a7531cb22c9f5&sxsrf=ADLYWIJQ1BNQe2y8HwcyMffU60tFc5SaFw%3A1724083366655&ei=pmzDZvPgJ_b7wbkPla-p2Ao&oq=iodine+test+on+skin+for+derma&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHWlvZGluZSB0ZXN0IG9uIHNraW4gZm9yIGRlcm1hKgIIBTIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyBRAhGJ...
  12. IMHO, you may have the wrong Dermatologist! I was tested for it on my first visit to a different Dermatologist. In two weeks my dermatitis herpetiformis biopsy came back positive and he sent me for a blood lab that also came back positive. You could try the Iodine test with a bandaid.
  13. Ginger38, Do you have Dermatitis Herpetiformis(dermatitis herpetiformis)?
  14. Eldene, I found this group back in 2009 when my 4th Dermatologist in 30 years diagnosed me with dermatitis herpetiformis 2 weeks after my first visit. This group taught me how to read labels and understand the evils that lurk within. I still visit this group to check on whether medications contain gluten and other updates, as well as chiming in here or...
  15. Welcome LadyofLove, Unfortunately dairy is a curse to some of us, including me. I was diagnosed in 09 and still can't tolerate dairy. Late last year I did a test with Everywell( https://www.everlywell.com/) and dairy came up as a No No, but cheddar cheese came up as ok. I've tried it moderately several times with positive results. I will pick and choose...
  16. Here's a general reply to a simple search that includes Celiac Disease: People also ask What is Club fingers a symptom of? Clubbed fingers is a symptom of disease, often of the heart or lungs which cause chronically low blood levels of oxygen. Diseases which cause malabsorption, such as cystic fibrosis or celiac disease can also cause clubbing...
  17. Hi EmmaR, Did the Doctor check your Thyroid?
  18. Rita06, I hope you're on to something, but meanwhile I suggest you get properly diagnosed!
  19. Welcome Cluelesslycontaminated, I suffered with hives and tummy pain from an infant to age 56 as well as pimples that started when I was 12 that were quite often symmetrical in nature. In a period of 30 year I went to 4 different Dermatologist. The last one tested me for Dermatitis Herpetiformis(DH) on the first visit. Two weeks later the test came back...
  20. The topic of Gluten in Toothpaste should come up in the search function, as it was discussed quite a few times. I stick with Tom's Toothpaste, because it's Gluten Free!
  21. IMO, First, You need a strict gluten-free diet, Second, You need to visit a Hematologists to study your low blood count. Third, You need a General Practitioner that understands Celiac Disease. Just as important, Don't forget to visit your GI Doctor. Good Luck
  22. Hi JD, I have DH and just skin contact with gluten can cause a DH rash on my body. Not everyone is that sensitive.
  23. Bobby123, First, did the gluten-free diet improve your life? Next it would help to know a little about your daily diet. I was use to eating as much as I could and never gaining weight, but I had to learn to cut back after being diagnosed. Fourteen years later and I often feel hungry after eating. When I eat balanced meals, my energy level is usually...
  24. Sneaker, What kind of inflammation?
  25. Raquel 2021, This link may help: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/vitamin-b12-or-folate-deficiency-anaemia/symptoms/
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