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About Me

I'm a diagnosed celiac with food allergies, vocal cord dysfunction, sulfite sensitivity, and a mast cell activation disorder (MCAD). This latter causes me to be super sensitive to gluten, and my reactions to it very nasty.

I have only recently received my MCAD disorder and am still exploring what this means, but I hope to have it all figured out and back on my feet again in no time. 

  1. One possibility might be that your reaction that you consider a gluten reaction might actually be a combination of things you react to when they are together, or the gluten reaction is worse when you react to something else at the same time, or sometimes not even a gluten reaction at all. Sulfite allergy is one thing you can check that actually sounds...
  2. I don't know that there have been any studies on gluten particles specifically, but there have been studies on various allergens and whether particles are present in the air after processes such as boiling, frying, etc.... So far, the evidence is that there are enough particulates aerosolized by cooking processes that an allergic person can respond. Again...
  3. Yeah, I have before. :-( Toothpaste sounds like a good thing to check. Another you might want to check is if he uses chapstick or any other lip balm - that frequently has gluten and he might not be thinking about it. There was a study on peanuts and kissing that had some interesting results. What they boiled down to is that how much protein remains...
  4. It's a possibility, yes. You're correct in that some people would get damage from this, and not everyone will show symptoms. It's a very frustrating situation, because some people don't seem to be affected by this - they do this, they feel fine, and their follow up tests are fine as well, as well. There's just no way to know which category you are in until...
  5. I've been grain free for about 2 1/2 years now. No grains, no grain derivatives (even corn derivatives like cornstarch, citric acid, xanthan gum, that sort of thing). I've tried to find ones I can eat, but so far, they all make me sick, so they're out of here. Paleo, primal, and raw foods diet blogs have been a good source of grain-free recipes, along...
  6. I would double check again exactly what your child shouldn't eat and why, and get a good Dietician to help figure it out. Is it something like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucrose_intolerance ? You'll want to make sure that a celiac knowledgeable doctor diagnoses something like that, because from what it sounds like something like celiac disease...
  7. Hi, how are the kids? I haven't seen you here much lately.

  8. I think you could grow beans via a container garden, yeah, but I don't know about the yield. We used a native bean and it had a small yield per plant, but the variation of yield for different varieties might be a lot. They're pretty easy to grow, though, they just need a lot of nutrients in the soil, is all. We've been growing them here in the desert...
  9. Heya! Yeah, I didn't have a food processor before all this either - got a teeny 3 cup one on sale for about $15 bucks finally, and then this year everyone chipped in and got me this super studly one that I can't wait to use! (Just got it a few days ago...sooooo shiny... ). Now if only I can become a good enough cook to make it worth the money, LOL...
  10. I used to use Rancho Gordo dried beans, ordered on-line from here: http://www.ranchogordo.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=SFNT&Store_Code=RG However, my allergic reaction to just a few beans decided to branch out to all of 'em, so I haven't tried these in a few months, now. :-( On the bean dish front, avoiding those allergens, that I might...
  11. Red snapper soup with lots of garlic. :-)
  12. For me, I tried all kinds. 4 varieties of Lundberg rice (including brown), 2 different brands of thai black rice, 2 brands of thai red (cargo) rice, and I think 5 more brands of white rices (love those Asian markets!). I react every, single time, to all grains and pseudo grains, but I don't actually think it's the grains themselves anymore, necessarily. ...
  13. I wouldn't deny that there are experts on the disease, and the diet, but honestly? We're nowhere near a full understanding of this disease or the foods involved, so their expertise only stretches so far. Even the experts are still learning and refining what is 'true' about our disease, as new information comes to light. Honey is probably fine for most celiacs...
  14. Wow - I'd never heard of the dust collecting. That...might explain a few things with honey. Interesting. Re: the original question on wheat fields (I know it's old, but we're all interested again, yeah?). I do know that some of the protein used in the making of honey remains in the honey afterward. The protein is not completely destroyed when the bees...
  15. Thank you so much for the warm welcome!! :)

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