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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Maddy1

  1. Poor kid. I can’t imagine dealing with this at such a young age. I swear I have PTSD from being so sick after being glutened. When traveling, and we eat somewhere I’ve never been before, my anxiety levels are off the charts for the next 3 hours.
  2. I’ve been diagnosed Celiac for 15 years. For the first few years accidental gluten ingestion meant many trips to the bathroom. The vomiting started in year three. Three hours after exposure I become violently ill with vomiting, chills and diarrhea. This lasts about 3-4 hours. I get so weak I can barely hold my head up. There is a large history of Celiac D...
  3. Diagnosed Celiac by biopsy 12 years ago. I also projectile vomit when I am “glutened”. I didn’t have this symptom until I was gluten free for a few years. It is horrible. I feel like I am going to die. It happens exactly three hours after I ingest even a small amount and it lasts for hours. It is almost always a mistake by a restaurant. Last week it was T...
  4. I have suspected DH on my scalp for years. I have never had these lesions anywhere else but my scalp. They become intensely itchy and ooze when I scratch and then a scab forms. I am Celiac and gluten-free for 10 years. I've always wondered if it has something to do with slight cross contamination from restaurants ect. My dermatologist doubted it was DH, without...
  5. Nine months Gluten Free and 9 pounds heavier.....I was considered average weight before but if I keep gaining a pound a month I'm going to be WAY above average soon!
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