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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Skylark

  1. If you want the scientific answer, use 70% rubbing alcohol. Gluten is soluble in 70-80% alcohol. I'd follow up with a standard counter spray.
  2. Wow, I guess they don't export all the dumb doctors to the US. At least the one in Japan was decent enough to apologize to you
  3. This is so funny! I'm glad you started it, Shroomie. I asked my pretty good PCP about whether there are ways to lessen autoimmunity. He said "well the only thing I know of is to lower your stress level". Gee, doc I wouldn't be STRESSED OUT if you could fix my dizziness, brain fog, and cognitive problems and refrain from pushing useless antidepressants...
  4. After reading your comment and Keiths story, you are one smart Lady. His photo is photo shop enhanced. Thanks.

  5. As well as B12, take some benfotiamine. I'd also suggest fish oil for the anxiety. Also, have a look at what you're eating. If you've switched from whole wheat to ultra-starchy gluten-free foods your blood sugar may be bouncing around more than is healthy. Make sure you have protein and some fat (like nuts or cheese) with your snacks, and replace...
  6. Autoimmune illnesses are supposedly usually TH1 dominant. That doesn't explain my asthma though!
  7. My pot roast: I don't like adding a bunch of liquid so I choose a crockpot where the meat fits snugly. I usually use my 3-quart crockpot because I try to get a smallish chuck roast. Brown the meat in a skillet if you have time. Put the roast in the crockpot and pour in a little red wine so it comes to the top of the roast. If the roast fits snugly...
  8. Homemade chicken soup with mushrooms, carrots, celery, bok choy, and various other stuff from the fridge. I added a little gluten-free miso for flavor.
  9. I'm so glad to hear that you figured this out about yourself so young. You mention wanting to turn back time, but I didn't figure out my gluten problems until I was in my 30s. Gluten was affecting my mind too - I was misdiagnosed with bipolar illness. I used to be very irritable too, and the problems affected all of my relationships and I almost had to...
  10. Starting in on the Hoppin' John a day early. I'll have a little with steamed broccoli and cauliflower tonight, traditional collards tomorrow.
  11. I don't like your insulting tone, Gemini. Someone says "I have a reaction after every dose of a drug" and anyone with a shred of common sense would say "gee, maybe it's the drug." I'm glad to hear Nystatin helped you, but it doesn't mean it's the right medicine for everyone. People die of bacterial infections, but they also die from penicillin allergy...
  12. I think you misunderstood me. Nystatin is a fairly toxic drug and while it's supposed to be poorly absorbed, allergies and side effects are still possible. Herxheimer symptoms are not very specific and many of the symptoms overlap Nystatin toxicity reactions. Nystatin can damage your liver if your intestines are damaged enough from celiac that you are absorbing...
  13. I have to wonder if you are reacting to the Nystatin rather than experiencing die-off, since it's going for this long and you feel it after every dose.
  14. Headed to the store to grab some salmon. I'll cook it on the Foreman grill with a little dill and a squeeze of lemon. Sauteed fennel bulb and zucchini, flavored with a little tarragon from the garden. Fresh pineapple for dessert.
  15. This is Peter's fabulous explanation of reading labels for new members. Source: Could The Milky Way Ingredients Have Been Misleading?
  16. Not safe. Try a cornbread stuffing made with gluten-free cornbread, or make your stuffing from gluten-free bread. I hear the inedible Ener-G bread actually makes quite good stuffing.
  17. I'm sorry to hear that. Have a look at the low dose naltrexone studies and info. It may help you considerably. http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/index.htm
  18. GAPS diet is a version of the Specific Carboyhdrate Diet that's got extra probiotics and a lot of gelatin-rich bone broth. It is designed to heal the intestine and hopefully repopulate it with healthier bacteria. http://gapsdiet.com For the TH1 vs TH2 branches of the immune system, here are a few links. It's not simple and the articles explain it better...
  19. Squash are not nightshades. Nighshade vegetables are tomato, potato, eggplant, sweet peppers of all types, hot peppers of all types, paprika, tomato relatives like tomatillos and tamarillos, and pimentos (the red things in olives). The nightshade family is known for its alkaloids, natural drugs. There are a lot of inedible and very dangerous nightshade...
  20. Pot roast that I put in the crockpot this morning. Beef, red wine, onions, mushrooms, a couple cloves of garlic, salt. Thicken the broth into gravy with arrowroot starch and serve with potatoes and a steamed veggie.
  21. When I saw Marku Makki talk, he spoke about desensitization and spontaneous remission in some celiacs. He has seen it in his decades of practice. It's in one of his articles but I can't seem to turn it up. I did find some other stuff for you. I don't know whether the Gut links will work for you because I have an academic affiliation that allows me to...
  22. The enzyme in all the so-called gluten pills is DPP-IV. It is NOT one of the enzymes in clinical trials and it will not detoxify gluten. It does not cleave internal di-prolines, which are what cause problems digesting gluten in the first place. DPP-IV only works on prolines at the ends of peptides. These companies are lying, using the FDA dietary supplement...
  23. I was tired. Bush's baked beans, a burger on gluten-free bread, and microwaved corn on the cob.
  24. Not dinner, but I just made this crustless quiche for brunch. It was REALLY good. We had it with Rudi's toast and some fresh fruit. http://www.food.com/recipe/crustless-bacon-spinach-swiss-quiche-low-carb-209249 I used 1/2 an onion and it was good. I think a whole one would be overkill. Be sure to squeeze excess water out of the spinach and it took...
  25. Congratulations! That's wonderful news! I smoked some in college, probably self-medicating anxiety similar to you. I couldn't drink much since beer made me sick (gee, I wonder why) so I would smoke weed at parties. I got away from campus and lost interest in pot, although a year and a half later I was started on Prozac. I never thought about the...
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