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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Simona19

  1. I just called them. The person didn't even knew what I'm talking about, so I told them I have allergy to wheat. She didn't knew, so she asked her manager. After wail she gave me the answer that it is gluten free. So I think, it is safe.
  2. Does anybody know, if strawberries from this company are gluten free? http://www.berries.c...&NETWORK=google I just receive a box of them. I can't have them because I have allergy to milk, but my husband can eat them, if they are safe ....
  3. I'm making pizza tonight: one is regular(with gluten) and vegetarian with corn, black olives, mushrooms, roasted red onion and green bell pepper, cheese and eggs. -another gluten free with cheese, corn, imported ham, and eggs and -one (for me) gluten free with roasted green pepper and red onion, corn, mushrooms, black olives, hungrian sausage and eggs...
  4. I'm cooking a cabbage soup with Hungarian dry sausage and tomato sauce and with that we will have garlic knots rolls. I made them from my Challah recipe. Yummy!!
  5. I'm making the stuffed egplant again with ragu and plain white rice and a vegetarian risotto with onion, carrot, peas and corn for my son.
  6. We have leftovers in my house too. I roasted 2 scallions and 3 chopped mushrooms in olive oil. I cooked NOTTA pasta- rice linguine. 3 minutes before the pasta was done I added 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup spinach and 1/2 cup frozen peas. I took everything out and mixed up with scallions and mushrooms. I added more cold olive oil and sprinkled generously with salt...
  7. I made stuffed eggplant with beef mixture on top of ragu sauce made from Italian pepper, onion and tomatoes. Baked potatoes- sliced, sprinkled with spices and olive oil; salad made from Italian pepper, leek, scallions, carrot, cucumber, olive oil and salt. I also made grilled chicken breast marinated in Italian dressing mixed with horseradish, mustard and...
  8. If I want to eat them for dinner, then I will make mashed potatoes and on side one of my homemade pickled salads (cabbage mixes), or pickles. I will bake them in oven, or in a frying pan. If I want to eat them for lunch, then I will have them just with bread and again with pickles, or something spicy and mustard. Liverwursts are in my country popular...
  9. I made this today. It's the Liverwurst. Another thing to add to our club.
  10. Wednesday we had hamburgers with guacamole and ice cream before dinner and after. :rolleyes: Thursday it was reversed Sheppard's pie with homemade pickles. Friday I made "asia" : sauteed chicken breast, rice mixed with little be of baked beans and chopped scallions, French fries and fresh cucumber. And today we had meat empanadas. I used dough...
  11. Turkey bacon would be ok. The soup that Irish have may call for ham and is provably very, very delicious, but it can be done with bacon. The soup will taste like bacon and who likes bacon will like the soup too. I will cut bacon on tiny slices, and roast it without oil. When the bacon is nice and crispy, I will mix bacon and dripping from it into soup- as...
  12. I just saw some post that people were writing on Domino's FB wall. They are very interesting. Even people with celiac disease are trying this new pizza and are happy with it because nothing happened to them after eating it. Currently they have 121 post.
  13. I saw it now. I was watching the evening new and the moderator was very exited about it, so I posted a new topic. I didn't know that there was one already. Sorry!
  14. I just saw something interesting on WNBC evening news that Domino’s pizza will start to sell gluten free pizza because many people have problems with gluten and they want to help them. The question is: Where will they bake it? In the same oven? In the same pans as regular pizza? Will you buy it? Mod's note: I merged this post into the existing t...
  15. Empanadas, empanadas, empanadas! Wow, they were delicious! My husband ate 5, I had 3 and my son 10 (his were smaller). I used a dough from my recipe "Gluten free apple empanadas". I didn't put sugar in it. I made meat filling (beef, onion, garlic, cumin, oregano, 3 mashed potatoes, red paprika, and salt) and for my son, a vegetarian version (1 small can...
  16. Today I made grilled chicken breast and two kind of pockets, idea from this tread: https://www.celiac.com/forums/topic/91061-shared-grills/ 1. I cut 6 red potatoes on
  17. Happy Birthday Love2travel! Enjoy your day. You share birthday with my uncle. He turns 58. today. Last time I cooked was over the last weekend. On Saturday I made stuffed cabbage, stuffed pepper, vegetarian stuffed pepper, and 4 types of potato noodles (from raw potatoes): gluten-free with farmer cheese, gluten-free with cabbage, regular with cheese...
  18. I had anaphylactic shock to brazil nuts. Doctors saved me in hospital. At first I tried just very little sample- amount big like sesame seed. I tested it on my tongue. I didn
  19. I'm in the same boat as you, but I got more things to watch: all nuts, but I found sunflower butter that taste like nuts to me and I can manage 2-3 Tbsp. without major problem; kiwi, everything with honey, except clover honey in small amounts (I don't know why- probably pollen is the issue); new thing for me: casein allergy and I forgot something strange...
  20. I made today mashed potatoes with Earth Balance margarine and rice milk, sauce from chicken breast, onion, mushrooms and spices, and steamed asparagus and saut
  21. I also made Vegetable Wellington Redux with gluten Phyllo dough from Vegetarian times magazine for my vegetarian son yesterday. It's asparagus with red Bell pepper, onion, two cheeses, pesto and spinach baked in the Phyllo dough. I would like to ask you guys for a homemade gluten free Phyllo recipe that you tried and it was good. Please!!! I want to...
  22. I made steamed white bread with Segedinsky goulash which is Sour Kraut sauce with pork chops and spices. It
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