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shopgirl last won the day on February 21 2011
shopgirl had the most liked content!
Love your pic! Esp now that the new season is on.
Spring is here! Sunny! 60 degrees! Windows open! Birds chirping!
The sun is shining. Come on, get happy.
Finally taking vitamins again (six months after diagnosis).
Rain, rain, go away...
Tis a grey, grey day.
March came in like a lion. Waiting impatiently for the lamb.
And yet more snow.
Snowing again. Sigh.
Feeling skinny after my first clothes shopping trip post-gluten.
Learning to embrace coconut milk yogurt as a dairy/soy alternative.
I love Doctor Who- love your avi pic!
Waiting impatiently for the end of the Driest Winter in the History of Winters. (Skin is falling off.)
Day two of an obnoxious sore throat.
Hungry from not eating enough. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in what I should eat that I forget to eat enough of it.