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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by plumbago

  1. tTG-IgA Tissue Transglutaminase Immunoglobulin A Self The enzyme TTG deamidates gliadin (a broken-down component of gluten). In reaction to the presence of TTG, the antibody immunoglobulin A (IgA) is produced. Raised IgA antibodies indicate short-term immune response, indicating...
  2. Perhaps you know that mucus is actually very alkaline. It's what protects the lining of your stomach from gastric acid. And bile, compared to gastric acid, is alkaline too. I'm sorry you're still feeling so badly, but I'm not sure why you think stomach acid is the source of your problem. I'm not saying it's not, but until you're tested....
  3. Personally, I would be panicking if my stomach acid were NOT a whole lot more than just “slightly acidic.” You want it to be VERY acidic! The pH of gastric juices is among the most acidic thing there is, and it should be. So there may be something I’m not understanding. Does your stomach feel like it’s burning? Do you have reflux? I have never taken a...
  4. They did - look upthread and one of the OP's comments.
  5. My only suggestion on hearing this is to take a picture of your abdomen in the morning when it is flat, and then another one later in the day when you look 9 months pregnant, put the two images in one file (like a before and after) to show to the hematologist and ask him or her if that is normal. If his/her office provides web portal services, send it electronically...
  6. Regarding what you say is severe anemia, if there are reduced red blood cells then often the heart increases output to compensate. But only in really really severe anemia. Is it possible the doctors think if the anemia is corrected then the bloating will be too? You've left the hospital - does that mean the iron deficiency is corrected? So they think...
  7. I'm so sorry to hear this. Are you still in the hospital? What did your doctors say about the bloating? It's probably not this, but have they ruled out ascites? I would need a little more background before I try to answer. Let us know. Plumbago
  8. Sometimes I wonder if there isn't an age bias, meaning that doctors associate celiac disease with younger patients and are far more skeptical of the possibility of adults, especially middle aged and elderly adults, having the condition. And they are therefore less likely to order tests for it. I know of entire clinics that have not ordered one celiac test...
  9. Interesting take on modern affliction of addiction, by Dr Robert Lustig, endocrinologist. From the Guardian. The pursuit of pleasure is a modern-day addiction Robert Lustig https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/sep/09/pursuit-of-pleasure-modern-day-addiction Too much dopamine and not enough serotonin, the neurotransmitters of the brain...
  10. The organization or web site, worstpills.org, just gave olmesartan a DO NOT TAKE designation, in their January 2018 newsletter, fyi, for the reasons detailed above.
  11. Have you heard of Dr Terry Wahls? She is an Iowa doctor in a VA there - she herself has MS, and has written about it. I recommend doing some googling and maybe checking out one of her books from the library.
  12. How often are you taking the 500 mcg? As for injections (the most effective absorption method), a lot of times, clinics will give daily shots for 5 days then weekly shots, and taper thereafter to once a month. Usually that is for people with pernicious anemia. It is important to find out the reason you are B12 deficient, and, for example, to rule out...
  13. It is. It's not as "elegant" as the Medscape article presentation, and doesn't include everything, including the table (see below) and of course the comments. Thanks for linking to it.
  14. Table 1. Prevalence of Diagnoses in People With and Without Celiac Disease (P < .0001 for All) Diagnosis With Celiac Disease, % Without Celiac Disease, % Odds Ratio Migraine 18.6 4.1 5.5 Anxiety disorder 25.9 ...
  15. I got the finger wag once trying to copy and paste a recipe, am a little wary of provoking admin ire again. I love medscape, sign up is free by the way. Let me see if there's anything else I can do - feel free to offer advice on this score. Thanks. Plumbago
  16. A recent Medscape article on the surprising number of conditions linked to celiac disease is very good with an easy to read table. As always - read the comments, including the last/first one: “Positive serology test for celiac disease should be confirmed with oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and biopsy not colonoscopy thanks” Yikes. https://w...
  17. Note to self: post during the DAY. Too tired at night! Swanson's!!!! I mean. And it does appear to be gluten-free.
  18. I thought this one would be relatively easy, but it's proving difficult to track down (this site; Google). Are Stouffer's chicken broths gluten free? (Feel free to weigh in on the other broths too, but I'm mostly concerned with the chicken broth).
  19. This seems like a good time to ask what happened with the 2014 FDA regulation on the labeling of gluten free foods. First, has it gone into effect? Second, am I correct in reading that it is voluntary? Really?? What good is that? Anyway, does anyone have any news or experience with this? Plumbago
  20. Hello, I’m not capable of explaining exactly what’s going on with the left-sided only symptoms, beyond suggesting a possible association with nerve damage, but really a doctor should be the one to weigh in. The advice to continue eating gluten (and there are guidelines as to how much) before a celiac test is good, and worth following. If you are con...
  21. Hi everyone, I recently listened to a medical podcast (The Curbsiders Internal Medicine podcast) during which the docs said that it is impossible to be allergic to an essential element the body has and needs (iodine) and just because one is allergic to shellfish (which has iodine) does not mean one will be allergic to contrast dye (that also has iodine...
  22. Has anyone been had their Hep B titers taken? I got the whole series (three Hep B vaccines), and then had to submit proof of responsiveness (or immunity, though I'm not sure that is the correct word, exactly), and my blood draw indicated I was not immune. So I got a booster, which seemed to satisfy everyone at the time. However, yesterday I saw on this site...
  23. Hi, When you went gluten free did any symptoms improve (and then return)? If they did improve, for how long? Have you been to an ophthalmologist? A quick google turned up the possibility of TMJ "Inflammation and irritation caused by friction in the temporomandibular joint can irritate and cause dysfunction in the trigeminal nerve which in...
  24. Hi, I belong to a diabetes forum (I don’t have diabetes, I just like to learn) and came across this recent post on the four kinds of neuropathy. The poster says you can get a nerve conduction test, EMG. http://www.tudiabetes.org/forum/t/four-kinds-of-neuropathy/64211/10 Yes, I’ve heard gluten can damage nerves, but I don’t know much else about...
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