To me, those kinds of fast food places are just way too risky to eat at! Is it worth the risk of eating there? Not to me. I've been glutened by Wendy's, and never went back. At places like that, everything is just made in the same spot, whether grilled, fried or whatever. All it takes is walking into any of those restaurants and watching how they prepare...
Isn't diet coke caffeine free? Sorry you had the twitching too!
I did a lot of research online and it seems like lots of people get this buy noone knows what it is! It seems like a lot of the people were pregnant, but the others seemed to have no idea what it could be. I don't think it's anything serious, but you never know. I just started taking...
What's a spastic colon? It's directly 2 inches below my belly button, right in the middle, not to the right. woke up with it happening again. It's not painful just annoying haha
Hmm I wonder why no one knows what it is! It's pretty weird feeling like there's a bird kicking me or something..haha! So Tom, yours went for a long time? Mine wsjust a couple seconds for each one but I've been getting them on and off, sometimes 10 a minute or sometimes once a day.
I have been getting this feeling for the past few days, where my lower abdomen will start to twitch/flutter/spasm, not sure what to call it exactly. If I put my hand on my stomach I can feel it, and I can also see it when I look in the mirror as it happens. Can anybody tell me if they've experienced something like this before? I'm afraid there's something...
I don't have a Facebook but I am so angry that they are deleting everyone's comments. They're just too scared to stand up and say they made a mistake so they're gonna delete the TRUTH off of their Facebook page and make us look bad. I think we should boycott dominoes. Obviously we already don't eat there but our families might. I'm upset they're doing this...
I hate when companies do makes it hard for us who have celiac because it makes non-celiac people think that we can eat everywhere, and they get confused. Of they just think we are crazy, because "come on if it says "gluten free" you can eat it!" "stop being so picky" "quit trying to get so much attention" all of those kinds of comments by uneducated...