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    movies, esp. classic movies, music, mostly Celtic and John Denver :) biking, photography
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  • Scott Adams

    Scott Adams

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  1. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

  2. Ann1231

    December 2008

    What a busy summer! I've done very well at staying wheat free. I haven't lost much weight, which is disappointing, but I do feel pretty good. I now carry an epi-pen in case I get into any wheat. I'm looking for some good pumpkin pie recipes, pumpkin cheesecake, blueberry pie, etc. I have found some but they aren't all that good. I'd also like a good...
  3. after Sunday's contamination, I'm feeling better this morning. My stomach doesn't feel nearly as bloated. I do still have some back pain from swelling and all but it's not as bad as yesterday. I had a protein shake this morning and put a pork roast in the crock pot for dinner tonight. I'm in a starchy mood so I know I have to be extremely careful today...
  4. I posted this on another forum but felt I needed it here to always remind me of how simple my diet can and should be and how much better I feel if I will follow this: here's where I'm at at this point: 1. grains of all kinds cause inflammation and pain FOR ME 2. red meat, pork, too much chicken (more than once or twice a week) cause inflammation...
  5. I had a not so nice little scare tonight. I was really hungry so I grabbed a couple of crackers. WHOA! I started getting a knot in between my nose and throat, my right ear felt like it was going to explode from pressure, I had immediate flood of sinus drainage and rapid heart rate. Most the symptoms are lessening except the drainage and I still have a bit...
  6. Bread of Life Gluten Free Carrot Cake Muffins are delicious! I cut it in half, warmed 1/2 for 30 seconds and put butter on it and served with hot spiced tea. Oh my gosh it was so good I wanted to eat the other 1/2! I'm glad I didn't cuz now I can have it for breakfast tomorrow. I had some gluten on Christmas and the day after Yesterday was very...
  7. ugh, feel awful this evening. I've been fighting a sore throat for two or three days and have a bit of a cough. We went out to a movie this afternoon (Enchanted, cute) and I ate a little popcorn, then we went to a new Hong Kong Buffet. OMG, my stomach is so upset and I can clear a room with no effort I don't know if it was only the carbs or if there...
  8. add me to the count! I get horrible nightmares, wake up with heart pounding so hard and it hurts! I also get anxiety something terribly, I worry about everything and I'm so tensed up it's ridiculous. I get horrific muscle pain just cuz I'm so tight!
  9. this is to update my "discoveries" this last month or so. I definitely can not handle milk or cheese. Cottage cheese doesn't seem to bother me though. I can NOT handle potatoes at all. The pain in my back and the bloating in my upper left rib and back area is horrible. I, of course, can not handle wheat at all. And carbonated beverages are out. ...
  10. hubby is getting a colonoscopy and endoscopy? so they can check for everything. He's been having trouble still and didn't heed their wheat-free advice a few years ago so he gets to go thru the process all over again. I'm doing really well now. Got glutened on Sunday and went thru digestive hell all day but it's much better today. Yesterday I ate...
  11. well, I'm back after a very long summer and fall. Ok, it's technically still fall but it feels like it should be way past at this point. I was able to go on vacation for a couple of weeks. Went camping so it was easy to control diet. My problem came when we got home and son got an acting job 70 miles away. We traveled every day for two months and did...
  12. Ann1231

    July 01, 2007

    wow, I'm losing weight finally! I'm down to 166 from a prednisone high of 186. I want 40 more at least. We bought a camper The day after we bought it we took it out for a test run. Very successful. It's so nice because we can vacation and I can cook and control the food now. DH still goes out and gets his bread and claims a little won't hurt him...
  13. Schedule has been SO full! Son performed in Much Ado about Nothing, Guys and Dolls, and The Great Plains Theatre Conference. He's now in rehearsals for Love's Labour's Lost. Lots of eating out and no exercise. I have lost 15 pounds now since March 23! I'm no longer on prednisone which certainly helps. I am doing really well with eating fruits and vegetables...
  14. The week containing March 23rd will be a week I'm eternally grateful for. All week we were running back and forth for Full Monty performances and Much Ado rehearsals. I did not stay on my gluten free diet. I also noticed I was having breathing problems, similar but not as severe as, my peanut allergy reaction. By cast party Friday night, I was so tired...
  15. My son suggested that too!! I did find a really good rice and corn pasta and made it into chicken and noodles. Everyone (including hubby) said it was my best batch!
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