It's weird that you suggest that I tell people that it's Celiac's regardless of the result because I was contemplating on doing the same thing! I am SO convinced that it is that I have even challenged people to bets, although they never took up the offer, lol.
It's DEFINETELY got something to do with either wheat or gluten, so I may just do what you have...
If you can, try and go gluten free for as long as possible and see what happens to your OCD thoughts/actions. You may just be surprised!
I'm kinda like your dad, I will always look for a natural treatment for health issues rather than manufactured medicines. I'm especially against being on meds for depression. I hate how doctors think the answer is...
I won't get my blood test results until around Tuesday, but I was wondering if anybody had OCD like behaviors or thoughts? I have had scary thoughts for 15 years but ever since going gluten free last week they have almost completely vanished! I get the odd fleeting thought (more a flash than anything) but without the follow up rumination and worry. I can...