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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995
Everything posted by GlutenBoy1986
Ymmy chip alret*
Go on the forum and look under super sensitive celiacs-click on it- then go to "chips for the supersensitive" its a whole thread on yummy chips we can eat...YEAH!!! check it out!
Your one line(under my post)said more than you realize..I'm a mom...LOL...I can read bettween the lines! HaHaHa...Guys..you say so little..but say so much!
My boys are 12 and 21.
I'm glad things are working out better for you...hows your brother? Remember..the honey will help heal your digestive track as well.
Also by reading the many posts you may realize that you may have more stmptoms than you thought!Did you know that a vitimen b12 defiecancy causes anxiety and depresion among other things?
no problem...we can chat any time! I'm just urging you to meet MORE people as well,thats all.alot of people here have so much more experience than me...2/3 of what I've learned I've learned on this site..the other third has been research on the web! LOL
I started talking to you because I got a sense that you two are in trouble health wise and could use a little help...
Just click on it...you might want to delete some of MY posts before you run out of room!!! LOL
P.S if you find anyone while your reading the POSTS ,that you find interesting or want to talk to personally...click on thier picture and it will take you to tier profile! also once your in thier profile...on the left handside you will see..find my contents, and you can read other things they've posted!you ALSO have one that you can watch for responces to your posts.
Mirror twins...I like that..LOL !
Question?...was he on a gluten free diet before the tests?...because that would explain the Negitive...you HAVE to be eating GLUTEN for correct results...but you REALLY need to talk to more experienced celiacs...just make a post about it!this important...malnoutrition can KILL you...damage your organs...yuo boys are awfully thin...it worries me...
I was diadnosed Sept.6th 2011...I'm still detoxing myself...you need to talk to more experianced people than me...not that I don't mind! LOL
different. Hang in there...Talk to some people!!!Arm yourselves with information...and do what you can!
These people are very nice and understanding...tell your story and people will look out for you...Its a great feeling knowing your not alone! a lot of us can't afford insurance...and Just because the tests are a negitive...doesn't mean you don't have it....sure sounds like Celiacs to me! Ask about it on the posts...there are SOOOO many different symptoms...everyone is differ...
I here ya sweetie...its ok...just do the best you can! at least you have your girlfriends house to go to!
This is probably the BEST thing you and your brother can do being here...encourage him to read on here too!!!read as much as you can...and post as many questions as you want!!! go to the forum part headed under "new celiacs" and introduceyourself...
Also..if you click on my name it will take you directly to my profile (or anyone elses name) then you can comment...but you can just comment on your own page as well...(to my responce..then we don't have to go back and forth...and the comments on your page make more sense...LOL!! also... there is adeleate button on the right of each comment to deleate when it gets to full!!
You to are so thin in your picture...you look like theres definately a malabsorption problem...definatly try the honey...table spoon in the morning...and work it into your meals!Do you live with your parents or are you doing your own cooking?there are some interesting cooking threads on this site..remember, you can allways subsitute ingreadients!!have fun with it!!! LOL
convinced your not getting HIDDEN GLUTEN...research the lists of WORDS to look for when looking for hidden gluten on labels...did you look at the lists on CELIACS.com (not the forum but the actual site?)we can't have YEAST,dextrose,anything that has or starts with the word MALT,...ect! so much reserch to do...just to be healthy!! LOL
carries alot of stuff you can't get on the west coast...you haven't said what part of the country you and your brother are in?!
Good luck on your new job!! I really like the sweet potatoe chips to..salt and vinigar as well...watch your salt intake that alone can wreck havock...you don't need salt poisining on top of everything else.
I'm not entirely convinc...
LOL...you really like your SALT!!! yeah..trader joes has a list (5 pages) of all thier gluten free stuff...make sure your ham is gluten free (processed lunch meat can be a source of hidden gluten) trader joes lunch meat should be ok but check first...They have a variety of gluten free options ,but it depends on what part of the country your in and what they carry..the EAST coast ...
Google "LARA BARS"...click on product...there yummy...filling...and very simple! their gluten free,vegan,soyfree,dairyfree,and kosher!!!
the ingredients are sooooo simple...they are easy on the stomache...go check it out!
and the peanut butter cookie really does taste like peanutbutter cookie...not card board!!! LOL
From what I hear...it takes awhile to heal...depending on the damage!Oily foods will upset your stomache regardless. you shouldn't be eating oily chips! Try one of the (dryer) trader Joes brands...if you can wipe it on a paper towel(or your fingers) and see grease...you probably shouldn't eat it! This is a great site..ask anything you want...and people will be glad to help.
(cut me off,sorry)...I was saying you could find something close!Do you have a TRADER JOES near you? If you ask...they'll give you a five page list of everything they sell thats gluten free!!!
Rule of thumb...eat unprossesed food...try to stay away from prossesed food!And if you have questions..GOOGLE the question! thats how I found alot of things!! LOL
Me too..and pizza! LOL
Glad you liked my post about HONEY...I should have said you guys...not girls..LOL!!!
Google udi's bread...they are in alot of stores and theie not bad...check out their products! Doritoes are corn tortilla chips...
its the SEASONING that we can't have...I bet if you looked around (read your ingredeants)you can find something clos...