I figured that might be what you did since my work machine could reach you (dif ISP) and my home could not. Thats why did not bug anyone in the admin section
It was recorded, but there was some tech difficulties so I do not yet know if they were able to salvage it or not. I was hoping to use it for my resume too...
Finally home after much driving! We bailed out of PA a day early because tomorrow looks pretty bad weather wise. Time to make a mocha and curl up some place... err I mean time to chase my son and try to get him in bed! LOL
Timothy has started reading about this time last year. He went from BEHIND to GRADE LEVEL in one year. The secret? MAGIC TREE HOUSE. He is on book 38 from that series. He has also read Encyclopedia Brown, 10 or 11 of them. All this year a lone. Need to find a new series now to push him up a bit in reading something between Magic Tree House and the next level...
I have the bestest wife ever.
However she would like me to stop after this degree... said something like "she would need an audible word from God" before I could continue :lol:
What if said "adult" student has been in school since, oh, PRE-K with out any really break and is working on a 5th degree? NOT that I am thinking of anyone in particular, its really just a random example ;)