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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by squirmingitch

  1. Yep, it's just like when you get the blood panel. This is why it's so hard to get a dx. If you've been gluten-free, you have to do a challenge & most people aren't up for that. The worst part is that most docs don't know a) you have to be eating a normal gluten diet or b) if you haven't then you have to do a gluten challenge or c) the required length...
  2. Refresh my memory please. Do you have a dx of celiac disease? Are you presently eating gluten free? I ask b/c if you have a dx of celiac disease then you don't need an additional dx of dh. Also, a dh biopsy is likely to turn up negative if you are eating gluten free. The same gluten challenge rules apply to getting a dh biopsy as apply to getting the celiac...
  3. No one knows. It's an individual thing. Remember, with dh, the antibodies have deposited themselves underneath the skin. Until they are all out & gone, then one can have an outbreak.
  4. First & foremost you need to get copies of your labs & the pathology report. You should always get copies of your records & keep them for your files. Secondly, you say you had a colonoscopy with celiac biopsy. A colonoscopy is NOT used to dx celiac nor to take biopsies for celiac. An ENDOSCOPY is used to take biopsies for celiac disease...
  5. There is no hard answer to your questions. Every person is an individual.
  6. Yes, it needs to run it's course. It will run it's course no matter what you do but there is no reason you must suffer any more than you have to. Until today, on this thread, I have not heard anyone ever say do not take Advil. The only reason not to take it is if Advil has a history of upsetting your tummy. That & I believe (but haven't checked lately...
  7. I am not versed in the TSH area but there are some here who are. There are other things that can elevate the TTG.
  8. But it makes no sense that EMA was positive in 2013 but not in 2017. Regardless, I would say go on a strict gluten-free diet for a good 6 months at least & see if things start clearing up.
  9. Actually I missed that b/c it was spelled out rather than being initials. I think that's the same thing but I'm confused about the way it's written in 2013 --- there is no value unless you're saying the next line is referring to that. Even so, then the 2017 test says clearly states negative there.
  10. Yes, a positive EMA is highly indicative of celiac. I did not see that they did an EMA on you though.?????
  11. Hi Jami, what you describe can be a symptom of celiac and especially if the stool floats, &/or is foul smelling &/or fatty or oily. Also if you see bits of food in it. And especially if this is happening more than once a day. I understand about your friend but there are some 200 symptoms associated with celiac. This does not mean if you have...
  12. It's too late now to know for sure then. I can tell you if it is dh then you have to make sure you don't get cross contaminated at all ever. Try the Fasano diet for 6 months & see what happens.
  13. I did a lot of research on the iodine patch test in 2010-2011 & concluded the patch test was bunk - just another of those internet myths that gets copied & pasted so many times that people can't distinguish truth from fiction; much like propaganda. I'm sorry but we just really can not tell from pictures. Yes, it could be dh but then again there...
  14. There is such a thing as iodine allergy. I recall a medical procedure I was in the hospital for & they asked me if I was allergic to iodine. Also, iodine can cause rashes on the skin especially if the solution is applied & then covered up. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/321393.php https://www.livestrong.com/article/242436-symptoms...
  15. I'm sorry but you really haven't given any information to go on. The one photo you posted is very blurry. You don't say if you have celiac or not or have ever been tested or what makes you think you might be celiac & therefore this could be dh.
  16. For a long, long time after I went gluten-free, just putting a band aid on my skin was enough to get it puffed up & red, hot & itchy. It's like your skin is in ultra super hypersensitivity mode.
  17. Well yeah, because your doc did not dx based on celiac dx protocols at all. You go to some other doc later - say you move or whatever - the new doc is likely to UNdiagnose you because of the shoddy basis for your dx. Also, you seem to doubt the dx yourself. If you are doubting, then you need to be sure b/c otherwise you very well may not stay on the diet...
  18. Bilateral/echoing/ghosting all meaning the same thing in this case. Yes, for the most part, dh mirrors itself from one side of the body to the other including across limbs BUT that is not always a hard & fast rule. I think (my opinion) in the early stages, it can deviate from "the rules". Later down the line, it becomes more established in the hard &...
  19. My hubs loved black licorice all his life. Me, I can't even stand the smell of it. But, for those who are totally into the real deal -- these are strong I warn you -- my hubs can only eat one at a time. Gimbals Fine Candy Scottie dogs Natural Licorice
  20. Boy! You just can't tell by photos. DH has so many different "looks". I am concerned with what you're NOT saying. You are not saying it's presenting bilaterally. You are not saying it's echoing or ghosting from one side to the other. Also, there are many rashes associated with celiac disease. If you're already gluten free & can't afford a dh biopsy...
  21. Susie, why don't you send that primary care doc a copy of your positive celiac panel along with the notes from your gastro dx'ing you with celiac -- or better yet, make an appt. with him & hand them to him in person. Maybe he'll learn something. To all of you --- the things you're saying and what you're being told by the docs who brush you off, blame...
  22. Here is the full celiac blood panel: Anti-Gliadin (AGA) IgA Anti-Gliadin (AGA) IgG Anti-Endomysial (EMA) IgA Anti-Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA Deamidated Gliadin Peptide (DGP) IgA and IgG Total Serum IgA Also can be termed this way: Endomysial Antibody IgA Tissue Transglutaminase IgA GLIADIN IgG GLIADIN IgA Total...
  23. I don't know what you think you read. The OP did not say anything about a "curable" gluten sensitivity or "curable" gluten allergy.
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