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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by squirmingitch

  1. Ging, I'm confused. In the first paragraph you say your biopsy & blood work came back positive yet in the 2nd paragraph,, you say the blood test was negative. ?????? If you had a positive dh biopsy then you don't need any other testing. A positive dh biopsy is a dx of celiac. See: http://www.cureceliacdisease.org/faq/can-a-skin-biopsy-for-dermatitis...
  2. With those 2 positives especially at the ranges they are, I can't see it being anything else!
  3. I thought salicylates might be part of my problem at one time so I ate salicylate free (besides being gluten-free) for a long time & it made no difference what so ever. That does not mean you don't have a problem with them but my gut is telling me that is not your problem. I see you're in the midwest ---you must be pretty hot right now; I understand...
  4. Read the Newbie 101 which is pinned to the top of the Coping section. There are oodles of tips there.
  5. The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center says 12 weeks for a gluten challenge for the serum panel and 2 weeks for an endoscopy. Here's the thing CanIEatThis, you never had the full serum panel 5 years ago. You only got the TTG IgA. Here is the full panel: Anti-Gliadin (AGA) IgA Anti-Gliadin (AGA) IgG Anti-Endomysial (EMA) IgA Anti-Tissue...
  6. You're welcome! Also watch the NSAID's as they tend to make the rash flare. If you have to take something, it seems Tylenol is the least aggravating to the rash.
  7. Read this & follow the diet. This is a member who is actually a doctor specializing in pediatrics but she has celiac disease. In case that is not clear then you can access the diet here: http://www.todaysdietitian.com/newarchives/0816p14.shtml Do not eat out, do NOT!!!!!!! Do not eat anything you have not yourself prepared & that...
  8. About this cross reactivity stuff....... I suggest everyone PLEASE read this thread IN FULL along with the links posted in it.
  9. There are a couple studies that were done concluding that roughly 10% of celiacs actually do react to oats -- purity protocol oats even.
  10. Nate, you've got to stop getting cross contaminated. Those antibodies bury themselves under your skin & just wait for something to set them off. It may not be just Cheerios. Many of us, & I mean MANY of us with dh can not do oats at all. Not gluten-free oats, not certified gluten-free oats, not purity protocol grown gluten-free oats. You...
  11. This is not a good plan for finding out if this is dh. FIRST: ALL celiac testing requires the patient to be on a full gluten diet, not a gluten light diet & not a gluten free diet & not a, "I only went gluten free for a couple weeks & then started right back eating it for 3 days" diet. THIS INCLUDES DH BIOPSIES! I get so pissed...
  12. I was going to mention the soy yogurt -- soy --- but I see Ennis already did. You mentioned gluten free Cheerios ~~~ oats. Oats are heavy duty fiber & can be difficult to digest. Try ditching the oats & anything containing oats. Eat gluten free rice Chex instead.
  13. Poultry seasoning on the chicken...... it's best to use single spices rather than mixes. You can buy them singly & make your own mixes.
  14. Prior to blood testing we recommend 12 weeks of eating gluten. From: http://www.cureceliacdisease.org/faq/what-is-a-gluten-challenge/ Print it out & take it to the doc.
  15. You have the positive on the DGP IgA. 1 positive is enough to move forward with an endoscopic biopsy. You must keep eating gluten each day or you could quit now & begin again around 1 month prior to the GI appointment. I warn you though that if you quit & then resume, you are most likely going to have a much more severe reaction than if you had never...
  16. It means you were very damaged. Please read the Newbie 101 at the top of the Coping forum.
  17. A couple things I forgot to mention earlier...... pressure points ~~~ dh likes to hit pressure points. that can be clothing seams, bras in general, where your socks hug your calves, stuff like that. Loose clothing helps!!!! Going barefoot helps if you're in a climate where you can do that. DH also likes to hit scars/scar tissue. I have a hysterectomy scar...
  18. I hear ya! It's like being stuck between a rock & a hard spot. The worst problem, I think, with eating gluten for people who do have dh is that MORE antibodies are going to get deposited under your skin that aren't necessarily going to affect you right away but that you know will affect you somewhere down the line. Like a time bomb just ticking away ...
  19. OOF! Where to start with you...... OK, let's see, triggers & aggravators..... NSAID's but if you MUST take something, it seems Tylenol is the least offender. Go to thyca.org for a low iodine diet (leave off the gluten foods too!), steroids --- generally a monstrous rash backlash after quitting them. Do NOT eat out - it isn't worth the risk and if...
  20. You really need to research Dapsone & it's side effects before you go running for that route. Also there are regular tests that need to be done while you are on Dapsone. Your best bet for a dh dx is a dh biopsy but just like the blood tests, you have to have been eating gluten everyday for the prior 12 weeks and the biopsy needs to be taken from...
  21. I think it's really important for you to get the DGP tests. Some people only test positive on those. We have one member in particular who only ever tests positive on the DGP's. Since you were eating gluten free in 2016 when you had the endoscopy, then it would be invalid as to determining if you have celiac disease or not. It is telling that your...
  22. One of the side effects of Dapsone is a skin rash. See: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/dapsone-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20063327 Numerous people with dh who have taken Dapsone have had unacceptable side effects from taking Dapsone & some of those were rash.
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