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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by squirmingitch

  1. If you don't talk to doctors then they don't say stupid stuff.
  2. First off welcome to the club you never wanted to be a part of. Second, you should get copies of the results of your labs -- all of them including the pathology & write up of your colonoscopy & endoscopy. You should always get & keep for your own records, copies of medical records, labs & other tests. Did she take biopsies during...
  3. Yes, we have many pharmacies here.....Walgreens, CVS, WalMart, Winn Dixie, Publix but I choose our locally owned pharmacy where the same people work there for years & years & I know them all & they know my hubby & myself & our conditions. Sometimes we pay more at their pharmacy but for the personal care & consideration they provide...
  4. My pharmacy does not list the name of the maker on the bottle or anywhere the paperwork that I get however, I use a locally owned pharmacy & they are super excellent about calling the manufacturer & checking. I still double check it when I get home or before I leave the pharmacy. You can look up the maker online by the color, shape & markings...
  5. My husband eats the Cucumber Ranch all the time & has no problem with it. I agree with the others, keep it simple until you start feeling better. No processed foods at all & ditch the grains for now. Just fresh meats, fruits & veggies.
  6. Oh gosh, I can't believe I missed that wheat protein. I just kinda stopped when I saw oatmeal & since I can't do oats, even purity oats, I quit looking. YIKES!
  7. I found a few. The first is Hormel which says it doesn't contain any of the 8 major allergens but it does contain oatmeal & it doesn't say those are purity protocol oats so you might want to think about that one before you jump in feet first. https://www.target.com/p/hormel-no-beans-chili-15-oz/-/A-13220941?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla...
  8. Parchment paper will be one of your new best friends too. Between parchment paper & tin foil, there's not much you can't do. There are even toaster bags you can use for shared toasters. https://www.amazon.co.uk/PACK-20-Disposable-Toasting-Dimensions/dp/B00SI1V1LK https://aroma-cleaning.store.buegle.com/product.php/3097153/
  9. Thank you tessa25! I will try that. So a key is keeping your core warm? I had read somewhere that keeping your wrists warm does the trick & I tried that by using some wrist warmers under the gloves that come up over my wrists but that still didn't help. I keep looking at heated gloves. They cost $45 + up which I would do if I could be sure they would...
  10. Here are a few things. The last link is from a Sept. 2018 article https://thetakeout.com/communion-wafers-bread-gluten-free-1829110229
  11. In addition to celiac & rheumatoid arthritis, I also have Reynaud's syndrome. Mine occurs mostly with my fingers. Sometimes my toes get affected if it's really cold. The grocery store is the worst for me. I hardly ever go in the grocery store without the Reynaud's hitting my fingers. I've tried wearing winter gloves but they don't seem to make one...
  12. cyclinglady is the one who gets chronic autoimmune urticaria. I sure am glad I don't! Keeping my fingers crossed. I have 3 AI diseases & hope that's the end count.
  13. My understanding is not this. My understanding is that the antibodies are there, under the skin and iodine can aggravate the antibodies. The antibodies sit there under the skin, sort of like dormant plants in winter, if iodine intake is high enough (depending on the individual & the # of antibodies remaining under the skin) then it "triggers" the rash...
  14. We call IBS the I Be Stumped non diagnosis. It's a cop out by doctors. IBS is a symptom NOT a diagnosis. Oh AG, how terribly awful!!!!!!!! I've read about that skin condition before but never known anyone who actually had it. OOF!
  15. Point taken AG. It can be difficult to tell in text as opposed to getting tone of voice, body language etc....
  16. You're asking some pretty impossible questions there AG. I can't tell the difference except if it's a glutting, then there will be some (for me) GI distress & an under eye tic on my right side & snoring for starters but these things come a couple-3 days after the fact. So right off the bat, I can't tell just by the rash. If days go by & I only...
  17. He's still going to have to eat gluten even for an endoscopic biopsy. 2 weeks minimum. Plus guidelines say no dx on an endoscopic biopsy alone - you have to have the positive blood to go with it. Even that 2 weeks will deposit more antibodies under his skin if he's got dh. Let me put it this way. The gut damage is the gut damage & if he's celiac...
  18. Good info. Thanks for posting. It's always great when people post what they learned from a phone call, or email with a manufacturer.
  19. 60% of those with DH test false negative on the celiac serum panel. http://www.cureceliacdisease.org/faq/what-is-dermatitis-herpetiformis-dh/ A positive dh biopsy is a dx of celiac disease, no further testing is needed. The dh biopsy alone is definitive. http://www.cureceliacdisease.org/faq/how-is-dermatitis-herpetiformis-dh-diagnosed/ http...
  20. NO. Just like for the serum panel, you have to have been eating a full gluten diet for 3 months prior to testing. The dh biopsy requires the same time frame. http://www.cureceliacdisease.org/faq/im-scheduled-to-have-a-skin-biopsy-to-screen-for-celiac-disease-should-i-maintain-a-gluten-containing-diet-similar-to-those-who-are-being-screened-via-blood...
  21. And he needs to be super strict in his gluten free diet! SUPER strict, not just low gluten. No cross contamination, NONE. I am so sorry, there are no short cuts with the testing. It flat out sucks but there you have it. Welcome to the forum!
  22. I found this on celery allergy: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-allergy/symptoms-causes/syc-20355095
  23. Potatoes are good for breakfast! Your concoction sounds pretty good. K, how about this? Peel & dice potatoes, fry them in just enough olive oil to keep them from sticking in a skillet until they begin getting crispy. Toss in diced sweet peppers or maybe chili peppers, onions to soften. I know you're not doing egg yolks b/c of iodine but you can do the...
  24. Hi Mom, I am so sorry you're getting the run around. Yes, the links worked for me too & that poor little thing! Cyclinglady gave you excellent advice. I really can't add anything to it but everything she says is right on. Keep advocating! Read this: https://www.sjsreview.com/8752/features/sophomore-establishes-celiac-support-group/ I found...
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