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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by squirmingitch

  1. Alaskaguy, the thing with the nightshades is inflammation. I've never heard of nightshades making anyone's dh flare or anything else. Seems like ppl avoid nightshades to stop their body from hurting.
  2. Will the oats keep? I mean, do you have the correct storage temp. for them & the teff too. I know it can cost a bundle to ship things to AK. I have some good recipes using almond flour & so you might want to get into that too, especially if you can't regain the oats. But you don't want to muddy the waters with adding that just at this point so...
  3. LOL! A cup serving of iodine! Hahahahahaha! That gave me a good chuckle. Well, considering how I can almost inhale strawberries, and combined with the amount of milk I drink; I would be pretty sure it's the iodine content of strawberries. Thanks for that info.! I suppose I could give up a glass of milk in favor of a bowl of strawberries but it wouldn...
  4. Yes! Cause & effect. The cause has already happened, the full effect has yet to be realized. Hang onto your seats ladies & gentlemen.
  5. BANANAS?????? Really??? Gosh, I have never seen bananas mentioned in anything I've read in regards to iodine content of foods. I eat bananas like crazy. I love my bananas! They are quite a staple for me. Not giving up bananas, no way, no how. I have gone 3 or 4 days & sometimes a week w/o eating a banana & have never noticed any difference in the...
  6. My advice? Don't borrow problems. Cross that bridge when you come to it IF you come to it. We are all individuals & as such react individually. Yes, some have huge problems with corn. That doesn't mean everyone does or even 50% do or even 25% do. I will say that corn is probably higher on the suspect list if one is having problems. Seriously...
  7. Exactly! It is a great resource though & yes, lets us have at least a general idea. The soil items are grown in makes a difference too. That's what I was getting at when I mentioned the dustbowl. I mean, there was the factor of the soil being used up from decades of farming, the weather factors that gave the dustbowl it's name and the fact that the topsoil...
  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for validating something I was sure of. Asparagus & spinach being high in iodine. Somewhere in this dh forum I have said as much. You know how I knew? Yep, you got it. The rash told me. I ADORE asparagus & love spinach. I quit both of them b/c every time I had them, boom! The asparagus especially. Funny this all comes...
  9. Oh Monarda! I didn't think of it as Bergamot. I have some & I adore the aroma every time I brush past it or water it. Smells like heaven! Unfortunately, it's in it's 3rd year here (some bright red blooms) & has never bloomed. It doesn't like FL. I do have some native monarda in the fields that the bees & butterflies love. BTW, I love the Earl...
  10. You know, you would be surprised how your palate can adapt to food without a lot of herbs & spices. Honest! I never would have believed I would be saying this but I am thoroughly enjoying just tasting vegetables like Mother Nature made them.
  11. First off, let's see if we can call Ennis @Ennis_TX back to tell you how to trial new foods b/c he's got that down pat. I think it's something like have the same food item 3 days in the week.... I don't know for sure so we'll get him to lay it out. At some point in time it may take a little longer to tell as your system calms down as far as the dh is concerned...
  12. Excellent! Yes, we often tell people they will be surprised at the things that resolve that they didn't think they actually had a problem with. Actually, I can't really say how long it might be for the spots to fade away. Everyone is different. In my case, I just had too many in too many places & re-do, re-do, re-do. I couldn't have kept track...
  13. If you have never watched this, DO. This will help you understand a whole bunch!
  14. Alaskaguy, 1) I can't guarantee it, but I do not think you're going to have to be on the Fasano diet for years & years. Here's what I think in regards to myself.... a) I am super sensitive, maybe even super, super sensitive 20ppm is too much for me. Many with dh have a problem with the tiniest amount of gluten. b) I kept getting let's call it...
  15. Like cyclinglady said, old-fashioned Bakers brand coconut (a Kraft product) at the local grocery store. We don't have any real health food stores here & no, I haven't really been inclined to order online for just shredded coconut. The vanilla is McCormick gluten-free pure vanilla extract & the ingredients are "vanilla bean extractives in water &...
  16. I am on the run here this morning so will make this short & sweet. Potatoes are fine b/c yes, the iodine is in the skins. Just peel them well. Wine is also fine but am I wrong or not - does wine contain sulfites????? I so very seldom drink that I forget. Haven't had anything alcoholic in a couple of years. I have a banana bread recipe Alaskaguy that...
  17. ❤️? cyclinglady? My hubby said, "Every day lived without a dog is a day not fully lived."
  18. Before celiac (I call it BC ), I was not a big lentil eater. It was a once in a blue moon kind of thing so I do not miss them at all. Everyone needs to do what they think they should/can. Being that I can take lentils or leave them then I choose to leave them. Are you a member of Gluten Free Watchdog? I am. It's well worth it. It seems like people are always...
  19. Jack was your heart dog. Sometimes we are fortunate enough to have more than 1 heart dog in our lifetime. I hope you will have another. We waited 5 years after our last & swear we will never wait that long again!
  20. I know the Fasano diet is rough, especially at first. But you CAN do it. And Alaskaguy, give yourself a break & have a tiny glass of milk once in a while. Like I said, I do the dried beans but NEVER touch lentils. I mostly do navy beans & pinto beans. BTW, pinto beans are going to have more iodine than the navy beans. I remember that from when the...
  21. So ch88 gave you a few more things to think about. I know hominy! (Southern gal here). Here's a thought.....I wonder if the lye has any effect on the dh? I have often wondered myself if there aren't other "aggravators" like iodine is an aggravator. For instance, I adore these Toasty Coconut Macaroons https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown...
  22. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. I hope you will get another. When you do, feel free to ask me how to feed the raw. It's really pretty easy. So it doesn't seem that you go nuts on eggs, I wouldn't imagine you're getting a lot of iodine from them & like you said, if you cut the teff, you'll be eating even fewer eggs.
  23. Do you use lentils, dried or otherwise? Lentils are sooooooooo often cc'd with wheat. The Silk almond milk could be a problem Alaskaguy. Silk also makes oat milk. That right there may be the culprit along with the oats. I was not aware you had been dairy free for 6 or 7 months. I see Cadia has products containing oats. Have you checked...
  24. And yet another note. I eat eggs but I find I need to limit my consumption of them or do trade offs. I have learned to love egg whites - fried, in olive oil, with the edges getting crispy. I eat whole eggs but not as much as I used to. I still think (my opinion) you should do Fasano & low iodine for a few months. Let everything calm down....
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