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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Adalaide

  1. Some of the major food groups are milk, cheese (yes, they're different food groups) bacon and chocolate. So if you have milk with your muffin you're covering two food groups for supper! Sounds good to me. I had SO MUCH FOOD! Talked to lots of people, made new friends. (don't remember anyone's names ) Had a blast and generally feel awesome for letting...
  2. I got out a container of my husband's spaghetti sauce. I have a jar in the pantry in case I'm hungry tonight. We'll see what happens. Tonight is the local support group's annual pot luck in the park. Every year I skip it and the cookie party. I'm always paranoid. What if they have a shared kitchen, what if they screw up one ingredient, what if what if what...
  3. Hey! I'm a nice person. Sometimes. Well, in public anyway. Maybe that's not entirely true. I'm nice to customer service people! Mostly because I know how hard it is. Amended: I'm nice to my servers. Always be nice to servers. They can spit in your food.
  4. The next time you come Karen maybe there will be an In N Out. We have 10 now and they're opening more! Also, look up The Pie. You'll never feel better about a pizza, both safe and delicious. They're in the city, and a few other locations, I guess what you'd call a local chain. Heck, I'll come have a pizza with you! Rule in my house, never make fried...
  5. I NEVER trust pizza places, with the exception of The Pie (separate kitchen) and Malawi's (GIG certified). We never eat the same things, that's why we never share. He's mister "I hate vegetables blah blah blah" lol. I like to pack things like frozen grapes, hard boiled eggs, and snack bars. Easy to pack and doesn't take up much space.
  6. Sorry for the confusion, my comic con is not San Diego. I'm in Utah and mine is the Salt Lake one. But it is nearly as large, we're expecting 120,000 people this fall! Even without that though, we're already the third largest in the country and it's only our second year, third convention. (we do 2 a year, we're super geeks) The PF Changs is 3ish blocks away...
  7. I love In N Out! They don't offer much, but what they do they certainly do right. Fresh cut fries, never frozen burgers and I love the shakes. I've never gotten sick from eating there and I wouldn't hesitate to go to any of their locations and feel safe eating. I'm thinking I need to find the closest one to the convention center and see if I can get there...
  8. The last time I had leftover beef I made a pasta steak salad. I just mixed more or less equal parts ranch, sour cream and mayo for the sauce (I didn't measure anything, I just eyeballed it) and added whatever fresh herbs I had on hand (although none would have worked) and whatever veggies were in the fridge plus some frozen peas and macaroni which I only...
  9. So I totally forgot about this over the weekend. Back when I was first diagnosed my MIL said something about calling a friend back in CA who knew something about a way to make bread gluten free by kneading or beating the gluten out of it. Something to that effect. Even though I was newly diagnosed with the relative knowledge of a babe, it took every ounce...
  10. I just found out a local company makes a whiskey salami with a whiskey from a local distillery. And it's on sale. Looks like I need to go shopping at a particular store this week. I love trying new and exciting things!
  11. Our waffles were good. They weren't bland or anything, but they were plain. I think in the future we'll add fruit or something to them. I do really love my new waffle iron though! Cooking four waffles at a time really makes it go fast so I'm not in the kitchen all night making dinner. And there are plenty of leftovers for breakfast and snacks. I want...
  12. The app for Smith's. It's in the Kroger family of stores and it was my understanding that all of them have their own apps. They probably have similar coupons too. I can't honestly remember now though if it's a regular coupon or a "customer best" coupon which is one of the ones tailored to me and how I shop. They just loaded those again at the same time this...
  13. I have a coupon for the corn dogs but the store it's for doesn't have them. I need to tell them to get some before the coupon expires. They shouldn't be putting coupons for gluten free stuff on my app if they aren't gonna have it in my store. Tonight is waffle night. I'm finally gonna break in my new waffle iron. Yay! We'll have sausage or ham or something...
  14. I'm not sure my husband quite understands what his day tomorrow means yet. He got a Saturday off, which I decided meant he's going with me and I get to enjoy the market while he mans the stand. I also told him he can find out what my day is like by going with me to set up, and I don't think he has fully grasped that this means leaving the house at 6:30. ...
  15. You can make your own crispy onions. Just soak in milk, bread and fry in oil. Lots of recipes if you need step by step instructions with measurements if you google for it. Making your own are tastier and far better because of the lack of weird ingredients imo. Of course, there's nothing wrong with the occasional Funyon if you're into that sort of thing, they...
  16. This is the recipe I use for brazilian cheese bread. http://www.ourbestbites.com/2011/02/quick-brazilian-cheese-rolls-pao-de-queijo-2/ Something to keep in mind if you make it is that it will not work with an egg substitute. I tried several times with several options for an egg sub and every time they came out rather flat and hard. Other than the egg...
  17. I always test my pasta for doneness by taste. Assuming based on cooking time won't get you perfect pasta. I had just the end of the london broil in the fridge. I cut it up and made a pasta salad with steak. I didn't use a recipe, I just started putting things in a bowl until it looked and tasted done. I also had a little of all three herbs in my garden...
  18. I didn't find anything for supper at the garden center, but they had shiro plums. I'd never heard of them, but they were the most beautiful yellow color so I bought a small basket. I ate one as soon as we climbed in the Jeep and were pulling out of the parking lot and I quickly realized I should have bought all 3 baskets. I ate 5 on the way home and 5 more...
  19. I'm going to do something with the leftover london broil tonight. Not sure what exactly thought. Tonight is the recognition ceremony for the college so I'm subbing for the night class so I won't do anything fancy. Maybe just make a nice sauce and sandwiches and a salad or something. We're going to the garden center in a bit to go pick up pickling cucumbers...
  20. The orange chicken was good. My husband was happy to point out that mine is better and I was happy to point out that mine takes 2 hours to make, not 15 minutes. Never thought this would happen, and I would never EVER admit it to him but I'm sort of a little jealous tonight of my little brother. (Also, he doesn't know I still call him my little brother...
  21. I made a pot of brown rice last night. I'm going to make some rice pudding and use the rest for some fried rice to go with our orange chicken for supper. I'm going to have a slow week in the sewing room, but I have a busy week to catch up making boo boo bunnies. That means I get to spend many MANY hours curled up in bed in front of the tv folding and...
  22. I wish I could get good buns around here. I'm "stuck" with Udi's though. Nothing really wrong with them exactly, and I can get them in one of the stores not frozen and they are better that way. But they're just so big and thick and they stick to your guts after you eat them. Just too much for a burger. They're good to slice and use for garlic bread though...
  23. na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na NACHOS!
  24. Because nothing is more educational than Bea Arthur and a unicorn.
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