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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Adalaide

  1. My husband would be all over that. He's twisted like that. I on the other hand do not do needles. I get all squeamish about my flu shot or blood draws.
  2. Indian food sounds delicious. Either kind really. Here in Utah it can be rather confusing about which you're going out for if someone isn't specific. Apparently my husband brought home a LOT of steak. So, steak is for dinner. Not complaining at all! No such thing as too much steak. I'll look up a recipe and do something fabulous tonight I think. I've...
  3. We have a peach tree in the yard. I was wondering if I could find a way to make little peach underoos and sell packs of peaches in panties at the market when they're ready.
  4. Everything about this article speaks for itself. http://kotaku.com/peaches-sold-as-sexy-butts-in-china-1613809697
  5. I can't remember the last time we had nachos for supper. It's a brilliant idea that will get me in front of the TV and my beloved Doctor sooner. I should try it Saturday night when I know I won't feel up to cooking.
  6. My husband is bringing home steak for dinner. I do have plans for "soon" though. One of the local stores just started carrying a frozen gluten free orange chicken without any super weird ingredients. I'm pretty excited. I think tomorrow or Saturday I'm going to stop in and pick it up instead of daydreaming about it. It'll probably turn into one of those things...
  7. Yesterday I found the How Can It Be Gluten Free cookbook on the porch. I'm SO excited! I can't wait to try making bread. But I have that chicken in the freezer for fried chicken too. I'm thinking I need to try that recipe really soon. And cookies and cakes and pie. I feel like I gained 10 pounds browsing the book.
  8. This sounds awesome. We have a small pizza chain in northern Utah that has double kitchens. And their pizza is freakin awesome! I gotta get there soon, they have a summer specialty pizza called a bacon-berry pie that I've got to try. Strawberry-balsamic sauce, chicken, bacon, mozz, red onions and feta then topped with fresh strawberries and cilantro after...
  9. I kept almost talking my husband into lawn flamingos for our garden this year. Thankfully he kept talking me down... I never knew they were so dangerous!
  10. This is the most useful information I could find. It sounds like they're specifying it isn't barley malt? Not a whole lot of particularly useful, fast and easy to find info on seed malt. I did see one company post on facebook about it that they made it from rice. I doubt every company does though, I imagine it could be from plenty of types of seeds. http...
  11. You're so twisted. I was looking at your little chubby headed unicorn last night and thinking about how adorable he is. Makes me smile. I much prefer the happy purple unicorn to the vomiting rainbows one. My husband is gonna kill me for this... but after Easter when all the baskets were half off they had one with a little chubby alicorn in it. (An alicorn...
  12. I forgot I had some hamburger in the fridge. My husband is going to make his own dinner tonight and I think I'll make some spaghetti and meatballs. I slept way too much today and I can't wait to go get tested tomorrow for anemia so I can just get my stupid infusions and get on with my life! I saw some research this evening that showed that if they injected...
  13. When my girls were little I'd send them to their room. Together. I told them they could come out when they could get along. Usually they were happily playing together in under 5 minutes and forgot they wanted to come out, at least for a little while. I'm not sure what's for supper yet. Maybe alfredo. I got a pork tenderloin out yesterday but I don't...
  14. Also, I didn't look at the ingredients but they make a glazed donut vodka. I've never wished more than at the moment I was staring at that bottle that I actually still drank. It sounds amazing.
  15. Not sure yet if I'm going to cook tonight or not. At the market I'm on the side of the sidewalk that's inside the park, so I always show up first thing so I get my stuff moved into my spot before the street side vendors get there. It would be awkward trying to get my stuff through them. Usually I have an entire hour and a half after I set up to myself and...
  16. Yup! She keeps updating on facebook. I'm so jealous. I've always thought that one day I may get there. Then we got our Salt Lake Comic Con, which was the largest inaugural Con and with the spring attendance became the third largest in the country. I'm not entirely sure I have so much to be jealous about... but it IS the San Diego Con which is legendary.
  17. I could totally get to Texas in time for dinner tomorrow! Alas, I must work instead. Then come home and cook for myself. Tonight I took the easy way out, burgers and tots. I have an appointment on Tuesday with my GP to see if I'm anemic again. I'm getting mystery bruises and I'm exhausted 100% of the time. I don't have time for this crap, or time for...
  18. Maybe it's a Utah thing? It's made in Salt Lake. It's just one of our ways of having a "beer" with our dinner since we don't drink.
  19. It isn't beer, or alcoholic at all. I'm not sure why it's called apple beer, but it is. And it's delicious. http://www.applebeer.com/Default.aspx
  20. Apparently Dr. Who is getting to my husband. We were going to have salmon but then he started making comments about fish and chips. So we stopped by the store, picked up some white fish and battered it to go with our fries. We had a 4 pack of apple beer to go with it. Perfect.
  21. I just bought chicken today to make fried chicken! I'm freezing it though and it'll be a little while til I decide to make it. I also got a new waffle iron. My husband freaked a little at the $30 price tag, but it's a nice one and makes 4 at a time so I won't be in the kitchen all freaking day making waffles every time I throw a batch together. We also want...
  22. Tonight we're having reruns of the london broil. I'll have to find something to go with it but I'm sure something will come up. Last night I found a dozen or so purple string beans ready in the garden to have with my dinner. It was the first thing out of the garden this year that wasn't mint, which doesn't count. They were delicious. Today I'm lightening...
  23. His portion won't last long enough for anyone else. I'm more than happy to eat his share.
  24. Got a london broil out of my freezer to thaw for tomorrow. Tonight I'm in the mood for mac & cheese. Nothing I can really thaw quickly so I think we'll just do burgers. Not particularly exciting, but a decent summer supper. I have a container of baby spring mix greens for salads and maybe I'll get out the deep fryer for fries for my husband since he doesn...
  25. We stopped at the store today and I got a chicken for $3! Yay! I roasted it, filled the house with smoke (lol) and enjoyed a lovely dinner. I'm really enjoying my husband having the same two days off every week, it's positively great. Stayed up way too late last night, enjoying a lot of tv last night and tonight and some ice cream. Had some errands today...
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