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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Adalaide

  1. I ate today! This of course led to a disagreement between my butt and I on how far was safe to travel from the bathroom but for an extremely short period of time there was food in me. I meandered about the store while they were filling my prescription because they have the most horrid chairs there and found some bison for $4 a pound marked down 2 days before...
  2. Anything involving proscuitto always sounds 110% awesome. And you wouldn't be starving for a week if we had our muumuus.
  3. That pizza sounds great. I think I'm finally gonna order some Venice crusts this week to try and see how that goes. My husband is a complete jerk. He is making me drink orange juice because it'll help me get better he says. It may as well be battery acid I'm pouring onto the back of my throat. I do feel mildly better though, I'm coughing less and my fever...
  4. Apparently my no energy Thursday evening turned into feeling like I had razor blades in my throat by bedtime. I took myself off to the doctor on Friday just to make sure it wasn't strep. Nope, just a fun head cold yay! I didn't eat yesterday at all, I was in too much pain to consider putting food against my throat. I found the energy tonight to cook some...
  5. I wanted to cheat today, I had so much going on. But... with the husband working he expects an actual dinner with the whole cooking thing involved. I semi-cheated. I just pan fried a steak, mashed up the two leftover baked potatoes from Monday and popped open a can of green beans. So pretty much I didn't really cook at all. Throwing a steak in a pan...
  6. We had company for dinner and after some much appreciated and needed advice we decided to skip offering our company rolls. We toasted enough Rudi's for everyone to have a slice if they liked with dinner. Dinner was a lovely spiral cut ham with a brown sugar dijon glaze, baked potatoes (I was too lazy for mashed), glazed carrots, salad and killer gravy...
  7. I never heard of that called bannock tacos before. My girlfriend always called it Navajo tacos but I suppose maybe being Navajo gave her a bias? I wish I had taken her up on her offer of learning to make the bread sometime before she moved away, I still kick myself over that one. My caring husband shared his cold with me this weekend so he got to be...
  8. omg I know! In my Grammy's house it was the normal practice to have a bowl of cereal before bed. This took care of all of the hungrys, thirstys, etc and got people off without a hitch. I may have only spent a night a week there but to this day I always snack before bed and it is commonly cereal. If I go to bed without a snack I'll wake up with my stomach...
  9. Haha, I always warn my husband. If he wants to stay happily married we need to spend a day or two a month not speaking to each other. Anyway, the pulled pork isn't really a recipe, it's more of a guideline. You need whatever pork roast makes you happy, I tend to buy whatever is cheapest, and some root beer and some BBQ sauce. The root beer is important...
  10. I can't blame gluten for my problems IH but I am totally feeling your pain. (((hugs))) I'm resenting being a girl today and frankly there is just no way in hell I'm cooking. I threw some buffalo chicken dip together into my baby crock pot and frankly if hubby doesn't like it he can figure out his own dinner. I've never made it before but I know I'll love...
  11. Pork loin, mac & cheese and I'm sure I'll think of a veggie to add by the time it's time to throw one on the stove. My doctor told me as long as I'm staying symptom free I'm allowed a little of my tyramine foods so I'm having my mac & cheese with cheddar today yay!
  12. I wouldn't call it famous, but it sure is tasty! I keep almost talking myself into it again... as if that's difficult. Against the Grain baguettes? I'll have to try those, I've struggled with finding a bread or bun that makes me happy, but frankly am so satisfied that I don't care if I have to put it on rice. I'm slacking this year, I've hardly had any...
  13. Yesterday I made a pork tenderloin. Today I threw a roast in the crock pot. Tomorrow and Monday I'm on strike!
  14. Pork chops, cauliflower with cheese sauce, maybe some taters. Not really sure but I feel like I need something else there. The hubs is having french fries but I don't really need to be stuffing my face with something deep fried.
  15. Surf and turf night. Beef tips fried with an obscene amount of garlic and a fat slab of salmon. Fresh yellow wax beans from the farmer's market I picked up last night.
  16. Steak again... poor me, such suffering. Salad with fresh, still warm from the sun, orange tomatoes from my garden and corn on the cob. I also picked up some gelato today, I saw it on sale for BOGO and was tempted to buy out the whole store. Of course I just had to have my husband along and he was all blah blah blah you know you shouldn't have the chocolate...
  17. Mmmmm.... beef stew. Sounds yummy! The weather doesn't quite sound as awesome as your dinner. We found a box of gluten free mac & cheese (kraft style) on clearance so we had that with some burgers for dinner tonight. It wasn't amazing but when it's been months and you just want a quickie dinner, it's a nice change of pace. I suppose we may occasionally...
  18. My bread tonight turned out as bread! Yay, I didn't royally screw it up this time. This is the recipe I used, although I only made half since I hardly have the space or pans to cook a whole recipe of it. I don't think I could eat that much either. It isn't amazing, but it's good. Once I had it slathered in gravy though? Was just like I remember, bread covered...
  19. At first I was like what the heck is Poutine. Then I was like That looks so good! I actually have a local creamery where I can buy fresh curds. Which I'm not supposed to eat, but lets be honest here. French fries. Fresh curds. Gravy. Um, put me on the sign up list! (see, this is why I'm still fat)
  20. You poor poor thing! I'm currently tyramine "free" which means simply consuming as little tyramine as is humanly possible. I think what triggered finding out for me was a combination of my propensity for shopping the marked down meats at the stores and the fact that I consumed approximately 3-4 pounds of spinach in a week. Along with my nuts, cheeses, nitrites...
  21. Yeast. Oh well I didn't want rye bread anyway. (I'll tell myself this until I believe it.) My bread last night didn't turn out as bread. I wanted a half recipe, so I soaked the appropriate amount of grains. I then got home from my movie, forgot and added the full amount of everything else. Oops. I'll try again tonight with a smaller dose of idiocy!...
  22. Making "bread" for tonight, trying a new recipe out. I'll share it if it doesn't suck. Picked up some pork chops last night at the store, I'll probably bake them then use up all the juice to make some nice gravy to sop up with that bread. Diet you say? No, I didn't mention I was on one of those. I don't know what you're talking about.
  23. Steak tonight. I'm thinking about stopping at a roadside stand on the way home for some corn. I have frozen corn but it just isn't the same as corn on the cob. Worst case scenario I'll have to just have plain old corn with mashed taters and slather it all in some gravy. Poor me!
  24. It may be some time you need to be healed. Honestly though, I was told by my doctor after having my gallbladder out that I would likely have to follow a low fat diet the rest of my life as most of his patients suffer from severe GI symptoms from even a "normal" fat intake. You may have to simply accept this fact. I seem to do okay though as long as I don...
  25. I haven't had any problems with it myself, but you mention issues with digging out the seeds. With cantaloupe and honeydew I cut them in half and use a large spoon to gently scrape out the seeds. It's far less messy and it sounds like it would save you a lot of trouble. Something else I do instead of cutting it up is to simply cut it in half or quarters and...
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