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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Adalaide

  1. The first time we were ever adventurous enough to try making our own Chinese restaurant style breaded chicken at home was after I was gluten free. Since then my husband has been dying to have sweet and sour pork. He wasn't happy with how the sauce turned out but the pork was delicious. It was also cheaper to buy the meat already cut up at the store because...
  2. That is such a great word! Poor hubby is missing his nutritionally defunct hamburger helper so he looked up a recipe to make some. I've been known to eat all sorts of things that I wouldn't call good but aren't really bad either so as long as it doesn't suck I'll at least be satisfied if not happy. I've got some cucumber salad in the fridge to...
  3. I've eaten the Wonderful Pistachios with no reaction. I haven't ever contacted the company to verify that they are processed in a gluten free facility, and would probably do so before having them again once I am able to add nuts back to my diet. You're right that just because a food in it's natural state is gluten free it doesn't mean that it remains gluten...
  4. Oh my gosh, I love making pulled pork. It is so delightfully yummy! I have a local pizza shop that brews their own root beer in the basement. I use that root beer to cook the pork in and it is just divine. Aren't you glad you opened that box? This is the last week that I increased my dose of topamax so I'm still adjusting and super tired, which was fine...
  5. Not really feeling up to cooking tonight. We've got storms going through, bringing humidity but not dropping any of their stinkin' rain on us! Stupid clouds. Too hot and grumpy to be in the kitchen so I just used last night's leftover shredded chicken and turned it into quesadillas. There was a beautiful fat golden tomato ripe today too so I cut that up...
  6. I grew up on a farm raising cows, I don't think I've ever gone more than 3 days without eating beef. I wouldn't have a clue how to recommend safely introducing red meats back in to your diet. Unless someone here has some insight it may be helpful to visit a nutritionist. I've been adding some ground turkey into my diet a bit here and there replacing some...
  7. I haven't opened it yet, but I picked up a jar of Hellman's canola oil mayo at Wal-Mart a few days ago. I'm pretty excited to try it. It wasn't very expensive at all, I don't recall balking at the price compared to the other jars. I'm going to try eating food that almost needs to be chewed tonight. Shredded chicken tacos. Never made them before but...
  8. Dinner.... ugh, I still feel sort of green and a little fuzzy around the edges. I did manage last night to upgrade from mashed potatoes to french fries with gravy. I'm still barely getting anything in me, after just a few bites I want to hurl but at least I'm eating SOMETHING. My husband is officially gluten free after struggling with some major issues...
  9. I'd go with you. Well... I can't eat onions. Or sausage. Or beans. But I love them all. Carny food is the best!
  10. While I don't think that blueberry fluff stuff was meant to replace something at least semi-nutritious like rice cereal, it has.... and omg. I mashed the blueberries after they were cooked with a potato masher and I also added a dash of cinnamon because who doesn't love cinnamon on blueberries? So yummy, I can totally live on this for a few days!
  11. Just so you know, we'll be walking around the store or in the kitchen or something and I'll be like "so Irish was like....." or "I should buy X because Irish said" and hubby is like and I'm like what? You're practically a family member here with all of your great ideas! I am SO buying blueberries. I love you so much right now. Off I go!
  12. Yay for scurvy! Seriously though, what kind of doctor diagnosis someone with scurvy in today's world without thinking there is some kind of very serious underlying disease. I'm off to have a root canal and a tooth pulled, so I'm back to a liquid and soft food diet for a few days. I'm thinking rice cereal for supper with maybe some sort of blueberry something...
  13. You've been hiding a pool from us? I think it's time for a pool party. It's cooled off here today with some thunderstorms rolling through. Hopefully they'll bring relief rather than grief to the firefighters. I'm still feeling like it's too miserable to cook because now it's humid, ugh. Gonna grill a dog and some lettuce. Yup, I found nitrate free uncured...
  14. Turkey burger, grilled romaine and grilled tomato with melted fresh mozzarella. It's pretty toasty here but I'm going to enjoy a little early evening sun and grilling.
  15. After everyone going on and on about livers this just cracked me up. I'm a meatatarian but I won't touch liver. Ick!
  16. I made my own mayo last night, yay! Making tuna salad today so I'll have a tuna melt on an arepa with fresh mozzarella. I think I'll have grilled tomatoes to go with it. I keep telling my husband to bring me a watermelon to grill but he keeps coming home empty handed and it isn't like I can drive until I have my vision back. I'd walk for it but I'm not carrying...
  17. I'm going to throw my Costco chicken carcass on the stove this afternoon and turn it into chicken rice soup for supper. I'm completely off store bought stock and bouillon so for the first time the pressure is on to get the broth just right. (I've done it before but never under pressure.) I'll probably have more grilled lettuce with it instead of a regular...
  18. Tonight I finished off my quinoa salad with a burger on an arepa. Since Velveeta is one of the few cheeses I can eat now that's what I topped my burger with.
  19. Feeling like I needed something "fancy" to boost my spirits and keep me on track. Grilled romaine, cold quinoa salad on sliced fresh mozzarella and Costco chicken. (Because a girl only has so much energy.) I had picked up some instant quinoa that microwaved in it's pouch long ago and it was nasty. I doubt I would have tried it again if they hadn...
  20. I made arepas today, not really sure what I wanted for supper but I knew I wanted it on an arepa. We just made some burgers and fries. Burgers are awesome on arepas, they're so magical.
  21. I sent my husband to the store for canning lids, he came home with marked down pork cube steak. I fried them up and made myself an apple in caramel sauce to go with it. (Hubby won't eat cooked apples, he's kinda weird.) I made a marshmallow salad earlier so we're just having that with our dinner. I almost made a vegetable.
  22. Call it celebrating summer and have an extra daiquiri! I think I'm just going to have a spinach salad, I had meat for lunch since I'll be working tonight and have a really late supper.
  23. I think kids are perfectly adorable. When they're not my responsibility and stay a safe enough distance from me that I'm not expected to interact with them. Frankly though the whole rows and rows in front of me of toddlers eating pretzels and touching EVERYTHING at church kind of freaks me out. I won't touch anything there for fear that some kid put their...
  24. I prayed for patience. Now I babysit my 14 month old cousin. I love my kids more than life, but honestly other than the two of them I don't really like kids.
  25. We'll take the tiramisu van to her house when we're done partying! I'm sure we could all learn some new things. It's noon and I still have no clue what's for dinner. I need to go shopping for a birthday present, my baby is going to be 16 next week. Maybe I'll just go to Wendy's and order the largest frosty they have with some fries to dip in it.
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