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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Adalaide

  1. Had some dental work done that's going to keep me on a liquid diet for a day or two. I have some boxed soup or another in my pantry but was feeling good enough (ty painkillers) to make creamy carrot soup which is absolutely divine. It doesn't look appealing, sort of looks like a bowl full of orange vomit but it's so very good. I think I may make more tomorrow...
  2. I've been getting more and more adventurous lately and I think I almost enjoy cooking. I certainly enjoy eating! I love how many great ideas everyone shares here, it's really helped me overcome my fear of being a failure at cooking. Last night I made some cream soup so I could throw together a cheesy chicken rice casserole. It only took about 15 minutes...
  3. I was planning on cooking until hubby decided we were having pizza. I called and ordered scared that I was about to have the worst thing I've ever tried to eat. I barely made it to the car with my box of pizza before I couldn't stand it and tried a slice. I almost died it was so good, it tasted just like pizza! I kind of ate the entire 10-inch pie and...
  4. While feeling a bit more spry, I wasn't up to any real baking. I just used the gluten free Bisquick recipe. The texture is different than what I'm used to in a coffee cake but I find if I knock off that expecting what I used to have and accepting that it's different now I enjoy things for what they are. I'll bet my husband wishes it were the most quiet...
  5. I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself all weekend since I have laryngitis. I haven't eaten real food in days and wasn't feeling great this morning so I threw some beans in my crockpot and have some ham and bean soup brewing. I'll probably throw some dumplings on it. (Apparently my spellchecker wants to change crockpot to crackpot. ) I was feeling...
  6. Oh gosh, I'm getting paranoid. My next appointment is tomorrow! So far though in three years this doc hasn't said anything monumentally stupid to me. On the other hand, plenty of doctors have. The most memorable was an ortho. I fell at work straight onto my knees, on a concrete floor. (I didn't drop the pizzas and they were fine to go out to the customers...
  7. I don't know how you survive without all of us just showing up on your doorstep to be fed. I decided to have pancakes and some leftover sausage for supper, far too tired after work to bother with any real cooking.
  8. I managed to polish off an entire bowl of orange ginger chicken. The sauce was something I grabbed at the store with the plan to use it with stir fried veggies. Instead tonight I was feeling pretty ambitious and took the time to make Chinese style battered chicken. It was amazing! It wasn't quite as good as take out but that's probably due to cooking it myself...
  9. So good that I think I'm going to brave making chocolate tapioca pudding sometime this afternoon. You got lucky having such a nice sister, I was never that nice to my little brother. (Then again, he would have told just to see me get in trouble. What a brat.) So nice being an adult and not having to sneak around to get dessert when we want it. It almost...
  10. I bought the box of tapioca that's by the jello and such in the store, so it has some soy something or other added to it. I'm not sure the same recipe will work with other tapioca since the stuff I have is the Minute crap. I figured I'll master the easy way, then figure out the real deal later. I just followed the directions on the side of the box. If you...
  11. I have managed my first successful batch of tapioca pudding! I screwed up a fair amount before I got it right. So for supper? Pudding and fruit. Probably not the healthiest thing in the world, but I'm far to interested in that pudding to make it wait for dessert.
  12. OMG! they do look amazing. I could almost lick my monitor.
  13. Soup does sound pretty good. I made stock from my leftover Thanksgiving turkey so all I have to do is pop that in a pot and add veggies and noodles. It's a great way to simplify winter soup.
  14. This was such a great idea I decided to have burgers tonight. It never dawned on me to just wrap it in lettuce. I paired it with some tater tots. I imagine when I'm craving my sugar fix later I'll have some of my canned peaches from last fall. (I have no fear of cc because I am insane about kitchen cleanliness, especially when canning.)
  15. Got brave enough to make some mac & cheese to go with my grilled chicken. If I didn't make it myself I wouldn't have guessed it was gluten free. Maybe this isn't so bad after all.
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