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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Adalaide

  1. When I was still married to my ex we spent one of our anniversaries at a resort in the Poconos. We had to go through the bar to get to the dining room and one of the mornings the sign said that screwdrivers were the special of the day so I ordered one. My ex told me it was inappropriate. I basically told him to shove it because OJ is a for breakfast so that makes screwdrivers a breakfast drink. :D

  2. Tonight is chili. Quick and easy.


    I just finished up a basket liner to put my booboo bunnies in for tomorrow. It's very cute. I'll try to make a few more bunnies tonight while we watch some Dr. Who and eat in front of the tv. My super secret plan is that someone will love the basket and pay a ridiculous price for it. It was a thrift shop find and I paid a buck for the fabric on clearance, plus ribbon to tie it. I may be evil. :ph34r:

  3. i found 'rye' bread at the kroger.  i was all like:  "MINE."  like those seagulls on finding nemo -  (honestly, i say it out loud.  people think i'm insane lolz)  


    rueben sammiches, pot cheeze and pickles :)


    After the first time I had a gluten-free pizza from Costco they didn't have any more for a couple months, but I kept checking every time we went. Finally one afternoon we went around the corner and I saw them immediately halfway up the aisle. I yelled "ohmygawd pizza!!!" and sprinted to them and grabbed one out of the freezer. People were looking at me funny. I still don't care. :D

  4. This is probably why my husband won't let me have my mandoline. He says crap about how they're not safe blah blah blah. I'm like they're fine, as long as you follow the instructions and use them properly. I'll probalby promptly slice the end of a finger off when I finally get one.  :lol:


    Tonight will be leftover pork roast. We didn't get our potatoes last night because I wasn't thinking and am reseasoning a cast iron pan and the oven was being used for that. So, tonight we'll have our wedges. Last night we settled for fries for him and sweet potato hash browns for me. Very yummy!  ^_^

  5. I got those awesome new kitchen knives from my husband for Christmas. Since then I've used them probably every day and everything has gone well, even though they're probably sharp enough to cut to the bone in a blink. Well... until tonight. :ph34r: I knew it would eventually happen. I was cutting our roast for dinner, using a knife that's long and skinny and with a narrow point. I slid it in behind the fork to hold the roast down so I could move the fork and sort of, um, slid it right into my finger. Probably a whole 1/4 inch in. That sucker BLED! But I washed up, put a bandaid on tight enough to make it stop and got on with getting my dinner.


    Happy thoughts though. We ran back out to the store to grab another DDR pad so we can play together. (For $5 why not?) We were on our way into the store discussing what to watch now and he says "I guess we could maybe watch Dr. Who." I grabbed his arm, looked straight at him and said "I've never been more in love with you than I am right now." He was less amused than me. :lol: At least we have something to watch. And dinner was delicious and I didn't even bleed all over it. :D

  6. We find stuffed giraffes with the stuffed animals at the thrift shops. We have Savers and DI here. Back home we had Salvation Army. Those types of stores. I also picked up 3 baskets to make liners for at $1 a piece. I have a real thing for baskets. I'm super excited. I may have to start using them for my giraffes because my baby cradle (the one my dad made for me for my first Christmas, still have it :wub:) is full to overflowing and there are giraffes all over the place. There isn't room for all of them. It's a regular giraffe disaster area in the bedroom. They're on every surface, even spilled onto the floor because I'm out of room. Baskets will help. :ph34r:

  7. I have a pork roast thawing that may be ready today. If it isn't we'll have chili. If it is, I'll make fried garlic green beans, ancho chili tater wedges and of coarse... rotisserie the roast. I like a garlic rosemary rub. I went put today and got some fabric for basket liners for $1 a yard! Yay!!! And I'm gonna go pick up a DDR dance pad for $5. I've been looking for one for months, I have the game and xbox but no pad. I'm super excited.

    Down side to binge watching tv. We finished both seasons of Orange is the New Black in a week. Now what are we gonna watch? I'll have to find something new or maybe we'll rewatch all of MLP.

  8. Oh god you people make me want cheesy food now! LOL!  Addy, I, too, love bargain shopping.  When it comes to non-necessities and clothes, I basically refuse to pay full price.


    I have been in the interview process for a job where I train at the office for 2 months then work from home taking calls for a major company.  I checked my application status online and it says I will be getting an offer in a few days!  It will be 20 hours a week, perfect hours for me, and I can work more hours when I don't have to deal with a commute or physical limitations.  I don't want to tell friends and family until it is official but I can spill the beans to y'all :D  I haven't been able to work for over a year and a half, this is so exciting for me.  Will be a little rough working 5 hr days 5 days a week with a hefty commute at first, but afterwards it'll pay off.  I can work with no pants on!  (JK I always wear pants in the house because I don't want cat hair on my hiney)


    Tonight I am going to roast a giant pork tenderloin from the stockpile I got for 25% off, with carrots and potatoes on the side.  It'll give us some leftovers for lunches.


    Gratz!!! I love working for myself. I set my own hours and "show up" (which means walking to another room) to work most days in jammies. Things I wouldn't get the mail in. So liberating. Enjoy! :D


    Great deals today. I picked up a few baskets to make liners for. Found 3 new stuffed giraffes to add to my giraffe sanctuary in the bedroom. Got two new cast iron pans to do. And at Big Lots I found Wise brand potato chips. They're made in the town I grew up in and aren't usually distributed this far west, or much of anywhere really. SO EXCITED!!! Gonna make some dip and stay up all night tonight watching tv with my husband and binging. :ph34r: Now it's off for gelato then a movie. ^_^

  9. I am happily feeling mostly like a human today. Turns out Savella and I can't be friends. But if I feel as much better tomorrow as I do today I should be feeling perfectly fine. Great even.


    I did manage to still make a roast for my husband last night. I threw a beef roast in the rotisserie and he made his own fries. I had just a little, but food wasn't agreeing with me much still last night. Bright side? I lost 2 pounds in 5 days! My husband told me last night that he has been craving chicken alfredo, so that's what he'll get for dinner tonight.

  10. Oh, I'm aware of how awful this drug is. Could make me sicker than a dog. Could cause liver damage. Could do this, that or some other crap. And yet, my next best option is a ketamine treatment. I'm willing to throw as much crap at the barn wall as I can to see if any will stick before going to ketamine. If Savella is scary, the type of ketamine treatment I would get is the stuff of nightmares.

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