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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by Adalaide

  1. I don't even know if it's a specialty drug or just a new brand name drug. It's Savella, which is technically for fibro but we're going off label. My doc says more than half his patients he gives it to can't tolerate it, because it makes them so nauseous they can't eat. (So far so good for me.) But for the few it helps the results are breathtaking. I'll try just about anything at this point. I'm trying to avoid a 5 day hospital stay for ketamine. :ph34r: But at the same time, I want to preserve what function I have left in my left hand while I can. :)


    Our dinner plans changed apparently. My husband crawled out of bed, told me he doesn't want arguments just facts... then grilled me on pizza prices. He went with ThePie, which is the place that has a separate gluten-free kitchen and is 25 miles up the freeway. <_< I appreciate the consideration but we have a GIG certified place down the hill that I can get a pizza at for half the price, then again it's half the pizza. He's scared cause I got sick there once, which is my own fault for going on a busy BUSY Friday night. Derp. I don't blame them, I blame me for being stupid. I think I'm ready to try again! I've eaten there before without getting sick so I know they can do it right I just need to be sensible about when I go.


    Anywho, all that to say PIZZA!!! YAY! B) (And if we do make the trek to Sandy to ThePie maybe we'll just make an evening of it in the city.)

  2. Saw my pain management doc yesterday. He was finally able to get in contact with a drug rep and get enough samples to try me out on a ridiculously expensive drug to see if it helps or not, or even if I tolerate it, before wasting any resources on it. Fortunately the company that makes it has a program where they'll provide the drug completely free of charge in 3 month supplies so if it helps I can actually get it. I don't have 40some odd dollars a month to add to my medication bill. :o Sometimes I wonder why I have insurance at all.


    Last night we tried a new experiment. Bacon stuffed pancakes. They didn't come out as I hoped, but tasted awesome. I settled for one and had a huge bowl of cantaloupe and cottage cheese. I think tonight I am making chili. I keep almost making it, then something comes up. I think today I need to finish making some patterns, make some basket liners, and weed the garden a little after sunset and before dark. So something as easy as throw it all at a pot sounds about right.

  3. Yesterday I skipped coming home after the market. Instead I stoped by the store, picked up one of those ready to eat, single person salads that comes with a fork and everything (they're awesome) and a couple Bolthouse Farms drinks and headed off to my BFF's office. She had some ideas on how I could get my products online, which I've been avoiding because of shipping costs being astronomical due to weight. Then we went to JoAnn's together, a dangerous but fun proposition! We spent 2 or 3 hours there, we both totally lost track. But, she has a new hobby she's enjoying that is keeping her sane. And, I have ideas for two new products that I can have ready for next Saturday. I was still so excited that I was pretty much bouncing off the walls when I got home at nearly 10. By 11:30 I crashed, hard. lol!


    I'm thinking dinner tonight should be chicken maybe. It'll be easy but awesome and give me lots of time to work. I have an Italian marinade a store wasn't going to carry anymore and picked up for less than a buck. And it's not even made of a billion kinds of soy, I was so shocked! :) It's also delicious. I'll probably make something easy and simple to go with it, but I have no idea what yet. I'm sure something will come to me.

  4. My oldest daughter just won the SkillsUSA national Robotics and Automation Competition with her partner. Next summer they go to Brazil to compete internationally! This is the one that wanted to be a chemical engineer, did the FIRST competition and fell madly in love with robots. She is now headed off this fall, switching from a community college to a university as a mechanical engineer. I feel like my heart could pop from pride. :wub:

  5. My husband is a bit of a germaphope. The only reason I own a stupid thermometer at all is to get him to shut up about his stupid meat. And omg beef? If it's brown on the outside I'm pretty sure it's done. If my plate doesn't look like I just murdered an animal when I'm done eating, it was cooked too long. He's all EWWWWWWWW!!!!! <_<:lol:


    And I'd probably make you crazy in the kitchen. I just throw things anywhere that is out of immediate way and when I'm done cooking my kitchen looks like a hurricane hit it. Which all gets promptly dealt with... :mellow::):lol: nah, it gets left til tomorrow when I haven't just eaten dinner in the middle of the freaking night and am nearly ready for bed.


    Tonight will be the remainder of our leftover pork with idk what yet. I think I have a rather large sweet potato in the kitchen I could bake or make wedges out of.

  6. I needed a new toaster, it also works as a toaster oven and was on clearance for a silly price. The kitchen is so small I feel like I can't turn around in it, but I wouldn't give it up for anything!


    $100 for a kitchen thermometer? :blink: I think I'll keep using my $20 one and be slow. :lol: I really would like one of those ones that you stick in the meat and leave it in and put the electronic part on the counter and it'll beep when your meat is done though. Those are nice. ^_^

  7. I finally have an appetite back, yay! I wasn't feeling great this morning but told my friend I would work for her at the college because she needed to go get a strep test. I knew I needed to eat something, so I had a bowl of oatmeal. By lunchtime I was ravenous, I guess not really eating anything substantial for 4 days really catches up with you. :lol:


    I have one of those cook it in its own bag pork tenerloins in the fridge. So naturally I'll take it out and rotisserie it, because if it can be rotisseried, it will be! And I'm sure there are veggies of some sort in the kitchen. I saw a recipe a few days ago for scalloped carrots that looked interesting. I may get ambitious and make those.

  8. Interestingly it does get the hood talking...and I make the son's current band go door to door at least six weeks in advance to ask permission for the date they want...that and all amplified music ends at 7pm...all acoustic hours actually bring some folks out of there homes to listen :)


    That actually sounds like a sweet deal. And who could pass up free entertainment on a summer night?


    Just got home from getting some gelato. It. Was. Amazing. It really should be a sin it's so good.


    My husband just wants fries and burgers for dinner. I don't really feel like doing any cooking so I'm perfectly happy to let him have his way. I'm hoping that by tomorrow I'll feel human again.

  9. Already heard back from the gelato people. A list of 10 flavors (they won't have all 10 at a time) that I can have, including salted caramel. And apparently the owner says lots of people are telling him it's the best they've ever had outside of Italy. I'm totally going there today, because I don't know how long they'll still have the salted caramel and I will not miss it! I'm already antsy to get out the door and I still need to shower and get dressed and my husband is still sleeping. :lol:


    Oh supper? Uh.... gelato?

  10. Not planning dinner really. I made a small pot of chicken soup last night that I may decide to have a bit of later. Maybe not. We'll see.


    But, I went to the store a bit ago for some Gatorade and stopped in the new gelato place just to chat and see what's safe. The owner has a bunch of allergies and was super helpful, put me in touch with his daughter who will get back to me. So excited. And my husband who thought he wasn't a fan of gelato after Talenti sprung for a watermelon flavored one and is now super in love with the stuff. :D

  11. My husband is a cat person. I'm allergic, break out in hives if they touch me. Hate the things. <_< I like dogs though! ^_^ My bff is allergic to bunnies too. I didn't find out until after I got one and she can't hang out at my house anymore. :( The Monty Python bunny was added to WoW as a boss you could fight, it took 20 people (or more), had an ability called Huge Sharp Teeth that could pretty much instantly kill people and after you killed it it dropped a pet bunny that only one person could get, that was all bloody on it's face and front paws. It. Was. Awesome. Also, you can get a stuffed Monty Python bunny. http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/778d/ :D


    My plan for tonight was chicken. I'm sticking with it and making dinner for my husband but I got sicker and sicker yesterday as the day went on. I couldn't eat last night. I may try making a little applesauce this afternoon and see how that works and if it does, try a little chicken but I'm not getting my hopes up.

  12. Sometimes I wonder if I hurt myself in the kitchen and screamed if my husband would come running or not. He sometimes like to play horror games and he may also just think it's his game! Since our computers are next to each other we use headphones because otherwise we'd just annoy each other.


    Yesterday apparently I decided to get sick. Really real, stay in bed, don't eat, sip ginger ale and sleep all the time sick. Ugh... I crawled out of bed this afternoon to look at facebook a little and just feel human a bit and discovered this amazingly groan worthy list of puns. :Dhttp://www.buzzfeed.com/patricksmith/really-really-bad-puns?bffb

  13. We are having quesadillas tonight and some sort of chicken tomorrow. I'm not into cooking today.


    I am having the best day ever though. I woke up to find Final Fantasy 3 on sale, it's a new release for computers and I was so excited I almost threw my wallet at my computer. :lol: I meant to play a little and get a nap. I played 2 hours without realized how much time went by. :ph34r: I think I'll go get a brownie, cup of milk and get that nap I was after.

  14. Apparently since tomorrow is the longest day of the year, it was picked to be the first world giraffe day. :D I went to look up weird holidays and discovered other things that are tomorrow. Apparently every solstice (so twice a year) is global orgasm day. It's for peace. Seriously. So crazy I can't make this stuff up! :lol: It's for global peace. You guys aren't against peace are you? ARE YOU?

  15. You have worked hard and I am so proud of you--and very happy for you too!!  :)


    Credit where it's due, I had lots of encouragement from you! Probably self-serving encouragement since you were my first customer. :P I've had lots of help, mostly from my super awesome husband. He's been incredible. The best part of all this for me, honestly, is that I don't feel useless any more. I'm actually doing something productive that will eventually be profitable and make us some money. I wasn't raised to be okay with not working and earning my way. In my head, logically, I understood that I have limitations and a very serious disease. That never stopped it from grating on my nerves.

  16. :wub: I got your hearts for you!


    We're doing leftovers. I worked my butt off yesterday and today to finish up some pads. This evening I finalized a deal with a local store and my heating pads are in a retail store now! :D :D :D :D :D So, once the farmers market season is over and the cold weather kicks in, I'll still be making money. Yay!!


    I have no leftover sides so I think I'm going to bake myself a sweet potato and let my husband have french fries. Or he may come home with crowns. There is a long standing feud in this house over crowns vs tots. He's obviously wrong, but won't admit it. <_<:lol:

  17. I just put a rosemary and garlic crusted pork loin in my rotisserie oven. I'm sure between now and dinner I'll think up some sides. Right now though I've had a long day, which included making myself a new heating pad with chocolate mint in it. It smells like a mint fudge brownie and I'm taking some time to relax before I finish thinking about dinner. Tomorrow I'll finish up what I've been working on and by the end of the day I'll have my heating pads in a retail store. :D

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