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Your IQ is intact, I assure you! That brain fog, fuzziness, short-term memory lapses and lack of concentration/comprehension--just maddening isn't it?!
Made me nuts.
This, too, will resolve itself.
Make sure you guys are getting enough EFAs and a good multivitamin along with probiotics.
Sorry to keep butting into your thread that is mostly about DH...
carry on! xxooIH
I would say your but is welcome anytime, but that would sound wrong :-) Can't complain when you're giving advice.
Actually Dani, I was just looking & boiling tomatoes is the only way as canned tomato products are high in sals if you're watching sals --- besides the fact that it would be a processed food. So you done good. But I'm not sure the acidity of tomatoes will go well for your mouth sores but if it doesn't irritate them then go for it!
Oh no, sorry to disappoint you but rice cakes are not like cake at all. They are like puffed rice smushed together & dried so crunchy is the texture & not much taste at all. It's really just something to put the nut butter on.
And you can have sunflower seed butter as sunflower seeds are a seed & not a legume.
Yes, starting out very positive this morning.
The tomato sauce is a little acidic but not that bad. Swedish tomatoes are also barely sour and filled with water, so they're tolerable. My mouth sores are healing nicely actually. I can't chew directly on them, but they hurt less than my nose and throat. My throat is what's bugging most today.
I think my IQ has dropped dramatically. For some reason I've been categorizing nuts and seeds under legumes ever since I learned about G6PD. I have been confusing things for some time actually, thanks for correcting me, I would have otherwise avoided nuts for god knows how long lol :-)
Dani, breakfast was not a glass of water. YAY! Low sal: Brown rice cake with sunflower seed butter. If you let the butter sit on the rice cake the moisture will soften it & I believe you will be able to eat it with your sore mouth. AND I had an entire glass of MIIIIIIILLLLLLKKKKKK. Gawd I love dairy!
I found a local dairy who does not use iodine wash before milking but they do use it after but not for cleaning milking equip. & they grow their own feed so no iodine added there. The milk undoubtedly has some iodine but that's okay -- it can't have great amounts. They also makes CHEESES! YAY!
So I'm going back on iodine, at least enough to get over the min. RDA.
Haven't read much on the sal thing yet --- only just waking up, but I think that may very well be my problem. I had been eating a lot of oranges & I WAS eating golden delicious apples till they became not so great quality when I switched to different varieties of red apples.
I'm so happy to see potatoes & carrots are still on the "have" list. I eat a lot of carrots --- organic.
Okay, research today & get going on low sal for now. Then will check out the other factors/foods.
GOOD MORNING everyone! It's a beautiful morning in my eyes. My psyche is doing a happy dance from having a whole glass of milk!
It's great that you're feeling happy and positive today! I had brown rice with tomato onion soup this morning. My sores are healing and I'm trying to chew away from them haha :-) I'm not sure if boiling fresh tomatoes is ok but I did it anyway. I sadly can't use any legumes so no sunflower butter for me.
How did you make the brown rice cake? :-O I want some! I want anything with the word cake attached to it lol!
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to all of you. It was a loooong day. It was not ALL bad though. More on that later. I wish I could reply to each individually but time constraints..... & I'm not the fastest typist in the world.
I haven't even had time to read all the sal links Prickly posted yet. But it's on tomorrow's to-do list. As well as the most recent iodine links she has provided.
I KNOW stress is a huge factor. We have some land that we are going to build on (5 ac.) & we bought it because it literally spoke to our souls. It soothes us, calms us, strokes our inner being. I have noticed that when we go out there that I stop itching. Whatever sores or "bites" I have stop itching. We come back to the rental & I begin to fire up again. We went out there today & the same thing happened. So I know that the stress is having a big effect on me.
The last # of years have been almost a nightmare for us. 3 hurricanes, my best friend in the world dying of cancer, 6 deaths in our families, being stalked for 1 1/2 years, my hubs got cancer & went through 3 yrs. treatment, and the straw that broke these camel's backs was a 68 yr. old man single handedly building a 3 story all frame construction house 11 feet from our house. The problem was that it took him 11 months working from 7 am to dark EVERY single day FOR ELEVEN MONTHS. You can imagine the constant torture of the noise. We begged him to give us 1 day off a week so we could get a break but he refused. Then last year we moved & upon arrival, the rental we had pre-arranged turned out 1 step above something from the movie Deliverance which landed us in a hotel for 5 weeks until we could find another rental. Within 1/2 hr. of our arrival here is when I broke out with the dh covering my entire torso. I actually don't curse that event as it is the reason I discovered I have celiac disease. How many years might it have been before I had an outbreak that slapped me in the face so hard that I had to discover celiac? I could have gone on for years just getting a few little blisters & doing massive damage to my intestines. As it was, it took me 6 months to discover it was dh & therefore celiac.
I know there are people with far, far worse stories than mine. I do not imagine that our life has been the hell that some have gone through. I'm not asking for pity. But I know the stress has brought this out into the open. And I know like I never knew before just how much stress can affect everything about you --- mentally & physically.
I don't eat any processed foods other than I had been using beef boullion once in a while. Otherwise it's pretty much whole foods. Unless you count unsalted organic nut butters as processed. I have been eating brown rice cakes (totally gluten-free & not cc'd). The nuts I got from Nuts.com. I could not find any in the stores around here that did not state they were processed on shared equip. w/ wheat. But I guess the nuts are out now. How in the world am I going to keep from getting the "dropsies" with my blood sugar? Oh well, that's a question for another day.
"The same itchy, bloated, scabby, tired, grouchy, foggy, sleepless, anxious, b%$@#y, shi*ty, tearful and fearful shoes."
IH --- I LOVE the above that you wrote. You nailed it!
You all have such great insight & suggestions & I am taking all of it to heart. You have been there. I will heed your wisdom & benefit from your experience.
And I AM tough IH. And I WILL win eatmeat. And one day I will walk out the other side. Just like others before us. WE will survive!
It's late & I have a lot of "homework" to do tomorrow to learn what my new diet will be.
Goodnight all. Sleep tight & pleasant dreams.
You don't have our pity but you do have our sympathy and support :-) We can all associate with and understand you! I know my rash is not as bad as yours but I still do understand how you feel.
The only reason I would want to eat out would be because I'm too tired or too busy to cook. This is the toughest part but I usually cope with that because it's becoming tougher for me to put my health into someone's hands. It takes them a split second of absent-mindedness to render me dysfunctional for days, if not weeks.
Besides, I got over restaurant food the moment I found I can make food that is as tasty as theirs and better quality-wise than most. I do miss the days when I didn't have time and simply ordered thai takeout though.
Yup. I'm going to have to try & eliminate sals. Sigh. Dani, I guess we'll both be eating grass along with your bunny.
Oops! we better not do that ---- it might be contaminated with wheat seedlings!
Yeh, I'm back to everything foodwise that was before I got the breakout after the clear up.
Ya know..... the truth is... dh just plain likes to TERRORIZE us. We live in terror every time we get an itchy that it's the beginning of a full blown breakout. Now, this afternoon, a blister appeared on each nipple. Now isn't that just a fine how do you do?
Thank heavens for benzocaine!
But here's what I don't understand ---- sals or no sals --- how can it do this when it requires iodine to present? I've been so low iodine for so long. If the coconut oil wasn't the iodine factor then iodine shouldn't be there in me. Prickly? Can you make sense of that? I'm still somewhat batty & not thinking straight. Which I hate b/c it isn't like me. I'm usually on top of things. Right now I feel really dumb.
Yes, it DOES help to talk with you all. And I'm so grateful you guys are here & that I found this board. It makes me feel better just discussing it &/or being able to rant & rave. It helps to restore my humor at least which is my #1 life survival tool. I had lost my sense of humor before I made this thread.
I guess we're both having glasses of water for breakfast tomorrow!
Maybe our mental state also effects the DH.. like extra stress might help the outbreak develop. I know I was stressed out of my mind for missing tomorrow's deadline.. So I think it's important for us to remain ourselves. It is really great that we can come vent here specially when our family members just can't hear another word about gluten, and we can't stop talking or thinking about it :-P I know what you mean about maintaining our sense of humor. When I first started here and otherd were joking around in their posts, I was actually having difficulties knowing how to respond, but it is important to keep a positive attitude which is why they do it.
I agree with Zimmer about the usefulness of being sensitive to how much information someone can absorb. A lot of people never really "get" the impact of celiac. Even my friends who are gluten-free for various non-celiac health reasons do not eat a celiac-safe diet.
The answer that I find easiest for people to understand is: "Your immune system is designed to kill a single virus. A crumb of gluten is enormous by comparison. My immune system won't miss a trace of gluten, and when my immune system finds gluten, it gets confused and damages my small intestine. Even if it isn't enough damage to cause malabsorption it is increasing my risk of cancer and other autoimmune diseases."
Love the explanation!
What kindof doctor would recommend eating chips o.O He could have recommended something healthy like olives, which is a good alternative if you need to keep your salt levels up. As for the sugar, you need to try sweets that aren't harmful like fruits or 75% and higher dark chocolate.
Dark chocolate tastes awful if you're not used to it, but when you can't have anything else you start appreciating it, and in time you will actually prefer it to milk chocolate. The great thing about dark chocolate is that you don't need much of it to feel satisfied.
Make sure the brand doesn't contain trace amounts of gluten though.
What would we do if we could watch our intestines? Hate to find out!
Almost fell off my chair looool :-D
I got so obsessed with tracking my underarm rash I drew dots around the perimeter with a sharpie to track its growth.
You know someone might have celiac when they can't stop staring at strange parts of their bodies ;-)
I got so obsessed with tracking my underarm rash I drew dots around the perimeter with a sharpie to track its growth.
Looooool :-DDD
Well, at least you have somewhere to start.
You can develop allergies to meds at any time, same with foods.
When you go gluten-free your body starts resetting, healing - for lack of better terms. The first 6 months are really a free-for-all. Anything can and will (apparently) happen.
The good new is sals are cumulative. Bad news is sals are cumulative. And having a problem with a few doesn't mean you have a problem with all. And it may not be permanent.
Dont get discouraged. You'll get there.
I do find one autoimmune eruption triggers another, or illness triggers another reaction. Seems common, so don't be surprised about a finger spot showing up. I think the term is "let it ride" at this point.
Intermittent bowel changes are common in the beginning. Your body is changing, your diet is changing. Plus, having something going in in your mouth is likely, IMO, to affect digestion. That's how it works with babies, anyway
At least you don't have an infection. That's good news?
Also, gluten can hang around on surfaces for a long time, and in cracks and crevices. Soap and water is sufficient to remove it but you may want to replace scratched food service items like cutting boards and storage containers -and colanders are notoriously permanently contaminated.
I know, another thing to deal with. Go have a grass martini??
You deserve a gigantic hug Prickly! *HUUUG*
It's hard not to get obsessive about the spots showing up because they're the first sign of CC.. I actually spend a large portion of the day staring at my finger. That must look really strange ;-)
Yes, there is no infection :-) There wasn't even a need for an emergency cleanup. All is well.
I am soooooo sorry squirmingitch! This sounds awful! The first thing that popped into my mind was the Salicylate thing that pricklypear1971 (our resident weird bird) has men mentioned. I really don't have any advice to offer other than that sadly. What made me feel better when I was feeling down was the comforting I got on this forum so hope it does the same for you.
You need extra hugs and pampering from your loved ones, and eliminating the the Sals would hopefully solve your problem. You're in my prayers!
Both confused immunity from other foods and reactions to Salicylate make sense. I've been eating plenty of avocados and fish as I love them together, then having clementines (tangerines) for desert, and then a nice salad with plenty of tomatoes and pepper/basil/oregano/basil/apple cider vinegar dressing for dinner.. Everything I've been eating is high on Salicylate.
Of course there is no way of finding out which problem it really is because the symptoms are present in both situations, but at least the solution is simple, eliminating the foods. I think I'll just go outside in the garden and start eating grass with my bunny because that's all I'll be able to eat soon.
I'm sure I've been gluten-free, yet yesterday the mini-lesions showed up on my finger again and I'm constipated. There could not have been any CC because there isn't any gluten in the house and I rarely ever eat out or buy ready food nowadays. My husband washes his mouth and mustache the moment he walks into the house.
No explanation other than my immunity having broken fuses.
A little update about the dentist visit today: The Doc wasn't sure what it was but she said that whatever it was it looked like it has started healing. She also told me it could have been an allergy or the mouth wash so I have to avoid those too now.
Problem is this leaves so little on the menu for me now ;-(
Hahahaha :-D We're all grouch monsters when we happen to stumble upon a good old dose of CC!
Does being immune to polio and tetanus make you a mutant? It's a vaccine in the works, to teach your immune system to stop freaking out when it sees gluten.
I'd take it in a heartbeat to be able to start making crusty sourdough bread again!
Not even a doughnut would persuade me! :-O
He may be talking about the vaccination trials in Australia. The approach is to desensitize people the way you get desensitized to allergies - shots.
It is supposed to be DNA dependent. So of you are dq2, it won't work - at least the first vaccine won't. I'm half dq2, half dq8. I have no idea if it would work on a freak like me
the freaks are always the interesting ones :-D
Have you tried emailing Enterolab www.enterolab.com and doing their tests? I recently ordered Panel E Open Original Shared Link to be sent to New Zealand. They do process international orders but you'd have to locate a courier service that could return the stool samples back within 72 hours. The courier costs can get very expensive.
It looks a little peculiar but at least it's an option if all else fails :-O
Let us know how your results turn out!
I'm not sure I would want my stool sample back though lol :-) ..J/k!
My husband actually told me a few days ago that someone is developing some kindof serum that makes gluten intolerant people able to tolerate gluten!
I told him that even if they do come up with such a thing there would be no way on earth I would take it.. because that would mean that I'd have make myself a mutant. My body can't handle gluten, why should I change it just so that I can eat what the world wants to be producing!
I really can't believe that the food industry is so selfish about producing wheat that they want to mutate people :-P
I know how you feel about going back to the doctor. I'm on the same boat right now. I'm in the queue for an appointment and I'm dreading every minute of waiting because I might end up with another smug-smiling doctor. A diagnoses might be worth in the long run though. Maybe continue to eat gluten until you get some leverage?
Here's what happened to me: I went on the diet without being diagnosed and now I'm TERRIFIED of having to eat gluten again because I saw how tough it gets to get glutened after starting the diet..
After a period of feeling better, I moved on to feeling not so great because being gluten free doesn't mean you've reached the happy ending just yet. It's a very bumpy ride since other food intolerance and problems might surface which will effect your ability to function, which is what is happening to me right now, and also means that I'll need that diagnoses after all because I'm likely to have trouble keeping up with school deadlines when I'm not feeling well.
I think that perhaps since you're not gluten-free yet it would be a good idea to test yourself before it gets too hard. If you ever find out that you need this diagnosis for something, you'll have to put aside maybe six more months of your life.
By the way I also had period problems, and being gluten free seems to be fixing that. I read somewhere on this forum that someone had PCOS, and that also disappeared when they went gluten free.
Good luck, and let us know what you decide :-)
What are corn derivatives? I'm sorry that I sound so ignorant. I am really a very intelligent person, but I've never had to consider or worry about such things before. I am a very newly diagnosed celiac.
You don't sound ignorant at all. I'm not sure I got it right either, but I think she meant corn syrup, starch, oil and flour.
A number of people on this forum would disagree with me, but I believe Dr. Vikki Petersen, who wrote a book on gluten intolerance. She claims that the immune system can become confused while it is healing from gluten intolerance and begins mistaking other, non-gluten-containing foods for gluten (cross-reactivity). She has stated that it takes a minimum of three months of avoiding the food before the body will stop mis-identifying it as gluten; however, sometimes a person is never able to tolerate the food again. This happened to me with gluten-free flours and rice. I removed all grains, flours, and rice from my diet for six months, and now I no longer react to them. Before, it had really felt as though I'd ingested gluten because my body reacted exactly as it would to gluten. So....although there is no medical "evidence" that cross-reactivity can occur, I personally believe that it does.
As your body heals, your immune system is in a heightened state of alert...so you may have to keep a food journal to identify foods that your body has perhaps mistaken for gluten.
I am keeping a food journal. Thanks rosetapper and everyone who has been giving me advice. You're very amazing because nothing is pushing you to help the clueless ones on these forums but you always do :-)
Sorry, no, my daughter and I have never used an anti-fungal mouthwash. My daughter tried many different kinds of canker sore medications with varying results. During chemo, I used a type of mouthwash that is prescribed for the condition (it wasn't thrush). In the end, I lost all of the mucosal lining in my mouth and on my gums...and one by one the crowns on my teeth popped off and had to be re-cemented. Obviously, this won't happen to you....and I think it sounds as though your mouth is beginning to heal. It may be that you're sensitive to a common food in addition to gluten. My daughter swears that hers are triggered by citrus fruits.
You use that mouth wash for you immunity condition? That sounds like a horrible experience. Sorry to hear that xoxoxo
I had added citrus back into my diet just a day before the swelling and ate it again on the next days while it was getting worse. This might be the cause.
I was never sensitive to clementines or any citrus before going on the gluten free diet. What exactly is happening, and why is this happening? I was ok before all this! I've been told by members here that the sensitivity can be temporary right? Meaning I can probably add them safely in a few months?
Upset, Confused, Venting, Scared & Frustrated
in Dermatitis Herpetiformis
Hmm got confused because the page has fresh tomato under moderate, so I thought making my own soup out of fresh tomatoes would be ok, but I wasn't sure.