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Lady Eowyn

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Lady Eowyn

  1. Hi The only time mine vanished (to my surprise) was when I had a course of strong antibiotics and steroids to treat a bad chest infection. It came straight back afterwards (this was over 20 years ago). It was somewhat helped by a long course of oxytetracycline antibiotics (sp?) prescribed for it by doc who said it was infected skin (?????????). Came straight...
  2. Hi I have what I call 'classic DH' with lesions like Sqitch (sorry about that abbreviation ) on scalp and just occasional on shoulder blades and buttocks. (Used to have it very badly on all three of those places) and have scarring to this day on back and buttocks. Astonishingly symmetrical! Lesions on scalp vary in severity but never gone and worse for iodine...
  3. Hi I didn't know you could use it for humans. We use it for our chooks (hens) to control red mite/mites, etc. Dust the chook and put in their house and scratch/rolling holes in dry summer weather so they can dust themselves with it. I think they are ok eating a bit too. Sorry, not much help.
  4. Hi I just can't eat cannned tuna either. Used to have it pre-gluten-free but felt so yuk all the time back then that may not have noticed. Pretty soon noticed when gluten free though (along with lots of other things ). Have tried it packed in just spring water but no good. I can eat canned salmon and mackerel no problem. Can eat fresh tuna ok ...
  5. Another aspect of Gluten Head - when glutened on waking in morning I have to go through the days of the week to work out what day it is! Had no idea this was caused by gluten until gluten free!
  6. "Gluten Head" - that's what it is !!! New medical term, I think .
  7. Hi A bit late coming to this, I know, but with gluten I used to have balance issues. Only a little but enough to be a nuisance and make me self conscious - comparable to getting up after a large glass of wine! Also slightly clumsy, knocking myself on things. I also do one morning a week requiring mental arithmatic and with gluten the numbers are in a thick...
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