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GF Lover

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Blog Comments posted by GF Lover


    After my last surgery I had staples on top. My skin reacted with the metal. Unfortunately they could not remove them (7 inches of them) so I just used a topical. I've had incisions finished with the glue also but no problem for me. On an interesting note. A different surgery had about the same amount of staples on they were on my leg...no reaction to the staples. It was only at the more sensative area at the groin that reacted.

    Make sure it is noted in your record the reaction to Durabond for future reference.



    I'm glad you don't have to take the Pred. Hopefully you can get to remission. Feel better!



    How did the appointment go. How are you feeling?


    Great to hear Jessica...It will be hard to judge your sleep while still taking the sleeping med. At some point talk to your Doctor about it?

    Keep it up. Better health is heading your way :)



    So good to hear. You will find that things you didn't even know were wrong get better. I had some immediate symptom relief too. It really hammers in the need for a strict gf diet. My brain fog took longer, about 1 year or so to leave completely. At over 2 years gf I keep feeling better. You will also notice that if you do get glutened, all this stuff will come back! Some of us take a month to recover from a glutening. Some say it's only a few days or somewhere in the middle. Six months or so you and your Doc can look at possibly removing the new med. You may not need it at all. You won't stay hungry all the time, I promise. Once you start to heal inside, you will start absorbing the good foods you eat. it makes all the difference.

    Good Job Jessica!!!


    I'm so glad your excited. I was too. I was so happy that there was finally something I could control about my health. So many things improved for me! I feel much stronger to fight the things I can't control. Ir's a good feeling. While your at the store, pick up a brownie mix. Bob's Red Mill and Betty Crocker ones are awesome. They are better than a glutenous brownies. Gluten eaters can't tell a difference. After you cut them put a bunch wrapped individually in the freezer. When you want something decadent just pull one out and thaw or microwave. I do my muffins that way too. Freeze most of them. I'f I don't they only last a day because everyone wants one...lol GF breads start to mold quicker than regular bread. I usually keep mine in the freezer then pop it in the toaster when I want it.



    Hi Jessica.

    Make sure you read the Newbie 101 thread under the Coping Section. It goes through all of the things you need to do to maneuver a clean GF Diet. Read all the links too.

    Keep up the good work girl. Better health awaits us all!.



    Patience Wendy. You'll never get this under control if your all over the place. Breath deep and say, I will not judge until two months from today. SAY IT!!!!!


    so sorry to hear that. Consider yourself NCGI and hit the gf diet running. You will be feeling better in no time..



    I'm glad you were able to enjoy the company at the table.



    Keep in mind that your body is using a ton of energy just to get and stay well so you are burning more calories. All of the nasty stuff before gluten free is trying to come back to hurt your body and possibly you are not absorbing properly.

    Hang in there, your doing great.



    The soreness under your arms and chest could be from the lymph nodes swelling there, starting the sore throat, etc. It sounds like your auto-immune system is really getting mad. And obviously your hormones are revolting on you too. I to would double over in pain after eating (pre gluten free). Hang in there if you can but also keep your Doc informed of issues that are escalating.


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