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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Katerific

  1. I am a 64 year old woman. 1 year ago, I was diagnosed with both Microscopic Collagenous Colitis and Celiac Disease after having a colonoscopy and an endoscopy. I took Budesonide for 2 months, got better and then relapsed shortly thereafter, as do many people. I followed Wayne Persky's advice for several months and didn't do well at all. I signed up for...
  2. The only gluten free replacement foods I eat are Quaker Rice Crackers and Schar Table Crackers. I usually eat them with peanut butter as a snack. I don't use any coffee creamers. I do add Stevia to some things, but a little goes a long way. My insulin resistance has reduced to the point that I have a cup of cooked quinoa with blueberries every morning...
  3. I too have been insulin resistant for many years. I am having good results from a whole foods plant based diet. My last A1c was 5.4. I eat at all the vegetables, fruits, grains (except wheat, barley and rye because of Celiac), keeping oils low. I cook a lot from scratch to avoid gluten cross-contamination as well as keeping my food non-commercially processed...
  4. I recently ate home-prepared lentils and was glutened. I'm sure it was cross-contaminated because I got my characteristic stomach pain and then diarrhea. I buy my quinoa and millet from Bob's Red Mill, but they don't produce legumes that are certified gluten free. Is there a place to buy dry lentils, chickpeas, etc that are batch tested for gluten?
  5. I have one cat and was using a wheat based cat litter (Swheat Scoop). I noticed an increase in my symptoms during the 2 weeks it was in my house. With as many cats as you live with and the way they walk all over everything, it could be your problem. Cats also lick themselves a lot, so there could be gluten on the fur and if you pet them, perhaps you're...
  6. Sometimes it's not just Celiac that a person is dealing with. I also have Microscopic Colitis. The symptoms are the same as Celiac for me. I go through a flare and don't know if I got glutened or if it's the colitis, which has an elusive cause. Microscopic colitis is more common in celiac patients than in the general population. MC is diagnosed by a...
  7. I just figured something out. Planter's and Fisher's Dry Roasted peanuts have a lot more ingredients than just peanuts. Cocktail peanuts contain just peanuts and salt. I have a gluten-free scanner on my phone and it said the Planter's and Fisher's Dry Roasted salted is gluten-free but the lightly salted dry roasted is not gluten-free. I'm switching to...
  8. Fisher salted peanuts are gluten free. Fisher lightly salted may not be gluten free.
  9. My mother, who had Celiac, lived in an assisted living facility until her death in 2021. When she moved in, the facility director said the state of Nebraska doesn't require them to provide medically specific diets and that if mom wanted to move in, we would have to provide her meals. My sister and I made all her meals and delivered them to the facility...
  10. Long journey to get positive diagnosis. I suspected Celiac for 15 years because my Mom was diagnosed and I had the same symptoms. I didn't purse it medically, but just went gluten-free. I followed the gluten-free diet faithfully until last year when I started eating out a lot more and cross-contaminating myself baking gluten cookies and cakes for my family...
  11. Pathology report shows collagenous colitis in the colon and moderate intraepithelial lymphocytes in the duodenum, but no villous atrophy. I talked to the GI doctor for 30 seconds before and after my procedure while I was coming out of anesthesia. My primary care punted me to the GI doctor, so nobody really put much thought into my TTG test results, my genetic...
  12. I had my Colonoscopy and EGD yesterday. I ate 2 slices of bread for 2 weeks. I had bad nausea for several hours every day. The doctor didn't see any small intestine damage but took biopsies. He suspects Microscopic Colitis and took biopsies of the large intestine. When I told him I was having watery diarrhea for almost a year at 10 times a day for many...
  13. My EGD is in 2 1/2 weeks. Since I am super-sensitive to gluten I am wondering if there is a minimum amount of gluten that would make the biopsy positive. I tested 1/4 tsp of vital wheat gluten and was very ill with vomiting that day and then felt really crummy for about a week afterward. Does it make sense that a severe reaction is causing antibodies...
  14. I have been having muscle cramps at night and especially in the morning if I stretch before getting out of bed. I tried taking magnesium and it did help quite a bit but made diarrhea worse.
  15. I think the biggest culprit was a cross-contaminated kitchen. I love to bake and made cookies and cakes with wheat flour for family. I can't say for sure, but I think that's when the raging diarrhea started. I thought as long as I don't eat it I would be fine. I haven't baked anything in about 6 weeks, but the diarrhea continues. I have been eating in...
  16. Here it is 4 days after my 1/4 tsp of vital wheat gluten and I still have diarrhea multiple times a day. I have decided to go ahead with the endoscopy and colonoscopy but not do a gluten challenge. In the back of my mind, I know it is possible to have Celiac as well as something else, like UC or Crohn's, so want to rule that out too. I don't know how it...
  17. My doctor wouldn't do the blood test unless I ate gluten for 8 weeks. I have been gluten free for a long time, but didn't know I was glutening myself. I definitely didn't have a gluten-free kitchen and had diarrhea for several months. So, I got my own blood test at Quest this week. In addition to the blood test, my genetics are positive for one of the...
  18. I tried to start a gluten challenge today to see how I would react to vital wheat gluten, eliminating or reducing FODMAPS. I have a lot of issues with FODMAPS (beans, onion, garlic, many vegetables). My endoscopy is in 5 weeks and as I understand it, I would only need to do the gluten challenge for 2 weeks prior. I put 1/4 tsp of vital wheat gluten in water...
  19. I just got a call from my Doctor's office. She said I would need to eat gluten for the next several weeks to have the TTG/IgA test. During my last visit I told her I had been following a gluten-free diet but at that time had not identified my cross-contamination and hidden gluten foods. The diarrhea stopped about 2 weeks ago when I cleaned up my environment...
  20. I had a gene test and am positive HLA-DQ2. I am practically Mom's clone. I also got her MODY diabetes (maturity-onset diabetes of the young) and macular degeneration. When she was diagnosed her doctor gave no indication that it could be hereditary. I just called my doctor's office to get the TTG/IgA test tomorrow. Thank you for the suggestion. I also...
  21. I had genetic testing for ancestry purposes at 23 and Me a few years ago. My mother had Celiac and according to 23 and Me, I have a variant on the HLA-DQA1 gene, marker HLA-DQ2.5. The genetic test, along with my improvement on a gluten free diet, is enough proof for me. I still have an upper and lower GI scheduled for Sept 7. I will still have it since...
  22. My late mother was diagnosed with Celiac disease in 1990. My sister remembered her saying Celiacs should avoid smoke flavoring and even gluten free oats. Sis reminded me. I had been eating Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oats, smoked almonds, smoked lunchmeat and also Liquid Smoke. Since I am a whole lot better without those things in the last week, I think...
  23. Thank you for the explanation. Makes a lot of sense for my situation.
  24. I have known I can't eat gluten for many years but started having daily diarrhea, sometimes severe for the last many weeks (actually months). The fecal leukocytes indicate inflammation, so it could be IBD or microscopic colitis. A person with celiac is more likely to also get microscopic colitis. It seems unlikely eliminating smoked almonds calmed down...
  25. I have severe reactions to more than crumbs of gluten. 1 slice of bread causes me to have vomiting and diarrhea that lasts hours. The gluten I've eliminated is the smoke flavoring on smoked almonds and lunchmeat. With that gone, the diarrhea is gone, but not loose stools. I can't eat 2 slices of bread everyday without being really sick and unable to function...
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