I've been gluten free, confirmed Celiac for about eight years now. I have a feeling another AI disease might be starting. A few times in the last few months I've had an inflamed gland in one or the other armpit, aches, and a really sore spine. I often have canker sores at the same time. Right now I'm dealing with sciatica as well. My aunt and cousin both...
My motor issues have improved a lot in just a few weeks. The other day I was wearing shorts and I asked my husband if he noticed anything different. He looked down and immediately said, "There aren't any bruises on your legs"!
I've been wondering about this too. My son has pretty bad motor delays and I've always been very clumsy, in addition to forgetful and flaky before my diagnosis. I know in young children fat is essential to the developing brain. So I do think the malabsorption of fats could play into it. I think the brain needs fats on an ongoing basis, so it might just shut...