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    Author of the Allergy-Free Cook Bakes Bread, a gluten-free, vegan, and most allergen-free cookbook, the first in a three-part series!
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    Ontario, Canada

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  1. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

  2. Millet is, however, gluten-free. Just to not confuse new people to the disease and diet.
  3. I'm allergic to the onion family (garlic, onions, leeks and chives).
  4. Happy Birthday! I sure hope it was a super special one !

  5. Personally, I wouldn't stop. My naturopath, combined with the instructions written on my enzyme, explained you have to ease in slowly, and for the first while, cycle your doses. I was nauseated from them a little, and it did go away. Also, take your dose(s) with a meal.
  6. I get sick from Aquafina and Dasani. I stick to Aberfoyle.
  7. NicoleAJ - I would be careful about first readings of MRIs, my sister (and many other people) have gone undiagnosed (well, misdiagnosed... we knew it was MS) for awhile ... In my sister's case, 11 years (she is 26 now). anyway, good to hear either way! about the stretches, if you're interested, i can talk to my mom and see if i can describe them to you...
  8. thanks Doll, i'll forward that to my aunt. she'll like that. we're aware of all of that, but sometimes having actual info (IE written and recorded) is good. nicoleaj, everyone with MS in my family is on medication, so sometimes that is counterbalanced, and their other symptoms or side effects over power. my mom has specific stretches that she does from...
  9. Hi, as you probably read above, autoimmune (esp. MS) is rampant in my family. I am NOT disagreeing with you (as I am living proof), but am wondering if you have any handy documentation? I have a few, but I know that some people would be interested (IE some of my family). Thanks!
  10. i agree. i have celiac, my mom has ms, my sister has MS, my mom's mom has hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia, my mom's sister has hypothyroidism and MS, and my mom's brother has iritis. definitely connected.
  11. Roughly 30 years after being diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting, most cases morph into progressive MS. Doll is right, mentioning the link of all autoimmune diseases, and a few people on this board do have MS. Three of my family members have MS, and everyone is my family has an autoimmune disease. I do not have MS (haha, yet), however, many of my symptoms...
  12. you're welcome. i use vaseline and burt's bees hand salve instead without a problem. hope that helps.
  13. I used it for awhile (the one without oats) and was feeling ill. i called them and they said that they do not know all of their sources so they do not guarantee anything gluten-free. this might not apply to you (this was about in december?), but i wanted to let you know.
  14. Falafels are chickpeas with spices, deep fried... No meat. In addition, there is cross contamination (more than likely) in the fryers.
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