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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by glutenfreeliac

  1. (better, i think, to spend time making really great food that just happens to be gluten free than to try to recreate the past)

  2. leftover cooked millet stars in this quick stir-fry with spinach and roasted red peppers. the only… https://t.co/XNjRqjF3lY

  3. one of my favorite things (and yeah, we've had a variation of this three times this week). cooked,… https://t.co/hH2fKJHBR9

  4. the only books I buy in print are cookbooks. have been desiring these a long time. #eatyourveggies… https://t.co/LLppd4uTzE

  5. (confesses her level of gluten-free cheerios is about zero. also confesses she hasn’t eaten cereal since she was six.)

  6. fantastic run/walk in the cold this morning. felt like we moved much faster than we really did….

  7. owner of meat market/small grocery was super-excited that i bought buckwheat groats. and i’m super-excited to try one of his recipes.

  8. today, gently broached the concept of long pants with the husband. it didn’t go well.

  9. final day to download my free ebook on everyday gluten-free living (tomorrow, it costs real money!) #glutenfree http://t.co/6lMlwqvMeK

  10. 5:30 this morning: a golden coyote loping down what will be a very busy street in two hours. he had it all to himself (herself?).

  11. just enough rain in southern california for me to declare rainy day schedule.

  12. this morning’s walk was worth getting out of bed for. so glad i talked myself out of talking myself out of it.

  13. scheduling drinks with someone i’ve never met in person. in london. soon. apparently this is an official passport test.

  14. have done step one in making @TestKitchen gluten-free pizza. in 90 minutes, par-baking commences!

  15. so, choices. run errands, then come home and take a nap. or take a nap, then run errands? okay, we all know how this will end.

  16. husband: what is all that banging going on in here? me: breakfast. him: [looks in sink] me: also making pulled pork. him: [washes dishes]

  17. husband: we’re watching movie tonight. me: it’s nine o’clock. him: ? me: 6-mile walk before it gets hot in the morning. him: ? me: sigh.

  18. yes. this. yes. a thousand and one times. RT @GlutenDude: You Need a Doctor...Not a Blogger http://t.co/w0WjnzHvZA #celiac

  19. racing to get salmon kebabs grilled, pasta cooked, and fruit figured out (pluots, cherries, frozen grapes?). time to teach husband to cook?

  20. feeling super-trendy after reading this: http://t.co/SFTRYgurMK

  21. (or, wow, so happy/sad for you and your great/horrible news from three days ago.)

  22. okay, have figured it out: Facebook is doing psychological experiment on just me. it’s called “only show posts from 12 hours ago or longer”.

  23. and the long weekend has begun. now to, you know, take a nap.

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