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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Nikki2777

  1. I don't know, as I haven't tried it yet and didn't get in touch with the company. May do that this week.
  2. I'm so sorry you're going through this. It does sound like you've been through a lot and likely do have some sort of gluten sensitivity. Unfortunately, the mind-body connection is also having a field day with you and hopefully you're coupling your physical recovery with trauma work. At the risk of sounding simplistic, could you also be sensitive to sesame...
  3. Hi - I bought this on a whim, as it didn't have any gluten ingredients as far as I can tell. I'm not too concerned about shared facilities, as I feel like big companies such as this must clean their equipment well between runs, but before I take the plunge, does anyone know for sure? The only thing that concerns me is that they do have other meals labeled...
  4. Hi - I know this is a longshot, but on a whim and in a rush the other day I bought this lipstick. I do use several drugstore brands safely, but I liked the color. I don't see anything on their own website about gluten, but SkinSafe (?) - a site I'm new to - says it's "free of gluten". Anyone safely use this? Thanks!
  5. Yes, it's sad - unless it's a place known to do well by Celiacs (there are a few where I live), I won't get eggs at a diner, other than soft-boiled in the shell (and most diners won't do that.) As I'm not getting eggs, I don't get bacon either, but I imagine the issue would be similar. It's a real shame, and one of the things I miss most.
  6. I've searched and haven't been able to find this exact answer - is there a chance that Brewer's Yeast or yeast extract from barley could be in Natural Flavors in the US without being explicitly called out in the ingredients? I've recently bought something with Natural Flavors and thought it would be safe based on what I'd thought I'd read, but some are saying...
  7. Trader Joe's has gluten-free cornbread mix, stuffing, gravy and pie shells at this time of year. Whole Foods and Williams Sonoma has a lot of these, too. They definitely help!
  8. I think the problem is a misunderstanding of the word 'healed' here - there is no cure for Celiac. Healed only means that the villi have gotten back into the shape that they are supposed to be. But they are not the cause of the Celiac, just a symptom. The cause is the auto-immune disorder. So, even with 'healed' villi, you still have Celiac and any gluten...
  9. Thank you, Scott! This looks really helpful.
  10. I know it's a long shot, but I've always wanted to travel in Nepal and am looking at a volunteer project that would involve a home stay. Does anyone have any experience with an organization that can help me stay gluten free while there? I'm sure I can eat the rice and some of the meats, and I expect most of the local food is naturally gluten-free, but with...
  11. If I understand your question, you're asking if handling gluten while working food service will be a problem with your Celiac? Can't say for sure, but I doubt it - just be careful to wash your hands before eating and make sure you're not touching your mouth or face with hands with crumbs on them. I make sandwiches for my gluten eating kids all the time.
  12. I also prefer sherbet and fruit ices to ice cream - luckily lots of choice there. Talenti (though pricey) is delicious and Outshine Bars usually take care of the same cravings. I'm sure there are less expensive options vs. Talenti, too, I just rarely buy sherbet because I can't stop eating it when I do!
  13. Interesting. I'm guessing it's some sort of filler. I think the basics that you were told to avoid - wheat, barley, rye or non-certified oats - is true for ice cream, too. I'd find one or two brands you trust (that black box Breyers, for example, actually says Gluten Free on the packaging). Personally, I don't eat a lot of ice cream - I do have long-standing...
  14. With the caveat that I haven't checked with the manufacturer lately, I take Levothyroxine (generic synthroid) made by Mylan. I check the rx every time I pick it up to be sure they haven't subbed in a different manufacturer. Little yellow pills.
  15. I don't know about Lawry's but I trust McCormick's labelling. As an alternative, we use something called Jane's Krazy Salt regularly. It's very good.
  16. There are plenty of gluten free ice creams. I think the Breyers in the black container, for example. Most ice cream is naturally gluten free. If I remember, the one with Bunny in the name is not. Just be aware that many of us, especially in the first year or two after diagnosis, suffer also from lactose intolerance. So, even with gluten-free ice cream...
  17. Thank you, all. It's disappointing but good to know, and definitely something I'll want to dig into over the next few years.
  18. Thank you. Scott - I didn't know that. Very scary. Basically like making a choice to hurt your residents. And Knitty Kitty (great name, btw) I would definitely be on board for that, though I don't know if I could convince my gluten-eating husband to move there! Hope to get started on making calls soon - who knows, maybe there's a business opportunity...
  19. Thanks, Scott. I'm actually less concerned about that as it is my understanding that Nursing Homes, being medical facilities, have to provide a safe diet (though the food is probably inedible). I imagine it's kind of like the pre-packaged horror show that is airline gluten-free meals. Someone can absolutely correct me if I'm wrong. For me the...
  20. Hi Mari - Thank you. That's a bit what I'm afraid of. My husband I talk about moving to an Independent Living at some point when we tire of cooking and shopping for ourselves and want more/easy social interaction and less home maintenance. I already get bored with cooking for myself sometimes. And no, I don't really have family in this city to help...
  21. I think it's a terrific idea - I don't know how many people with Celiac avoid restaurants altogether, but I certainly don't. I'm lucky enough to live in a major metropolitan area with a number of dedicated Gluten Free restaurants and cafes or those that 'know how to do gluten-free right'. In those, I still tell them I have Celiac and mention the risk...
  22. Yes, I'm 'asking for a friend'; no, really. But it's also made me curious about the options for myself when the time comes. I've been managing my mother's care in an Assisted Living. Luckily, she can eat nearly anything. My friend, however, is struggling to find a place in our city (NYC) that can accommodate her mother, who has Celiac Disease. It's got...
  23. Thank you. I was able to find this label after some digging, so with natural flavors being ok, I’m drinking this!
  24. Hi. Does anyone know if the Nestle Vitality Juices (or water?) sold in fountains in commercial buildings are gluten free? I’m now spending 3-7 hours a day in a place that has one. I’ve searched online and can’t find anything. I’d like to drink these, but I usually am careful about ‘natural flavors’. Thanks.
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