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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Nikki2777

  1. First, I wouldn't assume you need to avoid all foods that say "made in a facility..."; some do have that level of sensitivity. As for me, I try to glean whether we're likely to have cross contamination (biscuit factory vs. veggie processing plant). Your reaction may have been from something else, or from a specific vegetable in the mix. As for restaurants...
  2. With well-meaning, but curious, friends, I will just say something about GI issues, hives and headaches mostly if asked about symptoms, then move on to another topic. With rude people who insist it's not real (honestly, very rare in my life, because - I'm told -- I give off a very matter of fact, not up for debate, attitude about it), my general response...
  3. Thank you, all -- I hadn't seen that on their website, about the "verified gluten free"; perhaps I read too quickly. And thanks for the heads up about the possible issue - I definitely would have been freaked out by GI issues around eating them. At least now I'll know. And I'll look up this Julian Bakery.
  4. Does anyone eat Tangerine Smartcakes? They were recommended to me - they look delicious, are low cal, low sugar and they are said to be made in a dedicated Gluten Free Facility. However, one of the ingredients in Oat Fiber, but I don't see anything on there about these being Certified Oats. Nor does the Gluten Free icon on the packaging indicated 'certified...
  5. Kind of random, I know, but we recently found ourselves in the Montclair/Caldwell area of NJ and looked for a place on Find Me Gluten Free App - ended up in a delicious small Thai restaurant in Bloomfield, NJ where they have a dedicated kitchen space for Gluten Free. The owner's daughter has Celiac, so he knows what he's doing. I was able to have my much...
  6. I really do second the counseling suggestion - you need to find a way to gain power over these feelings of isolation you get from following the gluten-free diet -- you are taking power over your own health, you are taking power over your own choices and well-being. By choosing to save your life, you are acknowledging that there are other joys in life...
  7. I feel the same. Every so often, someone will roll their eyes. I try not to discuss it unless I have to, only because I don't love having the topic of conversation become me, but others seem genuinely curious. Every so often I have a pity party over not being able to just pick up a sandwich at the deli when I'm rushed, or having to pass up all the good...
  8. I can't remember, but it was a few years ago and maybe it had Maltodextrin in it, or maybe it was the 'flavorings' - which I never eat unless it's from a company like Kraft or McCormick that labels clearly. But given that you eat it safely, maybe I'll contact the company for a clear answer.
  9. Hi - I think some of the issue here may be stemming from confusion about the word "exposed" and the two things in bold above -- while you are very strict about eating gluten, am I right that you've been accidentally eating some and for the past month have accidentally been not-gluten-free? If so, that likely is the cause of your cognitive problems, which...
  10. Funny - I was going to say 'hands down' on Canyon Bakehouse (rye style) and Trader Joe's. Honestly, I think TJ's is the closest to what I remember 'real' bread tasted like, I just wish the slices weren't so small. But I guess that's what you need to do if you don't have gluten to hold a big slice together!
  11. We use Herb Ox just fine - I do not believe that Better than Bouillon is gluten free. Can't remember what on the labelling made me avoid it, but I'd love to try it if someone can tell me I'm wrong.
  12. In Paris, there are a couple of 100% gluten-free bakeries (one is Helmut Newcake, near the Madeleine, and the other is Chambelland) and there is a wonderful restaurant called NoGlu - it's in a small pedestrian arcade called passage des Panorames, I think, and a little hard to find, but worth it for a true French meal in a dedicated facility. If you're willing...
  13. You've probably already been here (I hope the trip went well) but to have an updated record of places, I'll add to this list (not everything I can think of, but some favorites) -- Little Beet - W. 50th street and elsewhere; 100% gluten-free, delicious fresh food. Mostly busy at lunchtime, but I hear they also have a more dinner-oriented restaurant...
  14. My favorite pastas are generally corn or corn/quinoa based. Le Veneziane is one, there's another, Bionature (?) in orange and yellow packaging, there's actually a fresh gluten-free pasta, RP's fresh pasta, that's very good. I also like Thai Rice Noodles and there's a Rice Ramen at Costco that makes really good sesame noodles. I generally don't use...
  15. I probably bring less than I should, but it's just for me (I'm the only Celiac in my family) and I'll just not eat, or eat a banana and have a glass of wine, if I don't feel comfortable with what's there. It's harder when it involves your kids and them feeling left out. That said, I bought a cheap plastic colander in a bright color, and really thin...
  16. Interesting. I didn't know this about the oats. I will say that you have to be very specific with each PQ in asking how they handle their gluten-free bread. And ask each time even at the same restaurant, as different staff may be there. I find that they vary in whether they cut them on separate, clean surfaces and with separate knives, etc. That said...
  17. Hi - Does anyone here use lipsticks (Enduring Lip Color) by Limelight? Yes, this is one of those multi-level marketing things, but I've seen a color I like and I'm pretty fussy. However, while they say the product is Gluten Free, I noticed Tocopheryl Acetate in the ingredients and had the salesperson ask her supervisors. She tells me it is derived from...
  18. I've started using one called Epicured (getepicured.com). it was designed to be a low FODMAPS food service, but it's also 100% gluten-free. The food is generally very good, though it can be pricey. I don't know if they're nationwide yet (they're only launched in July, I think). Those are prepared meals. For meal prep delivery, Green Chef has a gluten...
  19. Breakfast on the go is always trickiest for me - I go with a whole fruit - banana, apple - or a yogurt, or a small bag of nuts. Occasionally, I have a couple of hardboiled eggs at my local pret a manger. Much prefer breakfast at home, where I can make myself an egg and cheese sandwich with avocado on gluten free toast. Or cereal ;-)
  20. I know what you're going through - it's that grieving process and it's tough. I was diagnosed in 2013, and aside from an occasional pity party, I don't look back. I have my restaurants where I feel safe, I have the food I know I can eat, and I get on with my life. I'm lucky that I live in a big city with lots of options, but you can make this work, and...
  21. Following up on the garbanzo bean thing - one of my favorite 'recipes' is a salad with a can of chickpeas (drained), some feta cheese, red onion, drizzle with olive oil and add in some sort of greek or italian seasonings/herbs. If I'm feeling the need for more protein, I might add in a hard boiled egg or some tuna - making it a bit like a nicoise. No weird...
  22. I have never had a reaction to Planter's Nuts (in fact, a bag of nuts from the vending machine is sometimes all I have time for for lunch some days), but if you have concerns, or just want to see if it's cashews in general causing a problem, try nuts.com. I believe their nuts are certified gluten-free, and they have really fast delivery. When I was...
  23. I would appreciate getting this question (yes, I know it's not really an allergy), because it makes it clear that cross-contamination would be an issue. In your case, you can legitimately say 'allergy' (or as legitimately as someone with Celiac) as it makes you sick.
  24. I eat them, but I don't think I'm particularly sensitive. I don't recall seeing the note you mentioned about shared lines. Aren't they a Frito-Lay product? I think Frito-Lay is pretty gluten-aware, if that's a phrase.
  25. Kikkoman is actually making a gluten free soy sauce now. It's not bad.
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