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  • PersianCeliac


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  1. Endometriosis can cause heavy bleeding. Are you on any meds? Corticosteroids cause this, it happened to me when I was taking prednisone for my asthma.
  2. my blood pressuse was 95/56 yesterday and I was seeing spots and feeling very dizzy and super tired. That is my sign to get some salt in me immediately!
  3. Are the rashes like bright pink/red like someone just took a hunk of your skin and pinched it? That's what I get on my legs and stomach and it's due to blood pooling in my extremities instead of reaching my heart, lungs, and brain.
  4. Can you do a little test? Take your heart rate lying down, 2 min after sitting upright, then 5 min while standing still. If you have an iPhone there is a free app called heart rate which will allow you to do this very easily. I have just been diagnosed with dystautonomia subtype POTS and I have many of your symptoms. Often I will freak out because I...
  5. I look very young for my age. I'm 40 and am often told I look under 30. people don't belive that I have 4 children. But I attribute it to my genes not celiac.
  6. Mine is on the crack. Aaaaannnnndddd that's what got biopsied. Yes I was a bit embarrassed. And not the most comfortable place for a biopsy I might add.
  7. Well as expected biopsy was negative. I've been gluten free since July. But seeing that I already have celiac and the derm and my GI both said it is DH I'm going with that. They both said visually it is DH just can't officially diagnose it as that because of the biopsy. I asked what else it could be and he just said it appears to be the celiac rash
  8. oh gosh abby that looks painful. mine is only a few spots here and there.
  9. that's what mine looks like. I had one on my bottom and that's what was biopsied last week. results aren't back yet but I've been gluten free since July so it could be negative. My derm said visually it does look like DH. I also had a cluster on my thigh and now I'm left with the marks, taking forever to heal.
  10. For moisturizer I like Olay sensitive SPF 15. It is gluten free from my understanding and its gentle. My skin is super sensitive and I have the celiac rash too. I choose to use gluten free products. Dove and Suave will clearly disclose gluten on the label so for lotion/body wash/ shampoo those might be good cheap brands to look at. Burt's bees is mostly...
  11. I vote we all go to Colleen's for Thanksgiving the menu sounds amazing dinner tonight: mediterranean pasta (penne with cherry tomatoes, olive oil, garlic, and feta cheese). served with artichokes
  12. we had chicken fajita bowls and dessert was Betty Crocker's gluten-free brownie mix......um I do think this will be very bad for me I could have eaten the whole batch
  13. Ok I used what I had on hand and made it similar to yours. Olive oil and fresh garlic, shredded mozzerella and parm cheeses, cherry tomatoes, and bacon. Oh it was so good! And I have leftovers for lunch tomorrow yippee
  14. oh that sounds delish! well the Pamela's mix makes 2 crusts so I'm thinking a plain cheese for the kids and I think I'm going to try your recipe yum. I have cherry tomatoes, that will suffice. please post how to make a hamburger bun. I'm so tired of eating lettuce wrapped burgers!
  15. pizza made with Pamela's mix, boring but I'm tired and it's just me and the kids tonight. and gluten free chocolate chip cookies for dessert
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