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Ursa Major

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    Ontario, Canada

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  • TryingHardToGoGlutenFree


  • cpd54


  • WhenYouYeastExpectIt


  • Shane7223


  • GreenEyes777


  • MissNikki1776


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About Me

Jesus Christ, medical research, reading, playing my recorders (musical woodwind instruments), my 21 grandchildren, knitting, card making, playing computer games.

I love playing classical music on my recorders (I have a collection of expensive wooden ones, from sopranino to tenor), but also medieval dance music, Irish music and anything that is cheerful and is a challenge to play.

I have a lot of hobbies, and I do them in cycles. I can't do too many things at once or I get very frazzled, thanks to Asperger Syndrome.
I was diagnosed with chronic Lyme disease in June 2015.

  1. Happy birthday and may God bless you today!

  2. I used to get horrible, terrifying nightmares as well. I remember a time a few years back when I'd get ten nightmares a night and was afraid to go to sleep. In a lot of them I got attacked by demons, or somebody killing me and waking just as I was going to die. It was awful. Now I only get nightmares when I have been glutened. My youngest daughter ...
  3. A lot of vitamin E is derived from wheat germ oil. Many brands are derived from soy. You might want to find out where the vitamin E in your brand is coming from. If it isn't wheat germ oil, then you are okay. If soy, it depends if you are intolerant to soy. A few people here couldn't get really well, and eventually found out that their vitamins had...
  4. Yes, I used to have nightmares all my life, for 50 years! There have been times when I would have ten nightmares a night, and be afraid to even go to bed. They were evil, and I woke up terrified, usually as something or somebody was killing me. They stopped when I eliminated gluten. Now I only get nightmares after I have been glutened. My youngest daughter...
  5. I have Addison's disease (adrenal insufficiency), hypothyroidism, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, asthma as well as celiac disease.
  6. Oranges are high in salicylic acid, which I am highly intolerant to. After stopping all food high in salicylates for several months, I gave in to a craving and ate ONE orange, and the next day I felt like I was on fire. So, his intolerance may not be to oranges per se, but something in the oranges. He probably shouldn't be eating grapefruits or lemons...
  7. You know, a lot of those officially gluten-free foods are not very good for you, they are way too high in carbohydrates and sugar. I'd suggest to use those for occasional treats only. It is much healthier, and cheaper, to stick mostly with naturally gluten-free foods, like meat, vegetables, nuts and fruit. Also, if you buy gluten-free flour (or mix...
  8. Internal hemorrhoids near the anus could cause this bleeding. I sometimes get it, and it's from hemorrhoids, but mine are quite obviously on the outside as well. Since you had the scope and biopsies which showed no cancer I presume, I think hemorrhoids are likely to blame. Maybe it's time for you to go and get a second opinion, just to be safe.
  9. Have you tried different brands and had the same reaction with every one of them? If yes, it may be the plastic leeching into the water that makes you sick.
  10. How nice to have such a thoughtful mother-in-law! She really thought about what you could use when buying those gifts. I am glad you had a great Christmas.
  11. Ann, no wonder you're anxious, I would be too if my friend just got killed by an oncoming car, and you're going to be traveling on potentially icy roads. I am surprised you're even going. And being out of sorts is probably for the same reason. You're mourning the loss of a friend, and you're worried about her husband and their children...
  12. When I went to bed last night at 8:30, I turned on music to go to sleep to. I don't remember hearing any of it, as I must have been asleep instantly. I woke up at 6:00 AM to go to the bathroom. But just to pee pretty much. I think giving my bowels a rest yesterday by not eating until evening was the best thing to do. I ate some chicken last night, and a...
  13. Well, after not eating any breakfast or lunch and only drinking some water and chamomile tea until nearly 7:00 PM, I made it through the day without major problems. I didn't get any more sleep after my last entry, as every time I thought of going to bed, I'd have to rush to the bathroom instead. So, I had about four hours of sleep the night before last night...
  14. I was hoping so much that this night I could just make it through the night, it sure felt like it was possible when I went to bed. But no such luck. I woke up at 4:00 AM, and just made it to the bathroom, where I stayed for an hour (sigh). Now it is 5:00 AM, and I don't feel like it's safe to go back to bed yet. Seriously, how will I make it through the...
  15. I was tested with a vega machine about five years ago by a naturopathic doctor, and the whole nightshade family scored very high. Eliminating those made a definite difference, especially eliminating tomatoes. I already knew that potatoes caused gastrointestinal problems, it was obvious, and I was limiting them. I found out about lectins and salicylates...
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