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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Fenrir

  1. If you have asthma, definitely be careful. The risk of major complications is very high for that group.
  2. I think most likely what would happen here is that we have a large event center that's owned by the City across the street from the Hospital that would be setup as a second hospital.
  3. Well, on children more and more they are recommending not doing EGDs anyway. It could be upwards of year in some cases for people to get in for a EGD after all this is over. I would ask the GI specialist if you can just go on a presumptive Celiac DX and go gluten-free to start feeling better.
  4. We are not in shelter in place mode yet here in MN but we have 77 cases all but 4 are in the Twin Cities and we're an hour and a half west of the Twin Cities. Luckily, about the only thing not getting sold out here is gluten-free items, nobody else seems to want them. ? I work at a hospital that only has 66 beds to serve an area of 20k+ people. We really...
  5. This would indicate that not enough is really known about the subject to assume anything and the if there is an increased risk it's small one compared others. It's probably good they're setting up a registry, maybe we'll find out if we're susceptible or not. Based on current info it's "probably not" but don't know for sure. Also, the use of "theoretical...
  6. I would argue those with uncontrolled celiac disease would be at a risk due to the weakened general health. But for those of us on a strict gluten-free diet it shouldn't be anymore of a problem than it would be for anyone else. Main concern is the elderly, death rate is 15% for elderly which is much higher than the flu.
  7. Very few Campbell's brand items are gluten-free. https://s3.amazonaws.com/origin.www.cscassets.com/CSCAssets/USGluten/New+Gluten+Free+List+8-7-18.pdf The sauces aren't listed and the labels all say "modified food starch". Since it doesn't say what type of starch, you should assume wheat.
  8. I'm not sure if they are now making ranitidine that's safe or not. However, I think PPIs or Prilosec is the most popular method treat reflux in celiac disease.
  9. I think the Schar Aritsan bread is the best that is widely available. Best option would be to find a gluten-free bakery in your local area, usually that's better bread. However, gluten-free bread will always have a different flavor/texture.
  10. McCormicks also makes Lawrys and all McCormicks brands follow the same labeling rules. McCormick brands: Lawrys Grill Mates Old Bay Simply Asia These are as spices and seasonings McCormick makes. Just read the label but if it's not on the label you should be fine.
  11. I stick to McCormick because they are almost all gluten-free, even the mixed spices. Never reacted to any McCormicks product I've tried. They do label very well, if it's not listed it's not in there.
  12. I've only been sick two times that weren't from gluten (cold or anything) since I went gluten-free 6 years ago. I think there's something to Celiacs having strong immune systems when we're not eating gluten. No proof, just an opinion.
  13. I think the possible issue for celiacs is that people with uncontrolled celiac disease could be at a high risk of complications with the corona virus. The reason is these sort of things tend to cause more severe issues for people with pre-existing health conditions. So if you are already sick from celiac disease and get Corona Virus it may increase the chances...
  14. Prednisone is nasty stuff. A lot of people have very bad reactions to it. Not gluten related reaction. I get extremely anxious and my blood pressure jumps. Just something to watch for if you haven't taken Prednisone before. Not everyone has those symptoms but they do happen.
  15. Yes, it's well worth the 50cents a pill. I don't use it every time I go out to eat but I have it with me everywhere. I have some in my drawer at work, at home, and I keep a few in my coat pocket. So far since discovering this I haven't had a massive exposure so I don't know how well it would work at reducing symptoms for something like that. However...
  16. I think the important thing here is that people are vastly over reacting to the Corona virus. The flu has killed 20x more people in the last month as the Conrona virus. I don't see a situation where food shortage happen. There may be some temporary changes to our lifestyles if your area sees a large number of cases. It may not be a good idea to have a couple...
  17. Yeah, most doctors wouldn't have an issue doing one on a teen I think, that's a good place to start.
  18. I'm pretty sure I had Celiac Disease my whole life. I was diagnosed at 37. I was always very small for my age, either the shortest or close to the shortest kid in the class (even girls were bigger most of the time). I ended up being 5'5 (166cm, I believe), that's short when I come from a family of guys mostly 6'2 (188cm) or bigger. The average height for...
  19. Yes, if there growth issues it would be worth screening. If they were to have Celiac disease the growth issues could be a result of malnutrition.
  20. I'm not going to say it's not celiac disease but I think with the information you give us in the post I don't think there's really any reason to think it is. I have celiac disease but I also have Scheuermann's Disease. Scheurmann's affects mostly boys between 12-16 years old. It causes your spine to curve (both kyphosis and scoliosis). So my back is...
  21. When dropping acid, the least of your problems would be gluten.
  22. A typical slice of bread has about 2.3 grams of gluten per 1 oz slice. So that's about 4-5 grams of gluten per day. Slice of pizza about 3-4g for 3.5 oz slice Slice of cake about 2g Lasagna about 10g of 8oz Pasta about 3.6g for about 3.5oz
  23. Most recommend about the equivalent of two pieces of bread a day.
  24. That's exactly what happened. I thought the frozen bread I grabbed from the section for gluten-free items was gluten-free but it wasn't and looked to be in similar enough packaging I didn't notice.
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