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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Posts posted by beth01

  1. I'm sorry you're still feeling nauseous.  It's frustrating when you're not feeling well and can't pin it down to what is making you feel so awful.  I'm kind of in the same boat, I've been feeling sick for the last three months, thought it was my pills making me sick, switched them and felt good for about a week, but now I feel like crap again.  Can't figure out why.  Drives a person insane.


    Good luck in your Zenability.

  2. I am just explaining this from what I see out of this whole thread.  And I would like to state that I didn't pipe in until supposed research articles were brought up that had no scientific bearing as to the original subject, only someone's mapped out view of getting from point A to C but skipping B. It bothers me when people compare apples to oranges, I would never put apples in my orange chicken.  But any who, from my point of view: when some things that are proven to be scientific fact are contradicted without scientific backing and just based on personal experience only, it can be misleading to others that don't have years of diagnosed celiac experience under their belts.  Frankly if we all think about it, we all have so many quirks in our diets that any number of things can cause glutening symptoms and sometimes we aren't even looking in the right direction.  You could be blaming the apple when it could be the orange. I am four months into this and I spend so much time trying to find hidden sources of gluten when I feel ill that I totally missed the soy that made me feel like crap for two solid weeks ( can't get off the couch, sleep all day, a few trips to the doctor, sick). In my defense since I do keep a diary, I didn't buy the new product, my boyfriend did and never really looked at the sticks as I was putting it on anything I would normally put butter on, so I wasn't looking in that direction.  Thought I was doing myself a favor by staying away from butter due to a dairy issue, boy was I wrong.  Quit using the butter substitute and felt like a new person almost a day later.  We as new people have enough things to look out for than searching for hidden problems, problems that so far are proven to not be hidden or a problem. I say so far, because like I said before, I am not discounting anyone's sensitivities.  And to me from personal experience, it seems so hard to figure out in the beginning just how "sensitive" you are to a glutening ( whether it be from a crumb or eating something <20 ppm and having a reaction) because it seems almost everything bothers your stomach.  And no matter if this is under the " super sensitive" or not, anyone can read it. If anyone has a "sensitivity" that is scientifically proven to not cause a problem, someone is going to post the data that states " gluten or such is not found in wherever" just so people don't go looking for problems where they aren't. Once again, not to discount a sensitivity.  The non " super sensitive's" are not picking on those who are sensitive, just stating scientific fact.  And hey, since there is so much to be learned, it might someday be disproven.  But honestly, no matter how it is worded it makes those that try to make a point of it not being fact, sound insensitive to other's sensitivities.  It's a never ending, vicious cycle.


    A celiac's diet is so open to interpretation in general due to the fact that it isn't just gluten we all have a problem with, there is so much more and it varies so much from person to person. The only thing we all as a whole have in common is gluten. From there we are all snowflakes, no two celiacs are the same.

  3. Having been a new person on this forum recently, it is hard to navigate when doing searches.  If you search egg sensitivity every thread with those words pops up and it isn't sorted by where it is found on the forum, so yes a newbie could read this.  If you look at the forum by "new content", it also comes up.  Not everyone who looks these things up happen to notice the dates that things are discussed or what part of the forum they are found in.


    I am not discounting anyone's sensitivities, I have my own.


    I am also not going to apologize for writing what I did because I for one don't agree with people constantly quoting "research" or articles which really have no bearing to the original subject which then is misleading to others that read these threads later, research and articles that are based on suppositions such as the one you quoted.  This " research" has nothing to do with gluten found in eggs, it's soy.  One has nothing to do with the other and hasn't been proven to correlate. Not everyone has that thought process and while you are entitled to your opinion, I am in turn entitled to mine.

  4. Let's for sanity sake of all future celiacs that read this thread, agree to disagree.


    99.9 percent of celiacs should, and I say "should" be able to eat eggs with no problem. They aren't a gluten containing item.  A very small percentage of people might react to what is fed to the chickens.  THIS IS RARE.  I don't want to have a bunch of newbies running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to find farmers that don't feed their chickens wheat, you are safe to buy eggs from the grocery store.  Some might not be able to eat egg just because of the effect they have on one's stomach, they tend to cause bloating, gas and diarrhea.  Some can have them baked or cooked into a recipe, and others just can't eat eggs at all.  If they don't bother you, egg away.  If they do, don't eat them or find a balance of what you can handle. But please don't discount them based on a thesis study done on SOY protein not GLUTEN.

  5. Tomorrow I am making strawberry rhubarb applesauce and home made chicken dumpling soup ( a rather large batch so I can freeze some, I have ten pounds of chilcken lol and a 20 quart soup pot.  I might be a busy girl.  My baby is going to Boy Scout camp the next two nights so it will be me and my daughter.  She needs to learn to cook sometime since she can't rely on convenience.

  6. I first want to say that I am a firm believer of " wheat is wheat" no matter what country or zip code you live in.  Which means, if you have Celiac you shouldn't eat wheat.  It isn't like guy rules where " it isn't cheating if you are in another zip code" , "it's not cheating if no one finds out" and all the other idiotic things people say to justify any sort of cheating.




    Let's say for science's sake that all the people who have gone abroad and eaten the wonderful unmodified wheat and not gotten sick might have something going.  How do we prove this.... Let's do an experiment.


    Who wants to live abroad for five years and eat wonderful unmodified wheat?  Who wants to tell me all about the brain fog, muscle aches, nerve pain, poop you can finger paint with (if you can poop more that once a week or less than 10 times a day), bloated bellies that make you look pregnant, headaches, urinary problems, or the list of over 293 more symptoms I haven't stated?  That is just asinine.


    To all the new people that read this thread either now or in the future ( unless they actually come up with a cure for Celiac) don't eat wheat modified or not, it's not safe.

  7. I don't seem to have a filter and my mouth seems to think faster than my brain lately, I think I just now end every sentence in "I'm sorry" just in case I said something stupid.


    I have to give a little back story to make this funny.  My parents divorced when I was a year old and when I was 4 my biological father deserted me ( I know, not funny but it get's there), his name is Mike.  My ex-husband's name is Mike also.  End of back story


    Last night I was sitting talking to my live-in boyfriend about how I am never going to feel a 100% until my mind and my body heal.  Just out of the blue I stated " I think I have made a decision that I am going to make things right with Mike". When I saw the look on his face, I knew I had said something wrong.  It wasn't until he asked me if he could still live here that I realized he thought I was talking about my ex. Made me laugh, he didn't think it was so funny.

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