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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. Hi Cristiana I've found I have a mixture of responses. I get 'early warnings' which are neurological, a trapped nerve, muscle twitches, greyed out vision, which I think can come from even small amounts of cross contamination. These are within hours. The sneezing, eye watering and shortness of breath I'm now primarily associating with either milk...
  2. Hi Paula and welcome You do have symptoms that are consistent with coeliac / non coeliac gluten sensitivity, but obviously no-one can diagnose that on a forum! Have you been given a coeliac blood test? That would be the first step. Then it would be an endoscopy rather than colonoscopy if coeliac were suspected. They would be looking via biopsy...
  3. Hi moleface and welcome! I found your posts a tough read because I felt like I could've written them myself. I was raised to think of the doctor as all knowing and it's only through painful experience that I've taken them down from that childish pedestal and look at them dispassionately as either good, (rare) bad, (less rare) or mediocre (most of them...
  4. I think the very fact you notice such a response from eating gluten is a big signal that it's an issue for you. Most people wouldn't notice if they removed gluten from their diet but it's having a profound affect with you. Gluten can have an opiod effect on some people: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5025969/ it can also cause anxiety. It...
  5. Hi Garry and welcome! This: sounds like Cyclic vomiting syndrome: https://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/condition/cyclic-vomiting-syndrome#diagnosis You may find the following links helpful: http://cvsa.websitetoolbox.com/post/gluten-free-diet-2184233?trail= but I'm just a layman what do I know? Take Karen's advice, get to your doctor and see...
  6. Were these symptoms you had experienced before removing gluten? They are all symptoms associated with it, I had palpitations, reddened complexion and psoriasis/seborrhea dermatitis for instance which all improved once removing gluten. The period once I removed it was very up and down and this could explain your symptoms, but don't substitute a laypersons...
  7. Hi and welcome Wow, what a great opening post. You've clearly thought this through. Difficult to know for certain but many experience an increased response to gluten once removing and then reintroducing it. So yes, possibly! Difficult to say. You don't mention what your symptoms are, but in themselves they wouldn't give much of a guide...
  8. NHS professionals are generally ok but their are also some dreadful ones. You sound like you've been unlucky. I'd be inclined to put something in writing regarding both your treatment and where you go from here. This could either be in a letter to the consultant with your GP copied in or, via your local hospital's complaints procedure: https://www.nhs...
  9. Hi Donna, Just on this point: The same advice from your other thread still holds: You are going gluten free before you have testing, this isn't correct and it's going to make it much more difficult and potentially painful for you should you pursue a diagnosis later down the road. Consider an appt at your local surgery with another doctor...
  10. You should wash rice, but not because of fears about gluten, but because it helps to remove other toxic elements. Here's a good article explaining why and including some detailed advice on how to wash rice. It's especially relevant to you if you're eating a lot in your diet: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/2F1MDzyW55pg97Tdpp7gqLN/should-i-be...
  11. Welcome Consider starting a new thread as more people will see your post and may be able to offer some help. Best, Matt
  12. Welcome Demetria77 and no you're not alone! There are people here who have gone through similar experiences and came through the other side stronger, healthier and happier. Things may seem bleak now but that doesn't mean they won't soon improve, that's what life is like sometimes. I was a little unclear about what happened to you here: ...
  13. Hi Donna You can ask for a second opinion: https://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/910.aspx?CategoryID=68 See if you can get a printout of the blood test results. The practice wasn't very helpful, I had to pay £5 for mine, but it was helpful. I found that the standard NHS test in my area didn't include all of the full panel. Which does leave a question mark ...
  14. That does make it a little harder. The messaging has to be about preventing harm and it may be a little more difficult for her to understand, there are plenty of adults who don't take the diet as strictly as they should because their particular symptoms aren't acute. However be aware that once on the gluten-free diet her responses could well change...
  15. Hi and welcome I would present it as a positive, which, although it may not seem that way at the time, it is. Focus on the positive aspect, now you and her know what the issue is, and you know how to address it. Stress that this is a condition that has a very simple solution, the avoidance of gluten, and that though that will seem tough to begin...
  16. Sorry the NCF can't help! Couple of things that struck me reading your account Jamie. Obviously finding a doctor who has the relevant expertise is key, but maybe there's some things you can do in the meantime. For instance: Maybe some of the difficulties in digestion could be explained by an imbalance in your biome? Have you looked into probiotics...
  17. Jamie here's the contact details for the Norwegian Celiac Foundation: http://www.ncf.no/om-ncf/kontakt-oss They have volunteers across different regions of Norway. Hopefully they can help you find an experienced Celiac practitioner. Best of luck! Matt
  18. Hi and welcome As the child of a celiac you should've been tested. And indeed when you mention here: He presumably tested your blood for celiac antibodies prior to the scope? What were the results? Did he take biopsies? Celiac damage cant neccesarily be seen by the naked eye. Ok, so you probably know but going gluten free will make...
  19. Not had that but have had issues with nutrient levels. Have you tried taking magnesium supplements? I take a combined magnesium, zinc and calcium supplement and it's really helped.
  20. I feel for you. I know what its like to leave a doctor's rooms thinking that they've not taken you seriously or that they've not taken account of something which you strongly feel to be significant. I have no doubt that you're right that younger women in particular will often get too easily dismissed as overly emotional but don't think that it only happens...
  21. Welcome You may want to look at the AIP diet as there's some compelling evidence it can help people recover foods that they've become intolerant too.
  22. That is a great article. Thanks for those links as well, Ive seen them before but its useful to see them together. I have some sympathy for the Paleo view on dairy but I also realise I am biased due to my own experiences.
  23. Hi youve had celiac testing and so I don't think there's any need to wait the 5 weeks to see this new clinician before trialling the gluten-free diet as long as you approach it in a methodical way by keeping a food journal. If you note what you eat and when and how you feel then by the time you have your appt you will already have some useful data...
  24. My mother has this, she calls it 'faceblind'. Never heard it linked to celiac before! The Departed was based on a Hong Kong film, Infernal Affairs. At least in that one they gave one of the guys a beard
  25. Ok, obviously, I'm NOT A DOCTOR... t is suggestive however of celiac. Search this forum and you'll find many women whose symptoms were brought on by pregnancy. The DH rash is typically symmetrical, would you say your rash appears on both legs say? Also its interesting that your flare up came after the keto diet. For a lot of people when they remove something...
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