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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. On gluten I used to drink large amounts of water and sweat profusely. I went for several diabetes tests but each was normal. I had other symptoms of blood sugar issues. Sudden intense hunger, dizziness etc. Removing gluten resolved these to a large extent. I also pay more attention these days to eating plenty of protein which helps stabilise blood sugar and...
  2. Hi and welcome Do you have copies of the tests? Post them if so, there are several different tests and some only test positive for one of them. You could find out that not all tests were ran. However even if the tests were negative gluten could still be a problem for you. It is for me. I went through testing convinced it would be positive. You...
  3. Hi and welcome You've found a nice community and there's lots of help, support and advice available for you here if you need it. We can't diagnose you obviously, but aching joints can be a symptom of celiac or gluten sensitivity. It can also cause vitamin deficiencies, rashes, nausea, fatigue etc. Of course other things could cause these too. A...
  4. What if it does? It did for me despite a negative celiac diagnosis. I know you want answers and certainty and you may get them, but if you don't there's still lots you can do to secure the real aim, good health. That's all in the future however and why not cross the bridges when you come to them?
  5. Course not! Although I'm naturally devastated that you weren't quoting me to marvel at the inebriating effects of the exuberance of my verbosity I spoke to a family member who is a pharmacist, she says nausea and bloating aren't the main side effects but they can occur. She would suggest you give it 7-10 days as there's often an adjustment...
  6. That sucks I know you'd been looking forward to it. Well until you know you have try and forget about it and maybe you got lucky. You're due some good luck I think!
  7. Make some concise notes in bullet point form to make sure you cover what you need to. You have a strong case for further investigation so if your doctor is reluctant don't be afraid to be assertive in looking for answers.
  8. Ouch. Sorry to hear this, you've been so careful. I wonder if it's related to a particular kind of gluten? I find I react differently to barley malt than wheat gluten, perhaps you've been CC'ed by a relatively unusual form? I do find my reactions changing over time. I recently got a rash along my bicep and now have a swollen lymph which I think is down...
  9. Hello and welcome You've found a great community, lot's of people have been in your position and come out the other side. So my first, probably redundant suggestion is not to worry. Difficult I know, but the odds are very much that all the horrid things you're imagining are not the cause. Finding out more info is a good start, but be careful of...
  10. Yes, because each persons immune system is different there's a lot of uncertainty around tests. I think I'd be gluten-free for a couple of weeks when I first tested and my doctor thought it wouldn't make a difference. I often wonder if I'd have got a test just before going gluten-free, when I felt at deaths door, whether I'd have got a different answer. I...
  11. Unprocessed food is great, but a life without chocolate no way! Am sure you will find a suitable brand. I don't eat Lindt, think they may use barley, others may know more. The Moser Roth are Aldi own brand. Looks like Aldi aren't in CR so not an alternative for you sorry. Maybe check with these guys: http://www.celiak.cz/ ps (also...
  12. Hi and welcome Lot's of us did the same as you - cut out gluten then found we needed to be on it for a diagnosis. You need to decide if you want to pursue a celiac diagnosis. If you do, then you'll need to 'challenge' your body with gluten for 8-12 weeks prior to blood tests. Otherwise you may get a false negative. If you don't want to do...
  13. I think you could also usefully start keeping a food journal. Doesn't have to be War and Peace just: 7:00 am Toast w/butter & strawberry jam, Weetabix, Coffee - Feel OK, little indigestion 11:00 Coffee and Digestive biscuits x 2 - Itchy scalp, headache Etc. etc. Main point is to get in the habit of noting down what you eat, when and how...
  14. That's great to hear, thanks for letting me know and well done on getting through it! Prague is one of my favourite cities. Aside from the wonderful architecture and cultural activity I think it may have the highest concentration of gorgeous looking girls in the world! I'm sorry you can't enjoy that great beer and quite a few of those lovely dishes...
  15. It's easy to read others giving advice and think that but it's likely far from the truth. Everyone will be struggling with various things in their life in their own way. They may be doing better at the moment on one aspect but not another! Yes I'll hold my hands up. I didn't notice APC's point about her therapist. Sometimes I'm only leaping on the...
  16. Hi Tony and welcome I put together a mini FAQ awhile ago for posts such as yours. Take a look and see if the links within are of help: The info on tests is a little out of date, the top two listed are now no longer in general use. Otherwise hopefully the info gives you something to work on. The main advice is STAY ON GLUTEN whilst you...
  17. Yes! Yes! Most of those I get also. Not so much the migraines, although I get what may be retinal migraines, not sure about that. Painful periods and endometriosis - No - there are some things gluten can't get me for thankfully Anyway, I was stunned to be negative for celiac as I enjoyed such a good response to the gluten...
  18. Hi Heidi and welcome First, you've found a good community, hope you find it as useful as I have. I don't know how much you know about this. I spent a long time researching it once I realised it was a problem for me because I became fascinated by just how deeply gluten can interact with almost all aspects of the body, in particular the brain. ...
  19. You do care, you wouldn't have come back to the forum if you didn't, deep down. Intelligence has nothing to do with it, nor naivety for that matter. I'm intelligent enough to realise that! Seriously, anyone can be in denial and practically everyone will be at some point. I'm not saying you are, but a lot of your posts are suggestive of that. In...
  20. I had to make a conscious effort to switch the foods I eat to reduce sugar spikes and the resulting crash. I eat an omelette in the morning, proteins and amino acids in the eggs, veggies in the filling. Keeps me full for longer and I don't have the mid morning crash that used to happen when I just had cereal or similar. If you can eat something solid...
  21. Ok so thanks for providing more detail I think a timeline would be helpful per Victoria's point above, if you can put rough dates on symptoms and changes, including the celiac diagnosis, going gluten free, gastric band etc? Your diet sounds pretty restricted, I understand your frustration It did however make me think of one approach from a leading...
  22. That sounds comprehensive. What food do you eat? Do you keep a food journal?
  23. No one here can or should tell you that you don't have lymphoma, but try to look at this as objectively as you can. Not easy when it's your own health I realise. Firstly, lack of response to gluten free diet does not equal exclusion of celiac. There is such a thing as refractory celiac, it's rare but it does exist. There are also large differentials...
  24. Hi again I can see your not in a good place at present, but you've taken a positive step in posting here again and looking for help. This was from your earlier post: So you have your diagnosis but as you said at the time you rejected it because you don't have intestinal problems. The fact is that the majority of celiacs don't present with intestinal...
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