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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. Hi James, I make my own broth/stock from both chicken and beef. I can't answer the technical questions but on this: I think the concept is sound. A lot of people who are interested in the health benefits of broths and stocks lack the time or inclination to prepare them themselves. I could see people being interested providing that they were reassured...
  2. Hi Lily, I'm NCGS. I solve murders loosely related to the US Navy in a variety of sunny locations with the help of a bunch of wisecracking workmates. It's a tough job, a typical case takes 48 minutes to crack. Oh who am I kidding, that's NCIS. I'm living gluten free without a diagnosis. Keep this between ourselves but I've been here for a couple of...
  3. Hi This site almost always has the goods! Check this thread out: It was first noted by an English Gastroenterologist and is known as Bralys sign!
  4. I don't have anything to add but my sincere best wishes. It's an awful story. I wish you both the very best of luck.
  5. I understand, I did go through testing and biopsy but the result was negative and given the gluten challenge was very unpleasant it was almost worse to be told it was negative than to have an explanatory diagnosis. It did however provide me with something more important, my own proof that gluten was a problem for me. I live my life now as if the diagnosis...
  6. Hello and welcome The good news is you've found an excellent site for info and support. The even better news is that with a positive attitude like yours you should find adjusting much easier than most. I wish I'd been so optimistic when I first put two and two together! This by the way: Is actually not unusual. Everyone thinks that the classic...
  7. It's possible they were just ignorant about the dangers of cross contamination from shared fryers. There's a lot of people on here who were given no guidance whatsoever by their doctors after diagnosis, just told to avoid gluten. As Ennis says above that's actually harder than it sounds and if you're serious about it requires a level of commitment and some...
  8. I'm sorry this has happened the first time you've gone out It is a shock once you've been off gluten for awhile and find yourself reacting much more to what was probably a tiny amount than you ever seemed to before you went on the diet... Hopefully you can take some consolation in that at least now you know the cause and what to do and because of that you...
  9. Hi and welcome You don't mention the symptoms that have led you to food testing but CyclingLady's point is really important, if you've not excluded Celiac that should be your first move before embarking on a diet that excludes gluten. It's a lot easier to get tested now than remove it and then go back on it for tests. I also agree with Whitepaw...
  10. I wonder if they assigned that particular journalist by chance or if someone in the editors office has a wicked sense of humour?
  11. I know some with NCGS are more relaxed about their diets like Jen's friend above. If you test negative for celiac and find that you can do this then you will doubtless find the diet a lot easier and various social situations more accessible. Sadly I don't find that works for me, I wish it did! I seem to be quite sensitive to small amounts of cc and...
  12. I was at my local pharmacy a month or so ago and chatting to the pharmacist. She said she was doing 35-40 omneprazole prescriptions per day - this in a tiny pharmacy serving quite a small area. I think there's an epidemic of prescribing this drug here in the UK at present. The worrying aspect is that a lot of people who go in it for that 4-6 week period...
  13. Because coffee manufacturers are rational actors looking to make a long term profit. Whatever temporary savings are made from bulking out their product with potential allergens would be dwarfed from the destruction of that brand once people started being sick and the authorities, media and retailers started testing the product. Just think about it, it doesn...
  14. The issue is not the accuracy of the test but that a percentage of coeliac positive patients test negative to this test. See IronicTruth's post further up this thread for the other tests you need to request. My suggestion is to write down what you want to say before you next visit a doctor. Put some questions in there in bullet point form to make sure...
  15. I've had some ill effects this week which I'm 90% certain link to a bag of 'gluten-free' muesli which I recently bought from a UK supermarket. The oats within it are labelled gluten-free, but I'm either getting cross contamination or reacting to these oats in themselves. Just wish I knew which!
  16. As Tessa says, you run the risk of a false negative. Most doctors will insist you do a full challenge to ensure an accurate result. It could be worth it however as you're struggling to stay 'honest' on the diet at the moment. A diagnosis may help you with that? This is besides the other benefits, certainty, easier to get follow up checks on nutrient...
  17. Hi and welcome You've posted on quite an old thread so most of the users above may no longer be active. You mention you're new to being gluten-free. Have you had any testing for celiac? That may be something you want to consider before you go fully gluten free? Either way this is a good site for info and support. Hope you enjoy your time here...
  18. That's an interesting list. I've rationalised having the odd ice cream on the basis that there's not a lot of dairy in them these days, (best not to ask whats in there instead) Although I don't know if my problem is with lactose or at least solely, I think it's maybe the casein. Reason being is that I don't get major GI symptoms, other than some bloating...
  19. Can you have soy Cristiana? I've developed a taste for soy latte's now. At first I wasn't keen but I persisted and now I quite enjoy them. They're only an occasional treat but its nice to sit in a Costa or Starbucks and have a similarly ludicrous sized drink to everyone else once in a while I also have the Alpro or Koyo coconut milk for cereals. I much...
  20. Sorry if that's how it appeared that wasn't my intention. I just thought it was a funny video and reading Ennis's post about dog milk reminded me of it. Anyway, apologies! This is about where I'm at. I've never been a big dairy eater anyway. In fact I think I subconciously knew it didnt agree with me and that made refuse it as a child. I did gradually...
  21. G'day and welcome Going gluten free helped but it didn't get rid of the SD. The best shampoo was Nizoral due to the Ketonacazole active ingredient. I also find dairy, especially milk is really not good for my skin. Check this thread out too: https://www.celiac.com/forums/topic/75943-seborrheic-dermatitis/#comment-977173
  22. I discovered omelettes for breakfast after I went on the diet. It gave me a chance to incorporate more vegetables by stirfrying them first and using them as a filling. A 2 egg omelette with spinach, peppers and mushroom filling sets me up for the day and because of the protein in the eggs I didn't 'crash' at 11am and start snacking. I switch the fillings...
  23. You're most welcome Everyone here was once in your position and remembers just how confusing and sometimes scary it could be. The good news is that as you get more experienced in the diet that feeling lifts. The noisy tummy quietens down. You may get unexpected health bonuses, I had chronic lower back pain for 20 years which suddenly resolved, who would...
  24. Hello and welcome Tessa has said it all! Stay on gluten through the testing process so you get as accurate a result as possible. If it's celiac the endoscopy is the best chance of diagnosing it. But remember if the test is negative there's nothing to lose and potentially a great deal to gain from giving the gluten free diet a thorough and proper try...
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