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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. Hi and welcome Uncertainty is a lot more scary. If you're celiac learning that you are could be the best day of your life because your life gluten free and healthy could be so much better! Don't go gluten free, ask your doctor for the test. Print out that list you've posted - just the family history alone should be enough for an intial blood test...
  2. Hi and welcome Firstly, none of us can diagnose you. I do recognise a lot of my symptoms in yours - the heart skipping beat for instance or the blurred vision. I also recognise a lot of the mental stages you've been through. The anger at the medical profession, the realisation as you see the different symptoms outlined and recognise yourself in them...
  3. Hi and welcome This is a tough decision. It's clear from his reactions to the gluten-free diet that he has an issue with gluten so celiac or not he needs to be off it long term. There's no treatment as such other than the diet so some would argue that there's little point in prolonging his suffering. However I think you've put your finger on the crux...
  4. This page may be of help: https://www.coeliac.org.uk/gluten-free-diet-and-lifestyle/holidays-and-travel/ Have seen people speak well of South America where there's a corn based diet or SE asia where wheat is much rarer. But its probably a case of finding somewhere you both want to be then making as many enquiries / preparations as possible to ensure...
  5. GI diet is just about trying to control your blood sugar and stop the cycle of it spiking and crashing. When the sugar levels rise insulin is deployed which then results in the formation of fat. http://www.gidiet.com/ You try and switch from foods in the index to lower ones. That stops the spiking and should be both healthier and help you lose weight as well...
  6. Everything I've read says switching to the artificial sweeteners doesn't work. Definitely drop the diet soda, drink plenty of water so you're less likely to reach for it. How about trying to change your tastes somewhat. Get some dark chocolate and when you get the urge for the Hersheys try nibbling a tiny square of that instead. It's a much deeper taste...
  7. First off, we were all clueless at one point, so you are in good company 2 months is still relatively early days for the diet, some take 6-12 months to get full recovery. It's also not always a steady progression, you get good and bad days. in addition to Ennis's good advice above have you considered removing dairy entirely, not just lactose. Some...
  8. If you have an issue with gluten as your dr suspects https://www.celiac.com/forums/topic/120627-is-diagnosis-based-on-anti-endomisial-antibody-iga-and-igg-enough/?do=findComment&comment=987849 Then it's quite normal to have a rocky time when you start the gluten free diet. If you think that your body has been under attack for a long time, it...
  9. Hello and welcome this one slipped past without a reply, oops! Im going to reply in your other thread and link to this one so that others can follow both your posts. Cheers! matt
  10. Hi Jennifer, One idea, have you tried excluding dairy? I've found that dairy is causing my asthma, blocked sinuses etc. Since the New Year I've completely excluded it, including small amounts in processed gluten free foods and I'm feeling heaps better. Breathing improved, mental sharpness etc. There does appear to be a link between gluten sensitivity...
  11. We could be twins! I get backache, spasms tend to be in the legs. I get a load of neuro stuff I won't bore you with. Wish I had your doctors. Be very interested to see what larazotide will do if and when it appears for prescription...
  12. Hi There's lots of examples from here of people reacting differently to gluten in its different forms. Sometimes this is a different reaction to a particular food or perhaps gluten from barley as opposed to wheat. Maybe the cracker has a lower gluten ppm than the sandwich (which will be enormous). However leaving aside the odd ways in which people...
  13. It seems like some strains are more effective than others, but I've yet to put that to the test. From what I've read there's been some very promising results from that. If you go ahead I hope you can post an update here. Best of luck to you and your son whichever path you choose.
  14. The secret to this forum is to reply before CyclingLady, as once she's responded there's typically nothing else to say but good luck. Good luck!
  15. Hi Ellie For a doctor to diagnose you as celiac they are likely to want positive blood tests and then signs of villous atrophy via scope. Sometimes they can diagnose with just a positive response to the gluten free diet and then a positive scope, but that's pretty unusual. Either way you'd need to complete a gluten challenge. from your post it...
  16. A lot of this depends on your own reactions. As a very general rule, spices should be fine, 'seasoning' take care! A spice is a single element, it's just turmeric, or oregano etc. A seasoning mix is a blend of different things and that's when gluten may sneak in. Marshmallows are mainly glucose syrup and should be fine. Obviously if they're covered...
  17. Magnesium rich foods may help: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-foods-high-in-magnesium#section1
  18. Hi and welcome Gluten bread etc is fortified with b vitamins, iron etc. So if you take that out of the diet you may want to replace, ideally with foods but supplements can help. I also take Vit D (we dont see much sunshine here in the UK) and magnesium, zinc and calcium which seems to really help me mentally. For healing the gut you may want...
  19. Has it helped at all? I'm no expert but I'm interested in what research has been done into the effectiveness of probiotic strains, mainly in relation to my milk allergy which seems to be histamine mediated at least in part. I'm currently wading through this paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5622781/ and Chris Kresser's site has an overview...
  20. Well, you have a positive test, so assuming you do have it, you are still in the early days of the diet, expect to continue to see improvements ffor anywhere from 6-12 months after you first exclude gluten. i found the first couple of months quite ropey, good days and bad days. The general curve was up but it wasn't always plain sailing... You may...
  21. Saw this the other day: http://metro.co.uk/2018/01/22/a-full-belly-without-breaking-the-bank-8-of-the-best-cheap-gluten-free-eats-in-london-7247612/ While since I've been in the smoke, but it may be useful for you lily livered southern types
  22. Yes, this is the part I was referring to! I'm not defending wheat or grains etc. You are preaching to the converted! Just making the point that for many, the vitamins they are getting through fortified gluten grain products will be missed when they go gluten free unless they take steps to replace them. Most gluten free replacements aren't fortified...
  23. Hi Sarah and welcome You had a positive test, were you not given an endoscopy appointment? That's the usual next step in diagnosis? Did you discuss going gluten free with your doctor?
  24. Hi Amy and welcome I'm sorry to see you're suffering on the diet. Still more that you're miserable in one of the finest cities in the world and one of my favourite places Frankly yes. There's lots that's still being learnt about celiac and gluten's wider effects, but the risks to celiacs of non adherence to the diet are well established. There...
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