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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. Hi and welcome To be honest I think you're being very considered and making a lot of sense. You have some symptoms which may point towards a gluten / celiac issue, like the bloating or the psorisasis, but there's nothing definitive so you really should follow Cycling Lady's advice above and book a celiac blood test before making any changes to your...
  2. I can only guess how hard this has been for the three of you. I hope one day he can get at least some of those back. Have you looked at probiotics?
  3. This is great advice!
  4. When you're looking for answers the negative endoscopy may seem like bad news in a funny way, it did for me when the doctor told me, but really as CL said it's good. Keep working with your doctors. From what you've said before gluten could still be the problem. Now you've eliminated celiac you can try removing it from your diet, but it's important...
  5. If you only stopped 2 days ago no problem. Try and get a test arranged. if that can't happen, trial the diet and keep a journal tracking any response. I found that really helpful as some changes are subtle and gradual.
  6. I was completely floored by the realisation after I went gluten free of just how badly it had been affecting me. Before then I had all these different things which I was either barely coping with, ignoring, trying to pretend they weren't there etc. I went gluten free and suddenly all sorts of different things started to resolve. It blew my mind! Try...
  7. Karen's point about parasites etc is a good one. They can cause a lot of symptoms similar to celiac /ncgs as you probably know. At 11 I had my appendix removed following pain in the lower right side of my torso. On waking up the surgeon told me that it was actually ok, when I asked what caused the pain I think they said it was probably glandular - they...
  8. This is on their FB page: Indeed. My take - their ad agency / internal marketing is looking to create 'edgy' content which they calculated would play well with sports fans. They probably have a lamentable brand values document which they're trying to align their messaging on and this crass 'joke' and the embarassing climb down and...
  9. Hi Gemma, Welcome to the very select, exclusive, super secret club of NCGS (or I if you like), where you get all the fun of living the gluten free diet with the added scepticism of half the medical establishment and most of the general public If you're interested in learning more, there's some good resources collected here: Feel free...
  10. After my hiatus hernia was diagnosed they advised me to eat small meals spread out across the day, maybe that may help?
  11. Ah I've googled it, as you guessed I was thinking of chilli con carne, this is something different! Sorry I can't be of help. ps, no offence, am sure it's lovely but I did find this hilarious: https://deadspin.com/the-great-american-menu-foods-of-the-states-ranked-an-1349137024
  12. I'm from the UK so I can't help you on the recommendation, but instead of canned chili have you tried making your own? It's super easy to do, far nicer and cheaper than any pre-made variety and you can make a big batch and freeze small portions so its always available if you need a quick filling meal? There's no reason a chili should include gluten...
  13. Tamari tastes pretty similar to how I remember soy sauce. I was so glad when I got my first bottle, I love chinese food and although restaurants and takeaways are a thing of the past it's one style of food I can actually cook pretty well. I won't be without Tamari now and usually travel with it if I'm away for a few days and will have somewhere to cook.
  14. Hi Teresa and welcome Do you think you've been glutened? I get mouth ulcers sometimes when that's happened. Acyclovir/Zovirax was the only medicine that seemed to help with them. Oh and taking vitamins although that may be as much psychological. Do you eat dairy? Only asking as I have found it bad for my skin etc and have recently removed...
  15. Interesting. I got an above range PSA level recently and am supposed to be monitored now, though I've not heard anything. I have a family history of prostate cancer so it does cross my mind from time to time. I'm wondering if all this inflammation has maybe affected it and if this diet change will help... Yes! Great word whinge! It's my go...
  16. Hi Katie You've had good advice above from the forum MVP's Do follow it, but one further thing, don't be too hard on yourself for past failings. I find the diet hard now, at 16 I think I'd have responded in just the way you have. 19's a good time to get the diet sorted and let your body properly heal in time for an awesome 20s and beyond! Most...
  17. You deserve it! I always find myself reading your replies to others because there'll always be some good info, a practical solution or just some uplifting positivity in there. It must be all that Californian sunshine making its way through your posts, whatever, you deserve some good news and I'm glad you've got some. This: Is also brilliant...
  18. Hi and welcome This is a good place to start, not the only one, but a good one. There's plenty of helpful people who are a lot further down the road than you or me for that matter and lots of help and support available. There's also a great resource of previous threads which you can search through for answers on all kinds of weird things which gluten...
  19. Here in the UK at least the reason Oats are problematic for celiacs (well coeliacs here I guess) is that they're harvested, processed and packed on the same machinery as the wheat which they're grown alongside. This proximity means its impossible to guarantee that some wheat won't sneak into the oats, unless you farm them separately, these are then sold...
  20. Good luck delivering that message g It's a very depressing study though. I've little doubt that similar results would be found here in Europe and I do wonder what a similar gluten study would find. On the positive side I've just eaten a lovely dairy free dark chocolate with orange bar from UK retailer M&S. It cost me my arm and...
  21. No that sounds absolutely normal Nino. I wouldn't worry. You need to allow time for the biopsy to be analysed by a specialist and for the admin stuff that happens around that to take place. If they did suspect cancer they'd move quicker. Instead they're proceeding at the regular pace that a busy clinic/lab would normally move at. I would stay...
  22. Hi and welcome It's tough to read about a little guy going through all that so I can only imagine how tough its been for you and your partner. It's good news however that he's diagnosed and you and his doctors can take the steps required to keep him safe. Responses to gluten can change over time so there's no guarantee your sons response will be...
  23. Thanks Karen. You have no idea how much I want this to be the case, I love chocolate in a big way! However... https://www.fda.gov/ForConsumers/ConsumerUpdates/ucm433555.htm It's quite a shocking read. THe good news is that there are some dairy free versions of chocolate available in the UK and I went out yesterday and bought a couple of bars. I...
  24. I have seen it, when I had my first 'revelation' about gluten I was a regular on all the Paleo sites and I devoured so much information I wound up overloaded and took a step back. I was also a bit scared by it, there's precious little left to eat once all those foods are taken out of the running. I guess I'm some of the way there now. I don't drink...
  25. Wow. On New Years Day I eliminated all dairy. I was feeling crappy just from a week's indulgence in foods with dairy included, some gluten free cakes, pies etc. Even that week had left me with asthma, blocked sinuses, a hacking phlegmy cough, spots, itchy scalp, diarrhea and a brain fog. I noticed a difference within a couple of days and by now it's...
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