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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. Yes I agree, I expect differences in written English will steadliy diminish largely in favour of our American cousins usage, simply based on the internet, US biased spellchecking and the weight of numbers of US/UK users and also some of the archaic spellings not actually representing the phonetic version. Of course Joss Whedon may have got it right...
  2. Here's a little background on the origins of the word courtesy of coeliac.org https://www.coeliac.org.uk/get-involved/blog/coeliac--celiac--coelaic--coeliacs-identity-crisis/
  3. It's a good article and an interesting approach. Just on this point about why food sensitivities trigger so much negativity, I think it's because they jar with the non sufferers view of the food as safe and desirable. How can something be wrong with it when I eat it without a problem? Because no-one wants to think their food is dangerous this quickly turns...
  4. Jmg

    16 year old

    Hi, i wrote this this to your mum I think a couple of months ago, Have you tried completely removing dairy from your diet? I know the last thing you want to hear is that you may have to give up yet more food, but it may be holding you back and causing at least some of the anxiety you are suffering? Hopefully others will have some advice also...
  5. There's some good advice for newcomers to the diet here: be careful with gluten free processed foods, they tend to be high in sugar! You may also want to consider removing dairy, at least for a time. Oh and keep a food diary to note any changes as you progress on the diet, that can prove really helpful as some change is very gradual. best...
  6. Hi and welcome You may have celiac, the symptoms and response to gluten free diet match up, only way to know however is going back on gluten for a challenge. another possibility is NCGS, which has similar symptoms, but no enteropathy, aka intestinal damage... you need to decide whether you need an answer or are happy to stay on the diet as...
  7. If it's any consolation, I did find that the challenge grew easier over the weeks I did mine. The first few days were horrible as my body had adjusted to gluten free life and didnt appreciate me reintroducing gluten. By the end of the challenge I was coping better and the effects weren't quite as bad. Hopefully that will also be the case for you. I've...
  8. Regardless of what you've read, things definitely aren't as bleak as they seem. As per your previous thread, you're currently in the shock period and as the process goes on it will get, and look, a lot better. At the moment, at least if you're anything like I was, you could find out that celiac patients qualify for a million dollar beach house in Costa Rica...
  9. And here's me thinking I'm Gordon Ramsay when I chill a tin of coconut milk for a whipped cream substitute on my Christmas Trifle! You're showing me up mate
  10. It definitely looks tougher for vegetarians. Search this site, there's been lots of threads about it and some fantastic looking recipes and tips from users who have been in just your position. You're welcome This is your time to be a sourpuss, revel in it!
  11. Hi and welcome Here's a visual answer: At 6 months in you should be expecting more healing to come. Many see improvements over 12 months or longer after starting the gluten-free diet. Now your body is no longer under attack it can put its energies back into healing and improving. Eating well, making sure you don't have any other issues, some...
  12. Sometimes you do go hungry. In time you realise that isn't so bad, in fact it's probably far more natural a state - it's only recently that people have had their appetite sated at a moments notice. Mainly however this happens less and less as you get more attuned to the diet. You keep some nuts/gluten-free protein bars/fruit/safe chocolate etc with...
  13. Hi and welcome First off, whether you had symptoms or not, the diagnosis / realisation (I tested negative but still lifelong gluten-free duet to symptoms) that you are gluten free for life hits almost everyone like a train. I had a major depression hit me after the initial thunderclap recognition. I think many/most do. So this reaction would be with...
  14. Hi Serafina, I found your post fascinating. I've often thought of pursuing a meeting with Professor Hadjivassilou, you may be interested in the article by him I posted above in my first reply. It's one of the best overviews I've found of gluten's effect on the brain. One thing which struck me was this: Despite being gluten-free for a few...
  15. Ok that sounds like a plan Start to keep a food diary - this site will tell you how: https://familydoctor.org/nutrition-keeping-a-food-diary/ Finally a couple of suggestions, I apologise if they're not suitable. I looked and celiac in Syria is at similar levels to us here in the West. "Middle Eastern countries, including Iran, Turkey...
  16. Hello and welcome I saw a lot in your story that matches my own experience: This was me. Not so much headaches but the sinuses, coughing and sneezing, fatigue etc. I had several chest x rays after being unable to shake off coughs which lasted weeks on end. Again I had the same experience, right down to the friend remarking on how locked...
  17. Welcome Odai You do not need to apologise for your English, it's much better than our Arabic! It's difficult to advise you given your situation. You may be describing celiac/gluten related illness but it may be something else. Obviously we are not doctors and we are not there so it would be wrong of us to say either way. One thing you can do...
  18. I'm sorry I can't put a time on it - that whole period was overwhelming, I did keep a diary during my challenge but didn't continue it post going back to gluten-free. I also was still discovering back then that some of these things were gluten related. So it was only months later when I realised I'd not had eyesight issues for awhile, or that the twitch under...
  19. Have you experienced any adverse effects? If you don't swallow it you should be fine?
  20. Happy to. I get the brain fog confusion, then depression and anxiety. Overall a horrible sense of gloom and a feeling like I'm living life with a divers helmet on my head. To be honest I struggle to do justice to just how horrible the mental side is/was. I get muscle twitches. A nerve under my eye would pulse. My leg muscles would spasm uncontrollably...
  21. Hi and welcome I've just written this to another new member: For me, again not a diagnosed celiac, the neuro symptoms are first to arrive, last to leave if I slip on the diet, almost like an early warning system. I don't know the reasons why, but that's how it seems to operate. However they weren't the first symptoms I experienced growing up,...
  22. When you see this sign there's no gluten in the actual ingredients but the manufacturers of the product have looked at their factory / bakery etc. and they are warning you that due to their machinery/production processes etc there's a chance that some gluten will still make it into their finished article. Now no-one in business wants to lose sales, so...
  23. For me, again not a diagnosed celiac, the neuro symptoms are first to arrive, last to leave if I slip on the diet, almost like an early warning system. I don't know the reasons why, but that's how it seems to operate. However they weren't the first symptoms I experienced growing up, I think they took time to develop then. So if the neuropathy is gluten mediated...
  24. Welcome I think the GI was an idiot to talk down to you both, sadly some doctors don't have the best bedside manner. The best advice I can give is to try and get as much from them as possible but beyond a certain point you've done the right thing in seeking a second opinion. Quick google shows others who have seen fecal bo resolved after removing...
  25. Hi Geoff, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing your experience. There was a lot in there I found of interest but I wanted to briefly respond to this point: I understand your background and that you've done your own research. However I wonder if you're in danger of falling into a grey zone where in the absence of the celiac diagnosis you...
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