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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by Jmg

  1. Hi Lesley, Also from UK, my doctor also told me incorrect info leading up to my test. A lot of GP's don't understand this. My endoscopy also showed gastritis but not celiac. However I had full relief on the gluten free diet and am on it for life. Will you be having endoscopy at same time? You need to be eating gluten for that. I would stay...
  2. Hi Nicole, i had severe back pain centred on the left side of my back for many years. I thought it was due to an old back injury but it turned out that going strictly gluten free cured it and I now suspect the disk prolapse was a symptom of gluten rather than the cause of the back pain. Disclaimer, I'm not diagnosed celiac. if I slip on the...
  3. Yes they are nice. Don't forget to check out the frozen berry cheesecake in tesco, it's fantastic. I found a new treat at one of the biggest stores last week, a fresh lemon meringue pie! Serves six, last night I ate half of it... And now for some reason I have something in my eye...
  4. Sorry for a third go at this but I had a think about it. There's a point I should've made earlier. This is a site where most people come when they're not doing well, either pre or post diagnosis. So the readership here self selects for people that are having a problem. Now a lot of people get their celiac diagnosis, go through a period of readjustment...
  5. No, your blood may say there are currently no antibodies, but that isn't celiac, that's just an indicator of celiac induced response. Celiac is the orientation of your immune system to see gluten as a threat. That hasn't changed and it won't do. This is, at least at present, a lifelong condition. There's a couple of good book recommendations in the...
  6. Hi Johno, Sadly one of the features of our hard pressed medical service is that few specialists have any time to spend once diagnosis is complete. You get a brief 'don't eat gluten' and maybe a trip to a dietician if you are lucky. so it's not uncommon for celiacs to have no idea what is happening in their body when they ingest gluten. You are not alone...
  7. There's at least a couple of possibilities. You may have celiac but the tests missed it. Some only test positive to one or another blood marker, a small percentage are seronegative to any. Then sometimes an endoscopy may not reach the area of damage but a pill camera does. Or you may not have celiac but you may still respond to gluten. That's a more...
  8. Hello and welcome! Absolutely you are doing the right thing You are looking for answers and that's a good move. I dearly wish I'd done what you are doing at your age. You need to be confident and assertive. Stand up for yourself and for your right to seek the best health possible. You have response to the gluten free diet which is a key indicator...
  9. Outstanding, I'm doffing my cap in your direction. One thing I realised was my childhood placement of doctors on a pedestal wasn't helping me. They're human, there's good, bad and often indfifferent, just like policemen You need to make sure if they're fobbing you off that you ask them some closed questions. eg. 'On what clinical basis have you excluded...
  10. Hi Marcos and welcome Lot's of good advice above already. Some other suggestions. Your GP sounds like they've tuned you out. As CL says above consider finding another one. Also, next time and frankly every time you go again prepare for the consult as if it were a work meeting. It's very difficult sometimes with an unsupportive or even confrontational...
  11. Hi MissT I'm sorry you have so many restrictions on what you can eat. I struggle enough with removing gluten and dairy! I got protein in my urine prior to going gluten free. Seems ok now though. The sweet potatoes are a better source of carbs than regular ones. Green veggies are great, although you have to be careful not to overdo any part of...
  12. It's just bad science for them to say that. Certainly if he or she is going off the Monash research. When studies are conducted according to the Salerno criteria the results are different: http://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/7/6/4966
  13. You need to eat some protein and as CL says above healthy fats! The cucumber and apple are mostly water. So really at the moment you're limited to the carbs in the sweet potato and veggies. Healthy proteins Fish: Fish offers heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and, in general, less fat than meat. Poultry: You can eliminate...
  14. That was one of the faults of the Monash experiments in my view. They specifically selected patients with IBS symptoms. They then established that most of them weren't responding to gluten and from that finding came a spate of 'no such thing as gluten sensitivity' articles. Of course the reality is that NCGS is primarily non intestinal so the entire area...
  15. No that's a really good point mate. I'll amend my post also. Thanks for pointing it out
  16. Bone scan is because coeliac (may as well spell it right if I'm talking to a countryman ) can affect bone density and is linked to osteoporosis https://www.bones.nih.gov/health-info/bone/osteoporosis/conditions-behaviors/celiac the thing about the diet is that gluten isn't something that disagrees with you, or that you have to cut down on, or...
  17. Hi Louie and welcome Sorry you're feeling poorly. Although some do experience it, it's more likely some cross contamination than withdrawal from gluten. You're learning the hard way that the longer you go on the diet the more sensitive your body becomes to even tiny amounts of gluten. For now, stay hydrated and try to replace the salts etc...
  18. Hi Johno, fellow brit here. Crappy uk medical experience is par for the course unfortunately where this is concerned, so don't expect too much help from that sphere. Although with a positive diagnosis you should be eligible for dietician advice and monitoring of nutrient levels. First, 4 month in is still early days. If you have cracked the diet...
  19. I just quoted a little part but really much of your experiences could be mine. I won't bore you with it all, but chest pains came from 19, herniated disk came at 21, followed by 20 years of sciatic back pain. Depression at or about the same time. Brain fog little later. There was lots more, primarily neurological. Internally I expected to die in my 30s or...
  20. It's good to know it was of use, thanks for letting me know All the best, Matt
  21. I understand the science around distillation, but there appears to be at least a grey area on this question for some where gluten grains are used in spirits: https://www.verywell.com/will-whiskey-make-me-sick-if-im-gluten-free-562778 I didn't do well on whisky after going gluten-free and had already removed gluten based spirits prior to stopping drinking...
  22. Yes the crumpets are excellent. I have them quite often in the winter. Look and taste is excellent. They're probably not as chewy as the gluten ones but that's not really an issue as they are chewy in comparison to what I eat now.
  23. Wow! Didn't realise that was a possibilty! I've had the little biscuits they make, they're really nice and the only danger is finishing the entire bag at a sitting! The weird thing is that I wasn't that fussed about panettones until I couldn't have them any more, now I really want one The BeFree wraps are the best for burritos and the Newburn ones are...
  24. Hello and welcome I'm sorry you're having such a tough time. There are lot's of people here who have been through tough times of their own and come through the other side. There's no shortage of support and good advice available. However, it would probably help if you could put down some details about what medical checks your Doctors have conducted?...
  25. I only ever have black coffee, either espresso or americano (pretentious name annoys me but what can you do). It's listed as ok here: https://www.costa.co.uk/nutrition/Costa-ANI-data-November-2017.pdf so its only if there's cc that there would be a problem. I've been ok so far
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