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knitty kitty

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by knitty kitty

  1. Were you taking supplements in the weeks before having your B12 measured? Taking supplements before testing for deficiencies can cause falsely high readings. Weight gain or weight loss can be caused by low thiamine, needed to process fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy for the body. Low Thiamine and low magnesium can also cause constipation...
  2. Welcome to the forum, @glucel! Are you still consuming dairy? About half of people with Celiac Disease also react to dairy. Dairy products can make antibody levels rise. More importantly, vitamin deficiencies occur after surgery. Anesthesia can precipitate a B 12 deficiency because nitrous oxide used in anesthesia can irrevocably bind with...
  3. Yes, I do. Handled carefully, the bags of flour should not be a problem.
  4. I think the cashier's job in the supermarket would be better than the fast food restaurant job. You can always keep an M-95 mask in your pocket to use if you see someone purchasing sacks of flour in the grocery store. The airborne gluten would be much higher in a restaurant where cooking makes gluten particles airborne. Stay clear of the bakery...
  5. I understand. You've every right to be worried. I'm very concerned, too. If she doesn't improve, I would suggest a visit to urgent care or the emergency room. Thiamine deficiency, if not corrected quickly can cause permanent damage, especially with neurological symptoms. Doctors are not as knowledgeable about vitamin deficiencies as they need to...
  6. These are symptoms I had prior to diagnosis. I had become seriously malnourished. Unfortunately, my doctors didn't recognize nutritional deficiency symptoms, so I depended on my university studies in nutrition and microbiology. Before taking any vitamin supplements, talk to your doctor and nutritionist about testing for nutritional deficiencies. ...
  7. @moore.amy, I was the same way when younger. Our bodies become adapted to pumping out anti-gluten antibodies regularly, but when dairy is added, the additional reaction can push our limits and symptoms worsen. Our bodies may be able to keep up for a short time, but the malabsorption of nutrients catches up with us. Digestive enzymes from...
  8. Malnutrition caused by Celiac Disease can affect reproductive health. Talk to your doctor and nutritionist about supplementing with essential vitamins and minerals. Newly diagnosed Celiacs often have clinical or subclinical deficiencies. Low Thiamine Vitamin B1 can affect sperm formation. Thiamine needs the seven other water soluble B vitamins,...
  9. There's inflammation and there's Acute Inflammation which is way worse. Symptoms begin or worsen with acute inflammation. What lead you to see a doctor if you weren't having gastrointestinal symptoms? Celiac Disease can cause over two hundred symptoms, not all of them are gastrointestinal symptoms.
  10. I found this article very interesting, especially section 5.2 in which milk and wheat are discussed as environmental triggers in Celiac Disease. A Potential Link between Environmental Triggers and Autoimmunity https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3945069/
  11. @trents, Investigation into cow's milk protein and specifically Celiac Disease seem lacking, but cow's milk protein and other autoimmune diseases have been studied and there is a connection... Google this... Cow's milk protein "autoimmune" diseases. PubMed
  12. Lactose is the sugar/carbohydrate in dairy. I think you mean LactAse, the enzyme that breaks down LactOse in this quote. Lactobacillus does not produce LactAse for us to use. Lactobacillus break down lactose for their own use. The result of eating fermented pickles is that there is an increase in the lactobacillus population in the intestines...
  13. Yes, it's that high. Mucosal reactivity to cow's milk protein in coeliac disease https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1810502/ Lactose Intolerance is where the villi in the small intestine are damaged and cannot make Lactase, the enzyme that digests the sugar in dairy, Lactose. The protein in dairy, Casein, can stimulate the...
  14. The foods that you are sensitive to may contain high histamine levels. Your body makes histamine in response to foods you are sensitive to. Your body needs time to clear the build up of histamine from both high histamine foods and the high histamine levels your body makes in response to them. Avoiding high histamine foods for a while is important...
  15. Dairy will trigger the same reaction as gluten does in about fifty percent of Celiacs because Casein, the protein in dairy, resembles the protein Gluten. Dairy will provoke the same autoimmune reaction as gluten does, including damaging the villi in the intestines! Damage to the villi causes malabsorption of vitamins and minerals. Absorption of all...
  16. NCGS (Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity) can be a precursor to Celiac Disease in people with positive Celiac genes.
  17. Welcome to the forum, @Jole, Children often produce DGP IgG antibodies when so young. If TTG IgA antibody testing was done, false negatives could've been seen. Insufficient gluten consumption prior to blood tests can also cause false negatives. Genetic testing for Celiac Disease can help with diagnosis. Since Celiac Disease is an Autoimmune...
  18. Welcome to the forum, @Smitty1953, While the positive blood tests and biopsy/endoscopy are the preferred method of diagnosis, genetic testing and improvement on a gluten-free diet are acceptable testing methods if ones health is endangered doing a gluten challenge. Since Celiac Disease is a genetic autoimmune disease, one must have specific genes...
  19. @Ginger38, Call your doctor that treats your diabetes about the Januvia and about being at your tolerance level for the gluten challenge. Encourage this doctor to get the appointment with the gastroenterologist moved up. The increase in the dosage of Januvia may be causing side effects. "JANUVIA may have other side effects, including stomach...
  20. Fungal infections may be indicative of nutritional deficiencies. Nutritional deficiencies occur in Celiac Disease due to malabsorption. The Gluten Free Diet can be low in essential vitamins and minerals. Many of the B Complex vitamins and fat soluble vitamins (Thiamine B1, Niacin B3, Vitamins C, D, and A) are important to skin integrity. Blood...
  21. I agree with @Scott Adams. It may have been something else. Sensitivity to Sulfites can develop in Celiac Disease. Many of those scents in perfumes, air freshener, laundry detergent and dryer sheets contain Sulfites. I've got Sulfite Hypersensitivity. I've reacted to perfumed things. Gluten is not the cause of everything.
  22. Yes, @itarachiu, taking antibiotics and probiotics together is rather useless. However, since Rifaximin promotes the good bacteria naturally in the intestines, boosting those with a probiotic containing good bacteria like Lactobacillis should still be beneficial. Finishing the antibiotics first, then follow up with probiotics is a good plan, too.
  23. @itarachiu, We are supposed to have beneficial bacteria in our intestines. Rifaximin has been shown in early studies to promote the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria. You may want to consider taking a probiotic and continue taking B Complex vitamins as Rifaximin can cause vitamin deficiencies. So glad you are seeing improvement...
  24. I agree with @Wheatwacked. More nutritional factors need to be looked at in Celiac Disease. Dr. Han only mentioned checking vitamin levels once in passing. Doctors need to acknowledge the importance of nutritional factors in Celiac Disease. Not only does Vitamin D help regulate the immune system, other vitamins like Thiamine and the rest of...
  25. @GardeningForHealth, The essential vitamins need to be taken all together. There's a balance. Just taking one vitamin or mineral can throw that balance out of whack. Blood tests for serum vitamin levels are unreliable. You can have vitamin deficiency symptoms before a deficiency is detected in the bloodstream. The proper way to treat...
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