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knitty kitty

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by knitty kitty

  1. Playing the devil's advocate.....if you want to have a DH outbreak, eat foods high in iodine, such as seaweed or kelp, strawberries, cranberries, turkey, shrimp and dairy products like cheese and yogurt, or even idolized salt. I had really bad DH outbreaks after eating rye breads and thick chewy pizza crust. Here's a couple of articles that might...
  2. https://www.livestrong.com/article/269105-skin-rashes-caused-by-vitamin-deficiency/ This article gives information on different kinds of skin problems caused by vitamin deficiencies. The eight B vitamins and vitamins A and D are extremely important to skin health! Rashes and itching and bumps are the first clues you could be deficient. I...
  3. I have suffered from this. Try increasing your vitamin D, zinc and vitamin C. My vitamin D was very low at the time. I got my vitamin D, zinc and C levels up with supplements and noticed great improvement. Takes several weeks though. Here's a study on the vitamin C helping with it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5125947/ Hope...
  4. Optic neuritis may be caused by nutritional deficiencies, especially deficiencies in vitamins B 12, D and A and some of the other B vitamins. This happened to me leaving me blind. B12 deficiency can also make DH worse. Vitamin A deficiency is often found in Sjogrens. Malabsorption goes with Celiac Disease. Please get checked for nutritional...
  5. http://www.thepatientceliac.com/tag/mast-cell-activation-syndrome-and-celiac/ Here's an article or two on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It explains how some foods cause a release of histamine but they overreact and cause all sorts of problems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3033552/ AutoImmune Protocol Paleo diet is also very...
  6. Goose flesh....you know when you're cold and you get chill bumps? Well, goose flesh is like those bumps but they stay even when you're not cold. It's caused by a build up of keratin near hair follicles. Keratin can also build up in your intestinal tract and lungs. The body needs vitamin A to process out that keratin, and for skin and eye health, and blood...
  7. Have you been checked for vitamin deficiencies? Niacin (B3) or thiamine (B1) deficiency will cause gastrointestinal symptoms like you described. Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. Many Celiacs develop nutritional deficiencies even on a gluten free diet. Doctors easily overlook vitamin and mineral deficiencies because they...
  8. I suggest you have your doctor check for nutritional deficiencies common in Celiacs. Deficiency in Vitamin D can make psoriasis worse. Vitamin A deficiency can cause goose flesh and other skin problems. Also deficiencies in several B vitamins can manifest as skin problems. Deficiencies of Vitamins B12, B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin), and B 9 (methylfolate...
  9. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2036.2009.04039.x/full Thought you might like this study done on Celiac patients concerning anti-tissue transglutaminase levels. They conclude high anti-tissue transglutaminase levels may be due to gluten still in the diet, iron deficiency, or abnormal duodenal histology. Getting really strict...
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3099351/ This is a National Institute of Health article that summarizes many of the studies done on SIBO, including diagnosis and treatment with different medications. Perhaps your insurance would cover a medication mentioned here. Also be aware SIBO causes malabsorption, so check into possible vitamin...
  11. Hi! I understand. I reacted that way to the bakery aisle, seafood restaurants (crustacean allergy), and anything dairy (wicked allergy). I had lots of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, so I encourage you to get your nutritional status tested. I find calcium supplements and Passion Flower extract helps tremendously for sudden attacks. Calcium...
  12. Just wanted to leave a link to an article about nutritional deficiencies that may play a part in thyroid problems. http://hypothyroidmom.com/10-nutrient-deficiencies-every-thyroid-patient-should-have-checked/ And a research article that links Mthfr gene mutations to thyroid problems. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23039890 Mthfr...
  13. Hi. I'm glad you found the link helpful. I have some more for you. Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. I had developed pellagra and my doctors didn't recognize it because they had never seen it. That's a third world disease, right? No! It's a malnutrition disease that can happen to anyone with malabsorption. https...
  14. Hi! I've had heart palpitations. They're very scary, so I understand. Get your vitamin D, B12 and folate levels checked. Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. Deficiencies in certain vitamins can have an impact on how your organs function. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4379639/ https://www.ncbi.nlm...
  15. http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/nutrients-needed-red-blood-cell-production-5131.html More than just iron is needed to correct anemia. Several B vitamins, copper and vitamin A are needed, too, and are often low in newly diagnosed Celiacs. Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. Supplementation may be necessary until the body...
  16. Funny you should ask about Lectins because I am currently recovering from a recent run in with some pinto beans. After reading soaking longer than overnight helps break down those Lectins, I soaked them for twenty-four hours Then I cooked the spots off them! And still, they have wreaked havoc in my tummy. Ugh! So while recuperating, I did some...
  17. Just recently found this article about a woman suffering from neuropathy which was caused by copper deficiency caused by Celiac Disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19901719 Copper deficiency myeloneuropathy due to occult celiac disease. "...the authors suggest that some cases of ataxia associated with celiac disease are likely due...
  18. http://www.podiatrytoday.com/when-vitamin-and-nutritional-deficiencies-cause-skin-and-nail-changes This article discusses many skin, hair and nail changes due to vitamin deficiencies. It says Beau's lines are caused by zinc deficiency.
  19. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4199287/#!po=1.04167 Nutritional neuropathies are discussed in this paper. I find it amusing Celiac Disease was not specifically mentioned as a cause of nutritional deficiencies. Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. Deficiencies in several B vitamins and some minerals can cause...
  20. JaneWhoLovesRain, Have you tried cutting out dairy altogether? Dairy can be hard to digest if your intestinal cilia are damaged from gluten. Have you cut your protein level too low? Protein is needed to grow hair and is a good source of B vitamins and various minerals. Are you eating beans as a protein source? Beans can be hard to digest, too...
  21. Thought maybe this article might be helpful. It explains what all goes into making the thyroid function properly. http://hypothyroidmom.com/10-nutrient-deficiencies-every-thyroid-patient-should-have-checked/ Perhaps ensuring you get the proper nutrients may help your thyroid and your overall health. Sometimes supplementation is necessary, even...
  22. "the shocked \ disgusted reactions people display when the celiac secret comes out..." "Not to mention having to admit to celiac in front of people and watching \ hearing the sarcastic reactions for the hundredth time." http://www.wavlist.com/movies/085/agd-horror.wav "Embrace the Horror!" People in general fear what they don't understand...
  23. Stay on a diet containing gluten until all your tests are done. Removing gluten will cause your body to stop making the antibodies against gluten. The antibodies you make are what is being measured in those blood tests. http://www.thepatientceliac.com/tag/histamine-and-celiac/ This page is very helpful. Be sure to read her connecting pages...
  24. http://www.podiatrytoday.com/when-vitamin-and-nutritional-deficiencies-cause-skin-and-nail-changes I found this article very helpful. There are many skin, hair and nail changes that take place when your vitamin levels get low. Remember, Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. Sometimes healing Celiacs need some help from...
  25. Real scientific study "Maize prolamins could induce a gluten-like cellular immune response in some celiacdisease patients." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24152750 And another real study discusses grains and their effects on the mind and body. "Bread and Other Edible Agents of Mental Disease." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc...
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