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knitty kitty

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Celiac.com - Celiac Disease & Gluten-Free Diet Support Since 1995

Everything posted by knitty kitty

  1. Here's another article on vitamin deficiencies that occur in a similar malabsorption disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28216963
  2. Christiana, Low ferritin (iron) is often accompanied by low vitamin B 12, folate (another B vitamin), vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin D. These vitamins and minerals all work together. The B vitamins are water soluble and need to be replenished every day. Malabsorption from Celiac disease can make getting enough nutrients difficult without supplementation...
  3. heatman, the symptoms you described may be due to vitamin deficiencies... Celiac Disease causes malabsorption which results in malnutrition. Even on a gluten free diet malnutrition may occur. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12144584 Deficiencies of the B vitamins can manifest as skin problems, intestinal upsets, and headaches...
  4. Hello. I was wondering what flavor the potato chips were. Some flavors have dairy in them, like sour cream and onion, or ranch, or cheese. Sometimes people with Celiac Disease develop an intolerance, or even an allergy, to dairy which can affect behavior, too. Some chips have flavor enhancers akin to MSG that might trigger a reaction. Potato...
  5. Ennis, Sorry you're not feeling well. I've had the same experience with mushrooms, mostly they're okay, but occasionally not. Yes, the sliced ones have a higher risk for contamination (found out the hard way), but I'm frugal, too, and bought them on sale. Shiitake mushrooms are grown on logs. Haven't been glutened by a shiitake yet. : ) The...
  6. Vitamin D deficiency is connected to sleep apnea. Vitamin D deficiency is common with Celiac Disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26414899 Hope this helps!
  7. Hello! Celiac Disease causes malabsorption of nutrients and vitamins. While you're healing, you may not be able to absorb all you need, and supplementing may be necessary. Vitamin D and the B complex vitamins are often low in newly diagnosed people. Here's an interesting article on how low vitamin levels may be contributing to the edema. http:...
  8. AristotlesCat, You said you tested positive for antibodies. Were the tests specific for gliadin antibodies? Or just antibodies of inflammation in general? Coffee contains polyphenols. The amount of polyphenols can vary with the roasting time of the coffee beans. Perhaps the coffee you've switched to contains more polyphenols. Polyphenols...
  9. GeorgeW, Hi. I'm sorry you're feeling ill and are frustrated finding answers. I understand. I spend a bit of time researching how Celiac Disease and the resulting malnutrition can affect us. I'm not a doctor. I'm a microbiologist. You said you were very careful with your gluten free diet, so I believe you weren't glutenized. However, vitamin...
  10. Anil, I'm so glad you are feeling better! The article suggests 600mg of magnesium (too much magnesium will cause diarrhea), 400mg of riboflavin (too much will cause tingling or flushing), and 500mg of omega 3. I took my supplements in divided doses with each meal. I also take a B-Complex vitamin that has 50mg of all the B vitamins and 400mg...
  11. Anil, I understand how uncomfortable migraines can be. I've suffered from them for many years, too. I found several scientific studies that suggest that Riboflavin (vitamin B 2), omega 3 fatty acids, and magnesium may help. My migraines began to decrease in intensity and frequency after taking these supplements. This article explains...
  12. Hello. The cheilitis and the itchy rash after sun exposure, the sensitivity to light, and dents in fingernails, and the tingling cold extremities and palpitations are symptoms of deficiency of B vitamins, especially B 3, niacin, and B12, and iron deficiency and vitamin A and D deficiencies. I experienced something similar when I was looking for answers...
  13. Jm34, Has your calcium level been checked lately? http://universityhealthnews.com/daily/nutrition/21-calcium-deficiency-symptoms-that-will-surprise-you/ This article describes things that can affect your calcium intake, such as proton pump inhibitors (which you have taken in the past), vitamin D deficiency (which you have) and magnesium...
  14. Oh! I'm so sorry to hear that your condition is so serious. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. We're here to support you through this. Please keep us posted on your progress. Knitting kitty P.S. It might be beneficial to mention your problem with dietary sulfites to your doctors. I believe there's a connection there.
  15. Sorry you're having such a rough go. I sympathize with you. Do you have an allergy to Sulfa drugs? A similar thing happened to me. I started getting sick whenever I ate something canned. After some research, I found that the plastic-y lining of the cans have Sulfites in them. Sulfites are used as antimicrobial agents... Clindamycin is a sulfa...
  16. Jm34, oh, how frustrating your doctor visit was! Could you have a sulfa drug allergy? Those PPI's often are sulfa drugs. Many Celiacs develop a reaction to drugs containing sulfur. It's got something to do with an inability to metabolize them properly. Perhaps your doctor could recommend a different medication, one without sulfur. It's...
  17. JM34, I recommend the book "Niacin: the real story" by Dr. Abram Hoffer. Yes, when you first start taking niacin, you will experience flushing, but the longer you take it, the more the flushing subsides. The flushing is simply the blood vessels in your skin opening. The non-flushing/extended release niacin may cause gastrointestinal upsets that you would...
  18. JM34, Are you taking Niacin? You seem to have had diarrhea for quite a while now. You mentioned your acne came back. You say you get irritated easily. These are symptoms of Pellagra....diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2084620 This is an article about irritated esophagus in people with Pellagra...
  19. Egs1707, Did you ever get your vitamin D level checked??? I encourage you to do so asap. Depression can be caused by a deficiency of vitamin D. I was vitamin D deficient and the world looked as bleak and dark and foreboding as you see it now. Damaged villa can't absorb fats well, and vitamin D is a fat based vitamin. Your brain needs omega...
  20. You poor thing! You have been having a bad time! Bless your heart. I experienced similar weakness and anxiety. I had Pellagra in addition to Celiac Disease. Pellagra is a deficiency of Niacin, a B vitamin. The four D's of Pellagra are diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia and death. The dementia made me depressed and anxious. I could not think properly...
  21. I take 250mg with each meal and snacks. I read a book "Niacin, the real story" by Drs. Hoffer, Saul, and Foster, which advocates high doses. I started small and am increasing my dosage. I'm often sceptical of "cure-all," fad diet, latest health craze books, but this one confirms the research I did prior to stumbling across this book. I have experienced...
  22. Niacin definitely helped me with the itching!!! It has also helped me regain blood sugar control after years of being type two diabetic. My peripheral neuropathy is going away. My rashes have cleared. It's amazed me to feel the difference. I would be sceptical if I hadn't lived through it myself. You might want to consider going dairy free, too...
  23. Hello. I have Celiac Disease and developed Pellagra. Pellagra is a vitamin deficiency disease caused by a deficiency of niacin. Symptoms include rashes on the shins and arms and around the neck, basically where the skin is exposed to the sun. Another symptom is brain fog. If untreated, dementia sets in. The small intestine absorbs niacin,...
  24. Bad Casper, I understand how you feel. I posted earlier about anticholinergic drugs and nightshade, but I also react to anything dairy. Gluten and dairy have similarly shaped proteins that clog up receptors in the brain. When I have dairy, I become very emotionally upset. It's like Veruca Salt (from Willy Winka and the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder...
  25. Nightshades. I thought all the fuss about nightshades was a bunch of hooey, until I ate some green potatoes. I had the worst experience in my life. I thought I was going completely mad. Very scary. Curled up in a ball and waited for it to pass. It took days. When I could think again, although still foggy, I reseached nightshades and found they have...
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