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  1. Figured I'd update since I find it annoying when people vanish and you don't know what happed to them. Dr said no to the endoscopy because I've only had one fistula and he isn't treating me for celiac so no. I expected it, but the medical and insurance hoops you have to jump are ridiculous. They did surgery on Thursday to hopefully fix me up this time. Changed...
  2. As soon as I got to the hospital I told everyone about no gluten and wrote it on everything, but post surgery they tried giving me crackers and none of my meals were ok. So odds are good something they gave me might have been gluteny. I was in no place to figure anything out. I was admitted and given some type of antiinflammatory, and IV for fluids, antibiotic...
  3. That makes me feel a bit better. My mom and sister have had cysts too so maybe we are just a cysty bunch. Too many antibiotics (three rx and an IV) and the stress and infection (I left out the abscess part and edited above) are maybe just keeping me down physically and when I get down I tend to get down emotionally too. To the best of my ability it seems...
  4. I figure background is helpful. Diagnosed with celiac and Gluten-Free for 5 yrs. Dairy free for 3 years. In September I noticed a small hard lump in my butt cheek. Diagnosed cellulitis and antibiotics for a week. Felt better for a few days then worse. Ultrasound of lump in October. Mid-October was told it was a complex cyst and needed to be removed. Surgical...
  5. A friend had a daughter diagnosed a few months ago. She, her husband and their other two children were gene tested following. Friend was positive for one, kids were negative, and husband was positive for two. Husband was scoped Tuesday. Dr told him to go completely dairy free until the results come in as he has GI issues and dairy has been an issue in the...
  6. A friend of mine has a daughter who was just diagnosed with celiac so my friend, her husband and their two other children were gene tested. Kids were negative. My friend was only positive for one and her husband was positive for two. The dr had him do an endoscopy Tuesday. The dr said to go completely dairy free (he's had issues in the past with dairy) until...
  7. Just saw these comments. Started B12 and iron. Nothing crazy. I will look in to tyrosine. Thanks for trying to help me.
  8. On the lab report it says if symptoms such as restless leg are present at a level below 50 supplements may help. I do get restless leg as well as several other things so I'm wondering if that is part of my problem. My gliadin iga ab is 21. One point from being negative. SO close. Last time it was 41 and two yrs prior it was over 100 so still improving but...
  9. Interesting. My ferritin level is 37. I've been complaining of exhaustion, hair loss and a few other things. All my labs including thyroid were normal so that was the end of that, but I know normal isn't necessarily optimal. First time they have ever checked my ferritin. Wondering now if supplementing a bit might be helpful for me.
  10. He didn't do any autoimmune type testing. I always have dry eyes, but I'm still able to wear contacts most days. My mouth doesn't feel dry usually, but I've had serious dental issues the past few years. Could just be celiac deficiencies catching up I suppose. My protein was 8.2 where 7.9 was the max for lab range. Not crazy high. I read an article...
  11. Sigh. Got the labs back. CBC all normal. Comprehensive metabolic panel the only things that were off were calcium, ca and protein, total. Both were high. I had the stomach bug a few days prior and wisdom teeth out a few weeks before that. They think minor dehydration and my calcium corrected dis normal. Vit d is 59. Highest I'd ever had preceliac was 24...
  12. I went to the dr (pcp) with my list of symptoms and list of tests and questions. I assumed I'd get the call back saying my thyroid was whacked out and go from there. Well, they called today to say all labs looks really good and the dr is puzzled by my symptoms. Awesome. Story of my life. I haven't received the labs back yet but he was supposed to run the...
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